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buffalo booster
09-23-2002, 08:23 PM
I know a lot of folks are disappointed with the 0-3 start, but it does not excuse the lack of support that the 2002 Buffaloes are getting in the community.

I've been in Giddings so long the Texas Historical Commission wants to hang a bronze star around my neck and designate me as a landmark. In all my years in G-town, though, I don't believe that I have ever heard or seen anything like this year...

Some folks have actually told me that they aren't going to any more games until the Buffs start winning! Gimme a break! Fan support is critical to helping the kids win the close ones. (Ever hear of home-field advantage?) Withholding that support because the kids have gotten off to a rocky start is inexcusable.

The turnout at Yoakum was disappointing. One of the players said that he looked at the Giddings side and thought that we was playing in middle school again! Shame on you fair-weather Giddings supporters!

We play at Cameron this Friday. It will be another tough road game for the Buffs. I'm sure that the kids would appreciate seeing, and hearing, some fan support.

And I don't want to hear any more nonsense about the coaching staff for awhile. I know that Coach Ivey was a good coach and is a good man. But, let's not forget that, in his first year, we lost to Yoakum, Rockdale, and Cameron Yoe. (We did beat Columbus, though.) The first-year records are not so far apart so far...

I'm going to Cameron on Friday. Hope I have a hard time finding a seat on the visitor's side.

09-23-2002, 08:37 PM
Well said buffalo booster. You are a true class fan and individual. More schools should be so lucky to have supporters like you. A tough schedule and graduation have gotten the buffs off to a slow start but at least the games have been close for the most part. Some teams in the state (some with winning traditions like Giddings even) have been blown out of games already this season. Don't give up on the boys yet, good things will happen. Let's see who all is on the bandwagon come playoff time.

09-23-2002, 09:25 PM
To those who posted before me - THANK YOU! I have been trying to lend moral support for the past week or so. I too am a big fan and friend of Coach Ivey. But, the fact remains that the kids need community support no matter who the coaching staff is. And don't take this as a knock on Coach Odell and his staff either. A new sytem takes time. He and his staff will get things turned around. Giddings is full of good people, the kids know this, but they need to see it and hear it at the games. Good Luck Buffs. GATA

09-24-2002, 09:17 AM
Well said BuffaloBooster. I think everyone needs to remember the most important part of an athletic program are the kids. The need support from the community no matter their win/loss record.

09-24-2002, 01:45 PM
I would have to totally agree with everyone that posted. I know I have made some rude and mean comments before. I know many of the guys on this team. But, there is just too much talent on that team, for them to start off the season 0-3. Am I wrong? I believe that blame goes towards the coaches. Not have your kids prepared and not being disciplined. I may sound like a total jerk, but sometimes the truth is evident and it hurts.

09-24-2002, 02:09 PM
after a lost is when a team really needs support.anyone can follow a team after a win. those are good kids over in giddings and they will come around. yoakum has played them 15 yrs. in a roll and they are 7-7-1 tie. with one o.t. game. our coaches like playing giddings because it is a class program and we find out where we are as a team before dist.they beat us 24-0 last yr. and we beat them 24-0 this yr. the way its been going next yr. could be there yr. it been a great series and i hope it continues in the future.

09-24-2002, 02:55 PM
Giddings lost some darn good football players from last years team. Ray, Wynne,Smith,Moore,Jones,Daniels, Blasig and several more. Those kind of kids are so hard to replace.I firmly believe that Giddings will improve greatly as the year goes on.The buffs still have talent. The cupboard is not bare......

09-24-2002, 06:07 PM
I've heard lots of excuses for the Buffaloes. Players and fans have blamed the new coaching staff and the offense. Though it is true a good coach puts his players in position to be successful, players still have to make the plays. A wise coach once said, "It's not the X's and O's, but the Jimmies and Joes." It's time for the Jimmies and Joes to stop playing the blame game and start playing football. Ivey's gone...get over it.

09-24-2002, 09:09 PM
personally i don't think there have been that many negative things said about the coaching staff, or kids at giddings, there have been some questions and temporary suggestions that might improve giddings. but let's face the facts of coaching, when you coach in a real town that knows its football you have to be able to take the heat, it's part of coaching, everyone needs to not take everything so personal when someone voices their opinions, there were many voices opinionated last season but the captain kept control of the situation, resulting in the season we had. also the difference last year was not the top athletes at giddings, it was those not so top athletes that were taught to play at another level, thats the difference, and many, many coaching staffs out there still have not figured this out. giddings plays in the toughest 3a area overall in the state of texas and i think that people now realize that you have to work to put the kids in the right state of mind to be successful. everyone also wants to compare this years team with the 2000 team, and i promise you that this team would beat that team hands down, but you have to do it not talk about it, the 2000 team was picked next to last in the district with overall poor senior leadership that got the job done with a very tough non dist. and district schedule. Handle your business kids and don't believe everything you read because the internet is not going anywhere, so defeat it or give in. girls rule and so does coach ivey and i knew whoever came in here was going to have tough time of following him but thats part of the deal. we had great kids last year but there was a lot of great coaching involved and a lot of hours put in. check your watches buff coaches, going home early doesn't cut it, Again, not trying to be neagative, take the heat. ( i am a hottie, i promise)

09-24-2002, 09:22 PM
Mindy, love to read your posts. I don't get a chance to get on regularly, but I look for your posts each time. Keep being positive. The Buffaloes need more folks like you. Don't let that little boy "StudEnd86" tell ya any lies on here. Regardless of whether or not you are a "hottie", he needs to keep his mind on football. Take care. GATA Buffs.

