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12-20-2010, 11:46 AM
What is something your child/ children have asked for Santa to bring them that you avoided to get them or you did get them knowing it wasn’t in you best interest?

For me it was the puppy thing. 2 years ago my now 9 year old wanted a dog. So I knew going in that I was going to be the one to take care of it so therefore I didn’t want to get her one but my wife had the final say. Well about 11 months later I found someone to take it because it was tearing everything apart in the back yard and costing me to fix everything. Well this year she wants a dog again and I am going to give in again but this time going with a small house dog with smaller chewers and because I have a 2 year old and don’t want a big dog jumping her every time she plays in the back yard.

Now I have figure out how to hide a dog for 3 days since it will be here on Wednesday.

Ranger Mom
12-20-2010, 02:31 PM
What kind are you getting??

12-20-2010, 10:18 PM

12-20-2010, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by tex_male
What is something your child/ children have asked for Santa to bring them that you avoided to get them or you did get them knowing it wasn’t in you best interest?

For me it was the puppy thing. 2 years ago my now 9 year old wanted a dog. So I knew going in that I was going to be the one to take care of it so therefore I didn’t want to get her one but my wife had the final say. Well about 11 months later I found someone to take it because it was tearing everything apart in the back yard and costing me to fix everything. Well this year she wants a dog again and I am going to give in again but this time going with a small house dog with smaller chewers and because I have a 2 year old and don’t want a big dog jumping her every time she plays in the back yard.

Now I have figure out how to hide a dog for 3 days since it will be here on Wednesday.

Think Dauchaund... kind of tough to house break but once they get it they are close to perfect. Very very good with children and you can just give them a soft stuffed animal and they are happy for days!

12-21-2010, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
What kind are you getting??

This time going with a Shih Tzu.

The last dog I got was a Black Labrador Retriever which was a fun very smart dog but she destroyed my flower garden, phone line, cable line, AC wires, patio screens and kids toys. I gave her away to a family that had other dogs and time to play with her.

12-21-2010, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by tex_male
This time going with a Shih Tzu.

The last dog I got was a Black Labrador Retriever which was a fun very smart dog but she destroyed my flower garden, phone line, cable line, AC wires, patio screens and kids toys. I gave her away to a family that had other dogs and time to play with her.

The thing with Labs is if you can tough it out for the first 2 years, the chewing slows down. I have 2 labs now, one is getting up there in age and beginning to show its age, the other is a vibrant 1 1/2 year old that I can't seem to keep in the yard. She clears the 6 foot privacy fence with no challenge (even jumped the 8 foot fence at the vet's office when we boarded her over Thanksgiving). But I wouldn't take for either of them (even though the younger one just cost me a pretty good chunk of change with a dog-at-large ticket).

12-21-2010, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by tex_male
This time going with a Shih Tzu.

The last dog I got was a Black Labrador Retriever which was a fun very smart dog but she destroyed my flower garden, phone line, cable line, AC wires, patio screens and kids toys. I gave her away to a family that had other dogs and time to play with her.

Shuh Tzu's are cute,cuddley, smart and lots of fun when they are pups, they stay cute and cuddley but I sweat the Shih Tzu's I had got dumber as they got older... At about 8 weeks is the smartest they get.

AP Panther Fan
12-21-2010, 04:00 PM
I have a yorkie that is small, cute, fun and smart. She would be the perfect pet if she would "consistently" use the potty pad.:evil:

12-21-2010, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Looking4number8
Think Dauchaund... kind of tough to house break but once they get it they are close to perfect. Very very good with children and you can just give them a soft stuffed animal and they are happy for days!

I have had 3 in the last 27 yrs. Shots lived to 16, Greta to 15, and Lucy is now 10. They were all easy to house break, and do not shed. They are very smart dogs!

Ranger Mom
12-22-2010, 10:18 AM
I'm a "mutt" owner. I have 3 dogs, lab mix, border collie mix and a yorkie mix.

12-22-2010, 01:54 PM
My oldest teenager asked for a blow-up doll.

12-22-2010, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by LH_Tuff
My oldest teenager asked for a blow-up doll.

Hopefullt it wasn't something like this...

12-22-2010, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
Hopefullt it wasn't something like this...

Now that is a gift for the ETB/TXB and Beast/Rocket fued in the sports forum.:D

12-22-2010, 02:24 PM
Give me time, I'll find a way to work it in lol

12-22-2010, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by zebrablue2
I have had 3 in the last 27 yrs. Shots lived to 16, Greta to 15, and Lucy is now 10. They were all easy to house break, and do not shed. They are very smart dogs!

My male were easy to house break, the female, well she just rules the roost. If it is cold or rainy outside she used to just say forget it, i will just go right here. All is better now though.

I will say they are very smart and each have their own way of doing thing. I think I have found a bread that I will have for a long long time. good pups! Have you seen my video in the wheelchair thread on this forum. That one has adjusted well in a very short time

12-22-2010, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
Give me time, I'll find a way to work it in lol

Oh, sure!!! Pre-meditated and I became the Target :D :D :D

Fair-enough, I owe you one :clap:

12-22-2010, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by RoyceTTU
Oh, sure!!! Pre-meditated and I became the Target :D :D :D

Fair-enough, I owe you one :clap:

Haha I gotcha

12-23-2010, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Looking4number8
Think Dauchaund... kind of tough to house break but once they get it they are close to perfect. Very very good with children and you can just give them a soft stuffed animal and they are happy for days!

Weenie dogs are great. We had 2 of them. The oldest died at 18 years of age. The other one is 10 years old. She is a very smart dog but can be very, very hardheaded. She is spoiled to say the least. She's my best bud. Wouldn't take any amount of money for her.

Old LB
12-23-2010, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by MUSTANG69
Weenie dogs are great. We had 2 of them. The oldest died at 18 years of age. The other one is 10 years old. She is a very smart dog but can be very, very hardheaded. She is spoiled to say the least. She's my best bud. Wouldn't take any amount of money for her.

Had one that would fight anything that moved. One night I heard this noise outside and when I came around the house she was in a ball with a coon. Poor coon had all it could handle.

She pinned a skunk under the carport one night and they fought til the skunk was dead. We had to leave the house and get a motel for the night thanks to the smell. My wife was real proud of that!

12-23-2010, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Old LB
Had one that would fight anything that moved. One night I heard this noise outside and when I came around the house she was in a ball with a coon. Poor coon had all it could handle.

She pinned a skunk under the carport one night and they fought til the skunk was dead. We had to leave the house and get a motel for the night thanks to the smell. My wife was real proud of that!

Mine isn't afraid of anything either. She is a terror on the coons, possums and strange cats that come in the yard. I also feel sorry for anyone that comes into the house or backyard univited. :D