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View Full Version : DI-RI/RII: Alvarado Vs Henderson

11-27-2010, 07:37 PM
I just dont see how Alvarado will be able to keep up with Henderson. I think that they are overrated and haven't played much of anyone. Prosper was down this year, Kennedale was beat badly in the playoffs, and Bridgeport was ok. We beat Lovejoy and I just dont think that this will be a close game. I saw that Alvarado had 6 fumbles in a game last night. There is no way that wont come back to bite you in the butt. I think that we are going to expose the secondary like Lovejoy.

I see this 41-7 Henderson. Am I completely wrong? I just dont see Alvarado being in this game.. they dont have anything but this #2 guy.

Tin Cup
11-27-2010, 08:00 PM
Henderson by a bunch!!! AWylie stayed with Alvarado. Henderson by 28

11-27-2010, 08:10 PM
They don't have a much of a running game. And it seems to be of what I have read the passing game they had last night just "woke" up and BAM they were passing. I am sorry but we have a defense. We have good secondary and they wont be able to run on us.

How will they score? How did this team get this far? Can someone that knows of Alvarado better than me explain this and how this is going to be a game? Speed kills and Speed will kill Alvarado. Just my opinion.

91 lion
11-27-2010, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
I saw that Alvarado had 6 fumbles in a game last night. There is no way that wont come back to bite you in the butt.

I don't have a dog in the fight, and could truly care less about the outcome....but it's presumptuous to assume that turnovers from one game will carry over to another.....especially with a team that takes care of the ball fairly well. If I were you, I would be more worried about Henderson's propensity to play one half and take the other half off. It seems like you guys figured it out last game....which makes y'all very scary.....but you have a reputation this year....and if you slip....you will be the ones that will have your tendencies come back to bite you.

.....just sayin'

11-27-2010, 08:30 PM
I know that you shouldnt count your eggs before they are hatched, but I really have no worries about this game. Lovejoy I did, but Alvarado just doesnt stand a chance.

I have my eyes set on Chapel Hill. I am not trying to be rude, I just think that this is going to happen.

91 lion
11-27-2010, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
I know that you shouldnt count your eggs before they are hatched, but I really have no worries about this game. Lovejoy I did, but Alvarado just doesnt stand a chance.

I have my eyes set on Chapel Hill. I am not trying to be rude, I just think that this is going to happen.

Spoken like a true fan!! Good luck next week.

11-27-2010, 08:41 PM
I think an interesting factor could be...

Alvarado (at least the last 3 weeks) has seemed to play their best ball in the second half. If Henderson doesn't play 4 qtrs...well, it could get interesting.

Also, I seriously doubt that any coach from any team is looking past a round 4 opponent. Alvarado earned the right to be playing in December...just like Henderson did. :)

11-27-2010, 08:52 PM
True... its a good thing I am not a coach then isnt it. They will put a good game plan for Alvarado. I dont think that it will take much, pass the ball on there D. All they have is #2 back there. He cant cover the whole field. When the have the ball on offense *yawn* play defense. We will play 4 quarters. Ok maybe three because by the 4th it will be out of hand. You talked me up to 41-10 Henderson! Good job

11-27-2010, 09:30 PM
this is some funny stuff... well i guess it says allot that Alvarado made it this far with only one player as you see it being number 2... and I guess from your account all the teams they have played are nobody’s... Lets go 4 and see what happens... we love for you to be all pumped up and count us out.

As another posted said any time that makes it to December , deserves to be there. The Indians have played a lot of teams with big hearts and that fight till the end.

Looks like a fun week of post ahead

11-27-2010, 09:40 PM
*Yawn* an Alvarado fan.. and one man can beat you in High School. #2 has done it for you guys. Good Job on being here. And is it really the first time in school history for you guys being here? Wow! Enjoy it this week because next week you will be playing basketball!