09-24-2002, 10:10 PM
Giddings year end and year out has always had a good program. But do you measure a program by W's and L's or by what the coaches do for the kiddos
Coach Ivey and his staff were outstanding people but most have moved on to other jobs.
Coach Odell is flanked by outstanding people on his staff also.
I have been friends with one of them( "HOG" ) for 19 years and he is a great person and friend
It really was great to see this coach on the staff at the Bellville scrimmage.
Give this staff a chance. Remember, a town should give a coach 3-4yrs to build HIS program

09-24-2002, 10:32 PM
big brother, there is no program to build in giddings, everything was in place, character, tradition, discipline, intesity, mental toughness, physical toughness, all you have to do is work, because all of the above did not just happen, its the result of hard work, and long hours, remember there is a big difference between 2a and 3a football as one is figuring out, you better have them prepared and coached up, or the heat will take over, athletes are not the difference its the best team with the best athltetes that are prepared the best.

09-24-2002, 10:43 PM
Big Brother, i'd like to know which coach you're talkin about. Secondly, let there not be any doubt in anyones mind that the preperation and effort is not there. This team has been bustin' it since two a days. I belive that all of the naysayers have no grasp on the things that are occurring in Giddings. The coaching staff is excellent, and with their task at hand, I believe they are rising to the occasion.

09-24-2002, 10:55 PM
First of all thank you Buffalo Booster. I happen to know that day in day out the coaching staff and the kids bust their butts, getting ready for Friday night. I was very dissappointed at the fan support Friday night. Quit knocking the coaching staff. They are doing the best that they can. Don't you think they want to be successful as well as the kids and community. To be honest with everyone the real reason we are not doing so well is because we only had 4 players work out this summer. We are also having a lot of injuries. Marshall Umlang OT/DT had surgery today for an infection in his foot. Matt DeGerolami QB/C and Dwain Crawford WR/C were in a car wreck today. Brett Beherend TE/LB has a hurt shoulder, as well as Jonathan Green QB/RB/C has a high ankle sprain. It's been tough. If fans only want to come out for playoff time, then stay home that's crap. As for Mindy well, what can I say. A hottie who loves football. Please ignore what INOUNVME said and give StudEnd86 a call.

09-24-2002, 11:00 PM
You're right StudEnd86, you can't really blame the coaching staff, it takes a joint effort between coaches and players to have a successful year. Injuries are crucial, the people we've lost can't be replaced, but we got Lehmann back, and a new O linemen is steppin up to play. From not playin in 2 years, to startin, must be some sort of an accomplishment.

09-24-2002, 11:01 PM
Big Brother All that I have to say is

1. W's are the most important thing, not some crap about life. W's W's W's W's GET IT STRAIGHT.

2. I don't have 3 or 4 years

Don't kid yourself the ship will get going
GATA HAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-24-2002, 11:38 PM
Hey INOUNVME I am but a young man not a boy.
Sounds like you could use a Stud end, and a bandit, and a quarterback, and a reciever,and a tackle, and a guard............lol GATA HAW!!!!!!

09-25-2002, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by StudEnd86:
Big Brother All that I have to say is

1. W's are the most important thing, not some crap about life. W's W's W's W's GET IT STRAIGHT.

2. I don't have 3 or 4 years

Don't kid yourself the ship will get going
GATA HAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiddo, BigBrother was playing college ball and winning long before you were a twinkle in you daddy's eye. Think before you open your mouth

09-25-2002, 08:58 PM
lookie here chop block. I know it takes time to build a program, and i think the new coaches are doing a fine job, but there's nothing wrong with studend's desire to win. This is my senior year and i'll be damned if i'll be happy with a good program in 3 or 4 years.

09-25-2002, 10:39 PM
Thanks Giddings CB if theres on thing that buffs do it is stick together. Matt Neal sure could haved used you at fullback. Hey chop block have you got what it takes to win No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do, I want to win, I want to be sucessful. Its not something you sit around and wait to happen. You bust your butt. Obviously you have never been through a program like Giddings, or you have no desire to win

09-25-2002, 10:49 PM
I love your attitude 'Stud'end, keep it up. Send some film our way after the season and come up for a camp.
Get after Cameron for me and just play hard. Be a leader and dominate the game up front.
GATA and HAW!!!!!!!

09-25-2002, 10:58 PM
Howdy everyone. Its been a long time since I have frequented these boards. Nice to know everyone still cares enough to voice their opinion, even though some people's opinions we could all do without.

I'm not gonna get on here and talk a lot of trash or try to point out who is to blame for the problems Giddings seems to be having right now. I think blame has to be shared equally among coaches and players.

Players, you have to line up and play to the best of your ability whether you have fans or not. It's a shame, but fan support probably will not come until success comes again. So go out and make things happen and you will get fan support. Don't let lack of support be an excuse or something to hold you back.


09-25-2002, 11:02 PM
That was a great post 'DoveHunter', I agree with you. Let's keep everything positive and try to support the team. I know I have made some rude comments, but I am still a fan of the game and I support Yall all the way. Beat Cameron and then get after Caldwell for me. Get that 'Buffalo Pride' going again. GATA and HAW!!!