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12-06-2010, 09:09 AM
About the perception of Romo and now Kitna

12-06-2010, 09:14 AM
Kitna was fired up yesterday. I don't watch too many Cowboys games, but in the few I did, I never saw Romo as animated as Kitna was against the Colts.

12-06-2010, 01:40 PM
I don't know if it's so much Kitna or the coaching change. They happened so close together. Something sure happened.

12-06-2010, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by lulu
I don't know if it's so much Kitna or the coaching change. They happened so close together. Something sure happened.

not to take anything away from Garrett but... Jerry Jones let it be known that everyone was playing for their jobs... that woke up alot of players...

Aikman put it best yesterday when they showed the graphic that the Boys O was 70%- 30% pass to run under Phillips this year and 50/50 under Garrett, which Aikman replied Garrett was in charge of the offense then as well...
but kudos to them for getting it together

Twirling Time
12-06-2010, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by themsu97
Aikman put it best yesterday when they showed the graphic that the Boys O was 70%- 30% pass to run under Phillips this year and 50/50 under Garrett, which Aikman replied Garrett was in charge of the offense then as well...
but kudos to them for getting it together

When you're down 31-7 in the second half, which they were in several games before Wade was fired, you have to throw a lot to try to get back in the game. That, plus sticking with a RB that's obviously had it (Barber), will skew the numbers. So it's not a major revelation.

12-07-2010, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
About the perception of Romo and now Kitna

I caught a discussion on BaD radio yesterday and it made me realize why I stopped listening to the ticket over a year ago. Bob Sturm is the least objective radio personality in Dallas and is one of the biggest Romo apoligists in media! The FACTS are that Kitna is putting up numbers that rivals Romo's numbers. Jon Kitna is having a career BEST season with the exact same team that Romo was having a career WORST season with! Spin it however you want to but that doesn't change the facts. I don't have any wierd thoughts that perhaps Kitna is better than Romo but I do think that because Kitna has done what he has done it might just prove that this team is more talented than some on here have been preaching and that perhaps it is also true that A LOT of QBs would have success with this team! You cannot discount the fact that Romo was not able to earn the starting job until Jerry loaded the team with talent! How long does a 38 year old, very average Jon Kitna need to continue to put up QB ratings in the 100s with this team before everyone realizes that maybe Romo's numbers are the result of the talent around him????? Or will Romo come back in after his injury and set the world on fire with this new and improved team under Garrett that Kitna has no hand in creating??????

Romo's 2010 salary: 11,000.000

6 games started. 69.5% completions. 11tds, 7ints. 267ypg. 95.5 rating. 1-5 record

Jon Kitna 2010 salary: 1,500,000

6 games started. 65.5% completions, 11 TDs, 8ints, 243ypg. 90 QB rating. 3-3 record.

Are the Cowboys overpaying one player or underpaying the other?????

12-07-2010, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
About the perception of Romo and now Kitna

Another point made on The Ticket was the fact that Wade worked very hard to protect his draft picks and players that he had vouched for. Sean Lee has shown great things on the field everytime he played but he rarely got to play under Wade. Tashard Choice has had very little opportunity under Wade because apparently Wade was the one who touted Barber's greatness to get him the big salary and starting RB spot. The list goes on and on of players that have been put in starting spots on this team because of their draft position or contract instead of who is the BEST PLAYER on the field............. Jerry might have a hand in that also!

12-07-2010, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
I caught a discussion on BaD radio yesterday and it made me realize why I stopped listening to the ticket over a year ago. Bob Sturm is the least objective radio personality in Dallas and is one of the biggest Romo apoligists in media! The FACTS are that Kitna is putting up numbers that rivals Romo's numbers. Jon Kitna is having a career BEST season with the exact same team that Romo was having a career WORST season with! Spin it however you want to but that doesn't change the facts. I don't have any wierd thoughts that perhaps Kitna is better than Romo but I do think that because Kitna has done what he has done it might just prove that this team is more talented than some on here have been preaching and that perhaps it is also true that A LOT of QBs would have success with this team! You cannot discount the fact that Romo was not able to earn the starting job until Jerry loaded the team with talent! How long does a 38 year old, very average Jon Kitna need to continue to put up QB ratings in the 100s with this team before everyone realizes that maybe Romo's numbers are the result of the talent around him????? Or will Romo come back in after his injury and set the world on fire with this new and improved team under Garrett that Kitna has no hand in creating??????

