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orange machine
02-08-2011, 01:23 AM
clean out your pm box.

orange machine
02-08-2011, 05:09 PM
you havent cleaned out your box yet.

02-08-2011, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by orange machine
you havent cleaned out your box yet.

Perhaps his PM box doesn't accept profanity-laced hate mail.....:D

02-10-2011, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by orange machine
clean out your pm box.

Sorry OM! I let my box get a little overloaded. It's fixed now.

You are wasting both of our time by sending me this religious propaganda. Although I have never stated that God does not exist it is my opinion that the Christian version of God does not. I find it extremely contradictory to take the Christian Bible literally and cannot force myself to do so.

orange machine
02-10-2011, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
Sorry OM! I let my box get a little overloaded. It's fixed now.

You are wasting both of our time by sending me this religious propaganda. Although I have never stated that God does not exist it is my opinion that the Christian version of God does not. I find it extremely contradictory to take the Christian Bible literally and cannot force myself to do so.
I was just trying to show you that the guy you tried to refute me with isn't much of a Christian man himself!

02-10-2011, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by orange machine
I was just trying to show you that the guy you tried to refute me with isn't much of a Christian man himself!

Sorry OM! I have no idea who David Stewart is. I simply googled the name of the guy you were using to prove to me that our world is coming to a end and the first thing to pop up was this David guy showing all the false and bogus information that is being put out there by your guy. My personal belief is that NONE of them can be trusted. The entire world is wrapped up in the Biblical interpretations of these money hungry people or people who have an agenda. And not just recently but over 1000 years ago when MEN were deciding which scriptures should be included and excluded from the Bible! And the MEN who translated the scriptures from the lost languages that they were originally written in also had an agenda. Anytime scripture seems to support the existence of the Chruch while seeming to be contrary to what any logical person would call a "Loving" God we should question it! And if you question ANY of it-you must question ALL of it! The WORD OF GOD should be absolute! The first time the Church made a change in Scripture they lost their ability to make the claim that it was the word of God! At that point it became the Churches interpretation of the Word of God! All bets were off at that time! But that's just me!

02-10-2011, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
Sorry OM! I have no idea who David Stewart is. I simply googled the name of the guy you were using to prove to me that our world is coming to a end and the first thing to pop up was this David guy showing all the false and bogus information that is being put out there by your guy. My personal belief is that NONE of them can be trusted. The entire world is wrapped up in the Biblical interpretations of these money hungry people or people who have an agenda. And not just recently but over 1000 years ago when MEN were deciding which scriptures should be included and excluded from the Bible! And the MEN who translated the scriptures from the lost languages that they were originally written in also had an agenda. Anytime scripture seems to support the existence of the Chruch while seeming to be contrary to what any logical person would call a "Loving" God we should question it! And if you question ANY of it-you must question ALL of it! The WORD OF GOD should be absolute! The first time the Church made a change in Scripture they lost their ability to make the claim that it was the word of God! At that point it became the Churches interpretation of the Word of God!
All bets were off at that time! But that's just me!
My thoughts exactly, Not to mention how many times it was translated before it got to the english version.

02-10-2011, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by GrTigers6
My thoughts exactly, Not to mention how many times it was translated before it got to the english version.

:doh: Jesus speake English, I saw it in Sunday School in a cartoon movie!

orange machine
02-11-2011, 03:49 AM
Farmersfan you bring up some good points, but we have over 25,000 new testament manuscripts that have been dated back to the first century AD that prove that the Bible we have today is almost identical to to the ones written thousand of years ago. Also finding the Dead Sea scrolls which are dated to around 2 BC contain the scriptures of Isaiah and they match perfecty with our OT. The Bible has been carefully copied and is in harmony with all ancient writings of the Bible. As far as the world ending I'm not saying the world is going to end tomorrow, but I am saying we are leaving in the end times and that's it's near.

02-11-2011, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by orange machine
Farmersfan you bring up some good points, but we have over 25,000 new testament manuscripts that have been dated back to the first century AD that prove that the Bible we have today is almost identical to to the ones written thousand of years ago. Also finding the Dead Sea scrolls which are dated to around 2 BC contain the scriptures of Isaiah and they match perfecty with our OT. The Bible has been carefully copied and is in harmony with all ancient writings of the Bible. As far as the world ending I'm not saying the world is going to end tomorrow, but I am saying we are leaving in the end times and that's it's near.

Everything we know about the Word of God has been edited to suit the agendas of those in position to do the editing since the beginning. The inherent contradictions in the Bible essentually prove this point in my mind. I find it highly unlikely that the TRUE Word of God would have such contradictions. The original Bible was decided on by a small group of MEN known as the Council of Carthage. For every single original text that was included, 100s were excluded. Those that were included were deemed "Directly Inspired" by God. Who decided which were and which weren't "Directly Inspired"? MEN! And these very MEN that decided these texts were the true words of God himself proceeded to change and alter these words over the next several 1000 years. I don't think we really know exactly how many translations of these original works have been passed down from generation to generation. What we do know is that they are all supposed to be directly inspired by God so we are not to question them. It was this basic understanding that all knowledge of God that we have is supposed to have been inspired by God himself that prompted me to ask you if you truely believe that God mistaken took a man made machine to be a Sea Monster. Perhaps the original author did not understand what he saw but the one who "Directly Inspired" him to write in down certainly should have known.

02-11-2011, 09:49 AM
I believe in my Heavenly Father. His name is Jesus Christ.:)

He came and died for my sins.

02-11-2011, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by theville
I believe in my Heavenly Father. His name is Jesus Christ.:)

He came and died for my sins.

Here is a perfect example:

We believe our God allowed/caused the systematic torture and execution of his only true son in order to grant forgiveness to us for breaking HIS rules when it is known that he created us with the very nature that causes us to break those rules to begin with. Would we support our neighbor killing his son so that he could forgive his daughter of breaking HIS curfew rules?
In my opinion the only way this act would or could be viewed as a noble or even desireable act would be IF God did this to redeem us from a HIGHER power.(Not redeem us from HIS own wrath) Even then it would be a selfish act because he killed his SON instead of taking the burden on himself. As a symbolic gesture it could have tons of meaning. As a litteral event it reeks of arrogance, intolerance and a completely self absorbed attitude. A complete contradiction to a loving and caring God. I could NEVER associate this attribute to a God that would be worthy of worship.

Ranger Mom
02-11-2011, 11:06 AM
As much as I don't agree with some of the things being said here, and as much as I understand the need of some to be a witness, it is not allowed on this forum.

If you are a donating member, you are more than welcome to take it up in the donating member forum where the rules are a bit more lax....or take it up in PM's.

This thread is a direct violation of rule #4.

4). No political/religious topics. (2 points) Political topics involving American political parties and their current candidates for office (or those already elected and/or currently serving) and religious topics are forbidden. Both of these generally invoke problems and sometimes cause hard feelings.

This thread is now closed!

I would rather live my life like there is a God and find out that there isn't, than live my life like there isn't a God and find out that there is!