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02-07-2011, 09:46 AM

Will Rangers be better without Young? I do not think so!

02-07-2011, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by LoboesWT

Will Rangers be better without Young? I do not think so!

Although he did win some Gold Gloves in recent years, Mike Young was a defensive liability. The biggest hole on the defense in the World Series was right down the third base line. Also Young has put together some really good batting averages but doesn't it seem like he goes through some very long dry spells before he is able to turn it on? I like M. Young but the Rangers can do better at this point in his career.

02-07-2011, 09:56 AM
If I was the Rangers I would tell Young..BYE!

He is like greg Ellis..he has gotten a pass from the DFW media when he whined..he is a bad 3B and the Rangers are trying to fix holes, and he was a hole at 3B. If he cannot accepot his role now, then say thanks and move on

Twirling Time
02-07-2011, 11:05 AM
Once the Rangers got Beltre and Napoli the writing was on the wall. They cannot afford a $16 million utility guy if they want to re-sign Hamilton, Cruz and Wilson.

I hope Texas gets some good prospects in return. One name I heard was Jose Lopez.

02-07-2011, 11:24 AM
I would be disappointed to see Michael Yound leave. He has become a liability at third though. He is the rock in that clubhouse. The blue collar guy that goes out there everyday and handles his business. Plus, I'm not sure Beltre is as much of an upgrade as everyone is claiming. He had good numbers in LA did nothing in Seattle and was so-so at best in Boston. We'll see, the Rangers paid him too much for too long, but that's what the market price was in this era of no true third-basemen. Mike Young still has a few good years left in him, just not sure they will be in Texas. I wish him well, whatever happens.

02-07-2011, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
If I was the Rangers I would tell Young..BYE!

He is like greg Ellis..he has gotten a pass from the DFW media when he whined..he is a bad 3B and the Rangers are trying to fix holes, and he was a hole at 3B. If he cannot accepot his role now, then say thanks and move on

When did Young whine?? I wouldn't call him bad at 3B. He was more than serviceable.

02-07-2011, 12:18 PM
I think you can use him at First and dh. But he would not be on the field that much and he is pretty expensive for that.
His batting is dropping some. If I spend 16 I sure want a solid 330 guy with power. Or a guy who could still play well enough that I did not hire a replacement.

02-07-2011, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
When did Young whine?? I wouldn't call him bad at 3B. He was more than serviceable.

he asked for a trade two years ago before being talked off the ledge when Andrus came up; now after he told the team that he'd move to DH, he's changing his mind and decided he wants to play the field after the team has already signed a new 3B and he tells them he wants out again.

And more than serviceable is a bit of a reach. He was below average at 3B.

But I really hope they don't trade him. The team will basically be making a salary dump which would make them worse without him than with him. Jose Lopez would be a bad acquisition. He's a decent defensive player with a bad bat who doesn't take walks.

02-07-2011, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Twirling Time
Once the Rangers got Beltre and Napoli the writing was on the wall. They cannot afford a $16 million utility guy if they want to re-sign Hamilton, Cruz and Wilson.

I hope Texas gets some good prospects in return. One name I heard was Jose Lopez.

Actually, the reports are that Young is the one driving this. He's not happy getting paid $16 million per year to DH and play utility infielder.

I'm a fan of Young, but I'm with the club here. These guys need to buck up and play. He's been a liability on defense for a couple of years now. He has to accept that. I think the team has been fair with him and reports are that the team NEVER actively shopped him around. The Rockies have been the one's bugging the Rangers.

02-07-2011, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
he asked for a trade two years ago before being talked off the ledge when Andrus came up; now after he told the team that he'd move to DH, he's changing his mind and decided he wants to play the field after the team has already signed a new 3B and he tells them he wants out again.

And more than serviceable is a bit of a reach. He was below average at 3B.

But I really hope they don't trade him. The team will basically be making a salary dump which would make them worse without him than with him. Jose Lopez would be a bad acquisition. He's a decent defensive player with a bad bat who doesn't take walks.

You guys must live in a perfect world if you think Young is a whiner :rolleyes:

02-07-2011, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
You guys must live in a perfect world if you think Young is a whiner :rolleyes:

lets see..twice now he is demanded a trade when unhappy..if his name was TO, or someone like that he would be skewed in the media for making so much money and wanting to be traded every time the team wants to make a move.

02-07-2011, 04:52 PM
Young has been a team player. This has been the company line by all his managers and even Nolan. Except for the move to third because of Elvis, I don't think he was replaced because the new palyer was better. He was moved because he was a better all around player and not a complainer.

I would hate to see him traded but I would not hold it against him for wanting to go back to second base. I believe that on another good team he would be an anchor up the middle and add a strong bat to almost any lineup.

He is like Jim Sundberg. I hope he gets a winning World Series Ring like Jim did.

02-07-2011, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
lets see..twice now he is demanded a trade when unhappy..if his name was TO, or someone like that he would be skewed in the media for making so much money and wanting to be traded every time the team wants to make a move.

2 times? really? the 1st time it came out that he never demanded a trade. so far this time it's "sources". There's sources saying Sean Payton is going to leave the Saints and take a job with the Cowboys, I guess we should believe that also.

02-07-2011, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
Young has been a team player.