Romo's 2010 salary: 11,000.000

6 games started. 69.5% completions. 11tds, 7ints. 267ypg. 95.5 rating. 1-5 record

Jon Kitna 2010 salary: 1,500,000

6 games started. 65.5% completions, 11 TDs, 8ints, 243ypg. 90 QB rating. 3-3 record.

Are the Cowboys overpaying one player or underpaying the other?????

uhh Romo was not having a career worst year He was top 5 in QB rating when he went down

His best completition % by 5 % over any year

He was on pace to have his 2nd best TD thrown in a season and on pace to have most yards in a season

Not sure where u got that Bob Sturm is a Romo guy..he is a numbers guy simple as that.

12-07-2010, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
Another point made on The Ticket was the fact that Wade worked very hard to protect his draft picks and players that he had vouched for. Sean Lee has shown great things on the field everytime he played but he rarely got to play under Wade. Tashard Choice has had very little opportunity under Wade because apparently Wade was the one who touted Barber's greatness to get him the big salary and starting RB spot. The list goes on and on of players that have been put in starting spots on this team because of their draft position or contract instead of who is the BEST PLAYER on the field............. Jerry might have a hand in that also!

After readong mre about Jerry and how he defers to the coaching more than people think, I think it was the coaching

and as much as I like Garrett it was him who touted Barber..if Marion does not get hurt Choice would not have played sunday.

12-07-2010, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
I caught a discussion on BaD radio yesterday and it made me realize why I stopped listening to the ticket over a year ago. Bob Sturm is the least objective radio personality in Dallas and is one of the biggest Romo apoligists in media! The FACTS are that Kitna is putting up numbers that rivals Romo's numbers. Jon Kitna is having a career BEST season with the exact same team that Romo was having a career WORST season with! Spin it however you want to but that doesn't change the facts. I don't have any wierd thoughts that perhaps Kitna is better than Romo but I do think that because Kitna has done what he has done it might just prove that this team is more talented than some on here have been preaching and that perhaps it is also true that A LOT of QBs would have success with this team! You cannot discount the fact that Romo was not able to earn the starting job until Jerry loaded the team with talent! How long does a 38 year old, very average Jon Kitna need to continue to put up QB ratings in the 100s with this team before everyone realizes that maybe Romo's numbers are the result of the talent around him????? Or will Romo come back in after his injury and set the world on fire with this new and improved team under Garrett that Kitna has no hand in creating??????

Romo's 2010 salary: 11,000.000

6 games started. 69.5% completions. 11tds, 7ints. 267ypg. 95.5 rating. 1-5 record

Jon Kitna 2010 salary: 1,500,000

6 games started. 65.5% completions, 11 TDs, 8ints, 243ypg. 90 QB rating. 3-3 record.

Are the Cowboys overpaying one player or underpaying the other????? First of all, Romo was playing with a team who had no desire and he kept putting his team in position to win only to have a dropped pass or a blown coverage, last minute drive given up by the defense lose it for him. Look at the dropped passes stat before garret and after. Much diferent because this team is much more focused. I am not knocking Kitna But is no where close to the talent of Romo. Yes had he landed on a decent team he might have had a better career. But he is 38 and will be up and down the rest of his career, Take Farve for intance. And yes you could plug some other qb's in this offense that would do as good or better but none are available.
Only time will tell how Romo will do with a diciplined offense under Garrett or whoever. I just hope Kitna can keep it up until romo is 100%.

slpybear the bullfan
12-07-2010, 10:46 AM
Any comparison that says Kitna is more talented than Romo is ridiculous.

Its valid to question if he is more animated on the field than Romo, but does yelling at a OLineman really translate to true leadership? maybe, but I have seen plenty where it did not.

All this Kitna vs Romo stuff cracks me up. If you really want to play this game, then you cannot get a fair comparison until Romo gets to play an equal number of games under Garrett. Which won't happen this season.