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View Full Version : WHY KENNEDALE LOST

11-27-2002, 01:06 PM
This is the first post I have ever made so bear with me if I ramble a little.I have been reading these posts all year but never felt the need to respond until now.If your fans want to know who cost them the game some of them need to look in the mirror.I saw one post saying he hoped you would get a big lead early so you could work on your passing game,another that he could not make the game this week but he would be there next week,another that your backs would make this look like a 100 meter dash meet.Those boys read all that nonsense and expect to go to Abilene and pick their trophy,eat a steak and go home. Instead they ran into a bunch of skinny country boys who were ready to fight them till hell freezes over and then fight them on the ice.By the time they realized this might not be a walk in the park they were down 14-0 and it was too late.I know that no coach and especially one as good as you have would have encouraged that kind of thinking so it had to come from somewhere.By the way you had the most talented and by far the fastest team we have seen this year plus this was probably the cleanest game we have seen this year.When we played Wylie they were penalized 6 times for unnessary roughness it was ridiculous. I would like to add that none of what I have said applies to the person who posts under the name LADY-KAT she seems to be a class act.You folks have a world of talent and a good coach in spite of that little error at the end of regulation,you just have to remember to play one game at a time and that some of the deadliest snakes in the world are small ones.
This turned out a little longer than I intended.


11-27-2002, 01:15 PM
Congratulations to Ballinger for coming out and playing a very good Kennedale team. A team should never go in too confident. As for what you mentioned about a clean game, yes it was. But you might not know and I will bring it to your attention, those penalties in the Wylie game were lopsided. Those referees were turned in after seeing game video and all the blocks in the back and other penalties that they didn't call against Ballinger. One referee was even suspended..........so NOW you know the rest of the story.

11-27-2002, 01:30 PM
Spiderman how do find out stuff like that about officials being suspended and all. I have never seen anyone who could get a hold of stuff like that, are you an official

11-27-2002, 01:53 PM
Yes, i'd like to know also. There was a game earlier in the season that Port Isabel played (vs. Los Fresnos) that the referees made some horrible calls, and several non-calls, (facemask, PF facemask, clipping, holding) It eventually came to the point that the referees decided the outcome of the game instead of the players out on the field.

If you could shed some light on the subject, Spiderman, we'd greatly appreciate it.

11-28-2002, 12:20 AM
callandraise- are you being sarcastic or for real...i am a little slow and if anything i said offended you i am sorry.... wink

11-28-2002, 06:53 PM
To LadyKat5 I was not being sarcasticat all,I thought all of the posts you sent both before and after the game showed nothing but a loyal and enthusiast supporter of her team and a good sport.The point I was trying to make was that there were numerous posts on this board (not yours)that showed a lack of respect for the Ballinger team.That is something no one should ever do ,it takes away from the intensity of your team and adds to the intensity of your opponent.There is no question that you had an outstanding team and were very well coached but just remember (some times you eat the bear and some times the bear eats you)life is full of ups and downs,enjoy the ups and accept the downs.God bless you and have a good thanksgiving and a merry christmas. CALLANDRAISE

11-28-2002, 07:47 PM
callandraise-thank you for the compliment. I just didnt want to feel stupid if you were being sarcastic. I also completely agree with you! Good luck to your team! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you also! Have a good one!