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12-01-2010, 04:29 PM
Federal Judge’s Action Puts Dec. 1 Registration Deadline On Hold

No Requirement, At This Time, For Any Texas Sports Official to Register with UIL

RICHARDSON, Texas – Michael Fitch, executive director of the Texas Association of Sports Officials (TASO), today Dec 1st, issued the following statement after Federal District Judge Lee Yeakel granted a limited preliminary injunction in Austin against the University Interscholastic League’s attempt to register Texas sports officials.

“The long and short of Judge Yeakel’s decision today means the arbitrary December 1 deadline for sports officials to register with the University Interscholastic League is indefinitely suspended. The most important outcome of today’s ruling is that there is absolutely no reason or requirement for any Texas sports official to register with the UIL by that date.”

“Also of note is that this is the third court that has granted injunctive relief in favor of TASO. The Austin District Court, Austin Court of Appeals, and now a Federal Judge have all seen fit to enjoin the UIL on the merits of our case. The only way that the UIL has stayed alive in these proceedings is largely through procedural gamesmanship of our legal system.”

“We are not, however, out of the woods. Judge Yeakel has yet to rule on the UIL’s motion to dismiss TASO’s lawsuit against it. We remain hopeful Judge Yeakel will recognize that students, parents and school district officials are better served by an independent sports officiating organization like TASO than they are by a heavy-handed bureaucratic system. This has been true for decades and it remains true today.”

Phil C
12-01-2010, 04:45 PM


12-01-2010, 08:23 PM
They (UIL) were bound and determined to get this implemented so that it would have at least some impact on the football playoffs. Looks like they may have lost that. They already had basketball "under control" and they do not have any other sports to "worry" about for awhile yet so they had focused on making their will known on the football field. So much for that.

12-02-2010, 12:10 AM
This is affecting basketball officials as well. Even though UIL chapters must meet all other criteria (testing), they are paying at 2009 rates instead of the 2010 1204 policy. This is costing every varsity official $15 per game and the travel is not as good.

The new 1204 will not be implemented until the lawsuit is settled so it is affecting other sports.

12-02-2010, 06:36 AM
Some things are more important than money

12-02-2010, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by TexMike
Some things are more important than money


12-02-2010, 09:01 AM
Not if you are unemployed!

12-02-2010, 01:50 PM
If you are unemployed you ought to be looking for a real job instead of wasting your time officiating. You can make more money doing lots of other things

12-02-2010, 02:16 PM
Oh my God! You are right. How did I ever not think of that? I must be one dumb SOB to go officiate and not look for a job.

Thanks for the heads up. If all your football clinic advice is as good as this then I bet the guys you train never miss a call.

12-02-2010, 04:25 PM
You can lead a horse (or a horse's arse for that matter) to water but you can't make it drink