Here is to a good week of posting! By the way. Good luck to all the teams!

tres beauties
11-27-2010, 10:03 PM
So, should Alvarado not even show up Friday night? I mean, if it's already over why bother? Henderson has had a great season but, so has Alvarado. Ya know, that little oddly shaped ball sure does bounce funny sometimes!

11-27-2010, 10:13 PM
Well you beat me too it. Sure, go ahead an call them up and tell them not to show up. It would save us all the time and travel.

The ball does bounce funny, but the way that alvarado fumbles the ball (6 times in one game) will get you beat. ;)

11-27-2010, 10:35 PM
Alvarado has earned the right to be there. Those guys play with heart and never give up. It's funny to hear the Henderson people talk smack because they have done what they needed to do to get to this point and that is win. They may not beat Henderson but I am proud to say a team from our district has made it this far. Go Indians!

11-27-2010, 10:36 PM
Love your passion buddy. Just don't count anything out ... I would go ahead and make the drive for Friday night. Keep up the trash talk it's amusing . Both teams deserve to be there and those boys on both sides have worked hard. I guess the lions never drop the ball huh. Thing is the Indians did a few times but by the end of the game it never, mattered.

Once the regulars get online during the week you will have som fun posting.

11-27-2010, 10:46 PM
I look forward to the regulars getting on here so I can own them. Just like Henderson will Own Alvarado. When you have teams like West, Venus, Hillsboro in your district you lose credibility!

tres beauties
11-27-2010, 10:58 PM
Wow! You are pretty confident! I'll bet Henderson's coaches and other fans really appreciate you representing them in such a positive manner! Ya know, trash talk done in a good natured manner is fun but, too many times people do it way too much! I mean, if you're really that good then you don't have to tell anyone; they already know.

To the poster from West,
Very classy! Way to represent!

11-27-2010, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
I look forward to the regulars getting on here so I can own them. Just like Henderson will Own Alvarado. When you have teams like West, Venus, Hillsboro in your district you lose credibility! You're a tool.

11-27-2010, 11:02 PM
I take it that you are from West? Sorry you suck.

And I dont think that I am being classless. I congrat them on being this far. But this is were it ends. Sorry

11-27-2010, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
I take it that you are from West? Sorry you suck.

And I dont think that I am being classless. I congrat them on being this far. But this is were it ends. Sorry I'll give you that, we are not strong at football, but West was never in this discussion. I came into this thread to praise Alvarado for what they have accomplished this year. No matter how hard you try to knock them down you can't take away what those young men have done this year. You want to talk about West, come hit me on the 3A baseball website.

tres beauties
11-27-2010, 11:16 PM
How can you say "sorry that you suck" in one sentence and then in the next sentence say "And I don't think I'm being classless"? Kinda contradicting yourself aren't ya? I understand that Henderson is in one of the, if not the, toughest 3a districts in the state but, does that give you authority to say a district has no credibility? Question: Did you talk this much smack when ya'll played Gilmer and Carthage? (and no, I'm not comparing Alvarado to those two teams)

11-27-2010, 11:20 PM
Because stating the truth is not classless its a fact. He just admitted that His team wasnt good in football?

And nope i sure dont because those are good teams. Alvarado got here by beating JV Teams.

When friday comes you will see what I am talking about ;)

11-27-2010, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by tres beauties
How can you say "sorry that you suck" in one sentence and then in the next sentence say "And I don't think I'm being classless"? Kinda contradicting yourself aren't ya? I understand that Henderson is in one of the, if not the, toughest 3a districts in the state but, does that give you authority to say a district has no credibility? Question: Did you talk this much smack when ya'll played Gilmer and Carthage? (and no, I'm not comparing Alvarado to those two teams) Ignore that blowhard. He doesn't know anything about Alvarado at all. Thanksgiving break will be over tomorrow and he'll have to be back in school on Monday. ;)

Alvarado is a classy team that plays with discipline and heart. Go Indians! :clap:

tres beauties
11-27-2010, 11:36 PM
CC Mom,
I don't think he wants to be ignored. He wants get folks all stirred up! Alvarado will have to play well and eliminate fumbles and penalties. They have dedicated their season to a teammate who was paralyzed in a car accident this past summer. They do play with alot of heart. In the Kennedale game, they drove the ball over 90 yards with around a minute and half left; without, three of their biggest play makers on the field. By the way, one of those was #2.

