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12-13-2010, 09:27 AM
What is the reason all the staff is taking other jobs?

12-13-2010, 09:46 AM
It is not like Muschamp left to coach A&M Commerce lol..he left for what most consider one of the top 5 jobs in the nation

12-13-2010, 10:09 AM
Who said he took a job at A&M-Commerce? LOL???

I thought he was going to be the next HC at Texas... no matter what? No faulting Muschamp, but I'm wondering if the public treatment of UT's coaches had anything to do with making the decision easier... and Applewhite going with him, and all the other guys that all of the sudden can't coach?!?

Ernest T Bass
12-13-2010, 10:11 AM
Sure seemed like Mack Daddy rolled over on his staff a lot this year. Im sure they got tired of it.

12-13-2010, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Lucky2Coach
and Applewhite going with him

Did I miss something, is Applewhite going to Florida also?

12-13-2010, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Lucky2Coach
Who said he took a job at A&M-Commerce? LOL???

I thought he was going to be the next HC at Texas... no matter what? No faulting Muschamp, but I'm wondering if the public treatment of UT's coaches had anything to do with making the decision easier... and Applewhite going with him, and all the other guys that all of the sudden can't coach?!?

honestly I think Muschamp looked at like this

Do I want to take a top 5 job NOW( in my hometown and area I am from)..

Or do I want to wait and see with UT..will Mack Brown stay another year another 5 years

Then look how the D performed this year..no guarantee UT would even want Muschamp 2 years from now if the D struggled again.

12-13-2010, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by RoyceTTU
Did I miss something, is Applewhite going to Florida also?

That's the word, but I don't think it's been announced.

Old Dog
12-13-2010, 10:14 AM
The UT fan base was out for blood, or at least someone to blame the bad season on. Greg Davis fit the bill. Then two other assistants were concerned about the hand writing on the wall. and were near retirement...........so they pulled the trigger.

Sure can't blame Mushcamp for taking the Florida job. He grew up right there and it was like going home and to a top 5 program.

Mack is just gona have to regroup. I think if he wants to keep Applewhite, he best offer him the OC job sooner than later. Macks not quite ready to retire, maybe 2-5 years more. Applewhite could be the new Head Coach in Waiting......LOL

12-13-2010, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Lucky2Coach
That's the word, but I don't think it's been announced.


That makes me think there are some internal problems, I originally thought the first 3 coaches was a stratigic move. And Muschamp leaving was because of the uncertainty of not knowing when his time would come.

Now I'm rethinking this, maybe Mack is causing harm to the team and staff.

Hmmm,,,,I've said this before and I'll stick to it. I like to see this because Tech needs a few years to get on their feet and this helps with recruiting. The bad part, is having teams faulter like this is hurting the Big 12 as a whole, and I do not want to see it disolve or become a 2nd tier conference. And that is exactly where this train seems to be heading.

slpybear the bullfan
12-13-2010, 10:17 AM
Its a bit of something else too...

Sometimes you just need a change. A College HC can last forever if you keep the Coordinators fresh. Davis had been here long enough to get musty and get the deserved/undeserved "predictable-boring" label.

I think Muschamp took a move that fits great with his career path.

12-13-2010, 11:58 AM
Mack should not have called out his coaches publicly repeatedly as he did.

Doing it once is one thing, but it seemed week after week, he was throwing everyone under the bus except himself.

The coaching fraternity is pretty tight. This is not going to go over well in the coaching community. Mack has some real problems on his hands.

12-13-2010, 12:51 PM
I wonder how this will harm the recruiting? I am sure a lot of kids have come to Texas wanting to play for not just a great school, but learn under some great coaches as well

12-13-2010, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
Mack should not have called out his coaches publicly repeatedly as he did.

Doing it once is one thing, but it seemed week after week, he was throwing everyone under the bus except himself.

The coaching fraternity is pretty tight. This is not going to go over well in the coaching community. Mack has some real problems on his hands. I hope he retires.

12-13-2010, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by bobcat1
I hope he retires.

I hope he stays and it just gets worse. :D

12-13-2010, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by LoboesWT
I hope he stays and it just gets worse. :D

Deep in side, I agree with you :D

12-13-2010, 04:24 PM
There needed to be changes one way or another. Hate to see Will leave but Davis had to go. There has been speculation that Applewhite wouldn't get the OC job at UT so if he goes to be OC at FLA that makes sense for him. Most of this is timing. Mack was all about WE for the first part of the year but at some point he had to protect himself and shift the blame to the coaches responsible for the lack of production. UT gets top recruits every year and there is no excuse for their performance this year. When teams win it is all about the players, when they lose it is all about the coaches. Just ask any parent in the stands.