I just personally think he has been a "team player" because he had to be..when he made the move to 3B and then demanded a trade, no one was really interested and he then said well ok I will move, but like Greg Ellis when he moved IMO he did it because he did not have alot of options.

Now he is demanding another trade, and if the trade is not a good fit for the Rangers and they dont make it, dont be surprised if he then comes back with the I am a team player mantra and will do what the Rangers wanted me to from the beginning.

02-07-2011, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
2 times? really? the 1st time it came out that he never demanded a trade. so far this time it's "sources". There's sources saying Sean Payton is going to leave the Saints and take a job with the Cowboys, I guess we should believe that also.

Show me where it came out that he DIDN'T ask for a trade the first time. He and the Rangers mended fences and acted like it was water under the bridge, but there are stories all over in places like this example where Jon Daniels clearly indicates Young's unhappiness:


Now, the Rangers came out a month ago and publicly stated that he would NOT be traded, and suddenly rumors start popping up after the latest Mike Napoli deal and now word comes out that he wants to be traded, which would be the only scenario where the Rangers could possibly justify trading a player after they told him and told the public that they weren't going to move him.

Young has absolutely been a professional in his time here and has given the franchise a ton. He'll most likely have his number retired after his career is all said and done. With that said though, he's whining. He said he'd make the move; the Rangers wouldn't have signed Beltre initially if he hadn't agreed to it, and now he changes his mind because he's reportedly worried about his NEXT contract?

02-07-2011, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03

key word

02-07-2011, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
key word

the Rangers called a press conference the first time


Rangers general manager Jon Daniels said Sunday night during a hastily called conference call that the team has looked into trade possibilities but remains hopeful Young will remain in Texas.

It was not rumor or a source, it was Young and his agent

02-07-2011, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
key word

Update as of this afternoon:

Rangers confirm that Michael Young has told them he wants out:


02-08-2011, 03:58 PM
Young speaks out...

Michael Young Speaks (http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/view/265670-young-sick-of-rangers-treatment?xid=cnnbin&hpt=Sbin)

Things look like they are headed downhill and getting personal. Shame for both sides. I hope there is resolution for both soon.

02-08-2011, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
Young speaks out...

Michael Young Speaks (http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/view/265670-young-sick-of-rangers-treatment?xid=cnnbin&hpt=Sbin)

Things look like they are headed downhill and getting personal. Shame for both sides. I hope there is resolution for both soon.

I've got a very strong feeling that the resolution is going to involve JD and MY sitting down and having a long talk, then both of them realizing that Young can't go anywhere. The Rangers aren't going to give away an all-star hitter for next to nothing, which is what they'd have to do given his contract, and he's not going to sit out and refuse to play, because they could suspend him without pay or pursue voiding his contract if he refused to play long enough, and he'd never see that type of money again.

02-08-2011, 05:07 PM
It would be in his best interest to play for the Rangers till the end of May, he would then have more control over his own destiny and the remainder of his career. Not sure why he would ask to be traded right now.

02-08-2011, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by defense51
It would be in his best interest to play for the Rangers till the end of May, he would then have more control over his own destiny and the remainder of his career. Not sure why he would ask to be traded right now.

He has the same control right now. He's told them the 8 teams he's willing to accept a trade to, and has told them he's not interested in moving elsewhere. Come May, nothing will change on his front as he's still able to tell the team which teams he'd play for.

02-08-2011, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
and was so-so at best in Boston. He hit.320 28 homers and drove in more than a 100 runs not a bad year at all. 5th in the league in Slugging and led the league in doubles.

orange machine
02-09-2011, 12:33 AM
these guys bring up some great points about Young on this video.


02-09-2011, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
He hit.320 28 homers and drove in more than a 100 runs not a bad year at all. 5th in the league in Slugging and led the league in doubles. I'll agree with that, not a bad YEAR. He's unreliable healthwise, and his glove isn't any better than Young's. The glove part of course is opinion only, but his injury track record isn't very promising and he sucked in Seattle. He was pretty good in LA though so hopefully he can stay healthy and benefit from the launching pad known as Rangers Ballpark in Arlington.

orange machine
02-09-2011, 01:18 AM
I thought Beltra was a bigger guy than 5'11?

02-09-2011, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I'll agree with that, not a bad YEAR. He's unreliable healthwise, and his glove isn't any better than Young's. The glove part of course is opinion only, but his injury track record isn't very promising and he sucked in Seattle. He was pretty good in LA though so hopefully he can stay healthy and benefit from the launching pad known as Rangers Ballpark in Arlington.

Beltre is FAR FAR FAR better of a glove guy than Young..Beltre is in top 3 in defense, Young is basically the worst 3B on defense

What injury track record are you talking about? Beltre has played in at least 150 games in the last 6 of 9 years and has played in less than 130 games only 3 times in his career and one of those was when he first came up

02-09-2011, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I'll agree with that, not a bad YEAR. He's unreliable healthwise, and his glove isn't any better than Young's. The glove part of course is opinion only, but his injury track record isn't very promising and he sucked in Seattle. He was pretty good in LA though so hopefully he can stay healthy and benefit from the launching pad known as Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. That is a good year not just not a bad year

02-09-2011, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
That is a good year not just not a bad year

yea he finished 9th in MVP vote so I would go beyond it was just not a bad year lol