11-27-2010, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
I look forward to the regulars getting on here so I can own them. Just like Henderson will Own Alvarado. When you have teams like West, Venus, Hillsboro in your district you lose credibility!

congratulations on being a mediocre team in the midst of a once a decade season, henderson

is that how you want to act now that your team is good? fine, but dont expect a lot of casual fans to cheer you on when yoo do

11-28-2010, 12:09 AM
:clap: :clap: :clap:

11-28-2010, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by charlesrixey
congratulations on being a mediocre team in the midst of a once a decade season, henderson

is that how you want to act now that your team is good? fine, but dont expect a lot of casual fans to cheer you on when yoo do Bingo!
As our coach reminds the kids "Act like you've been here before " Oh, that's right--you haven't...

11-28-2010, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Lions88
Because stating the truth is not classless its a fact. He just admitted that His team wasnt good in football?

And nope i sure dont because those are good teams. Alvarado got here by beating JV Teams.

When friday comes you will see what I am talking about ;)

I never once said that they didnt have heart and discipline? Thats great if they do, but that isnt going to win you the game on friday. Talent will!

And thats an awesome story that they are dedicating there season to that football player(hope has lives a great and plentiful life!). Thats is a great thing, but with that being said those things can only last so long.

Talent wins. Plain and simple.

11-28-2010, 05:47 AM
As one of the 3ADL East Texas representatives I want to welcome any and all Henderson fans to this site..it is a great 3A site

I also want to apologize for the blowhard classless turds that float this way from my favorite Region of Texas.

I have no problem with talking big and talking trash, that is all in fun, but to say a HS team of 14-18 year olds "suck" IMO takes it to far and is not a good representation of East Texas....So either be classy and talk trash in a fun way or honestly go back under you rock because your giving East Texas a bad name

LH Panther Mom
11-28-2010, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by Lions88
*Yawn* an Alvarado fan.. and one man can beat you in High School. #2 has done it for you guys. Good Job on being here. And is it really the first time in school history for you guys being here? Wow! Enjoy it this week because next week you will be playing basketball!
Didn't I read somewhere that this is the first time for Henderson as well? :thinking:

11-28-2010, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Didn't I read somewhere that this is the first time for Henderson as well? :thinking:

Henderson just droped from 4A this year.

LH Panther Mom
11-28-2010, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by buckeyebob
Henderson just droped from 4A this year.
Yes, I know. But I thought I read this was the first time for them to reach this round. :confused:

11-28-2010, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
As one of the 3ADL East Texas representatives I want to welcome any and all Henderson fans to this site..it is a great 3A site

I also want to apologize for the blowhard classless turds that float this way from my favorite Region of Texas.

I have no problem with talking big and talking trash, that is all in fun, but to say a HS team of 14-18 year olds "suck" IMO takes it to far and is not a good representation of East Texas....So either be classy and talk trash in a fun way or honestly go back under you rock because your giving East Texas a bad name

Easy, they just don't know that 3ADL and SDC behavior standards are different. Most will catch on.

The irony is that I got banned over there for a week cause I said the Carthage broadcast teams football knowledge "sucks". I know those guys and I was right.

11-28-2010, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by oldtownag
Easy, they just don't know that 3ADL and SDC behavior standards are different. .

and that is why SDC HS section is not the same as it once was..It used to be a great place for information along with playful fun banter between fans that after the game would come back and enjoy the eating of crow and giving respect., now it is a bunch of kids and immature adults who spend 15 pages screaming YOU SUCK...NO YOU SUCK.

That is why 3ADL meet and greets still rock on because all the banter here is just that, fun banter, even with Rocket and his ilk.

11-28-2010, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by buckeyebob
Henderson just droped from 4A this year. Well, that explains a lot. Has anyone pointed out to Lions88 just how many former 4A's are now airing up basketballs? Brownwood is the only other one I know of still in it....and they didn't exactly blow away the competition the first two years in 3A. ;)

Oh, I just realized that Alvarado is also former 4A...and probably the largest 3A still going. They had well over 100 kids on the sideline to Wylie's 75 or so...and we brought our JV as well.

11-28-2010, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Lions88
I look forward to the regulars getting on here so I can own them. Just like Henderson will Own Alvarado. When you have teams like West, Venus, Hillsboro in your district you lose credibility!


haha, rookie ....

11-28-2010, 11:41 AM
I love when people register and only start talking once their team has gone deep.

Saggy Aggie
11-28-2010, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
I love when people register and only start talking once their team has gone deep. +1 :rolleyes:

11-28-2010, 02:39 PM
Picking Alvarado in a 7 point win! Henderson, IMO, is much like Gilmer this year, a little overrated and will fall to ball control of Alvarado.

11-28-2010, 03:05 PM
Good points. I have noticed they eat up time of possesion, but they have to hold on to the ball to have ball control. Something that other teams havent capitalized on.

This is why I call for a blow out.

11-28-2010, 03:12 PM
Pretty amazing that the ball was turned over 6 times and they still won! Don't run up the flag based on one ball game there bud, if Alvarado has made it this far, probably not going to be as charitable with turnovers this week.

11-28-2010, 03:16 PM
It wasnt just one game. Been doing it all playoffs.

I read a story in the Cleburne times review?? just google it because I dont want to give any links out.

11-28-2010, 03:58 PM
So been turning it over in playoffs but still winning ... Hmm I forgot you said all the teams they have played are sorry or jv.

The Indians will come ready to play coach Dixon has been building in Alvarado and this team is young but play tough. Playoffs are not new for Alvarado. it will be a good game and probably close one either way.

Not sure on the 6 turn over game or which one that was but the team stayed focus and never let those things get them off track.

Dixon works the clock well and ut could come down to last possession which is not new for the Indians. Just have to be ready to play a full 4

11-28-2010, 05:06 PM
Please don't put all of us 16 3A folks in with this guy. I think he needs to go post where this is the norm.

Now don't get me wrong ....I am backing Henderson but.....Seriously....be civil.

Go Lions

Good luck Indians

11-28-2010, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Saggy Aggie
+1 :rolleyes:

Says the poster registered since last month.

Seriously, whatever the reason and whenever a new poster comes aboard it is a good thing. Most eventually catch on or move on (We still have hope, Rocket).

11-28-2010, 05:27 PM
Lions88, you realize your team hadn't had a 10 win season or made it to the third round of the playoffs since 1992, right? And that they have never been this far?

You guys aren't some powerhouse. You're good, don't get me wrong, but good grief...show some class.

I'm not from East Texas but I know this one poster doesn't represent all from ET. Most have class..you, sir, do not.

11-28-2010, 05:34 PM
What have I said that is classless other than another team "sucking" (which by the way they admitted?)

Here are the Facts:

1) Alvarado turns the ball over too much
2) Alvarado has played no one.
3) Alvarado has one player #2
4) Alvarado can be passed on
5) Alvarado has a GREAT story with the dedication of the season to there injured player
6) Alvarado wont be able to keep up

If I have been classless I am sorry. :(

11-28-2010, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
What have I said that is classless other than another team "sucking" (which by the way they admitted?)

Here are the Facts:

1) Alvarado turns the ball over too much
2) Alvarado has played no one.
3) Alvarado has one player #2
4) Alvarado can be passed on
5) Alvarado has a GREAT story with the dedication of the season to there injured player
6) Alvarado wont be able to keep up

If I have been classless I am sorry. :( Against Abilene Wylie (state finalist in 09 btw) #2 spent a good portion of the game on the sidelines...he went out twice with injuries...and they also turned the ball over a couple times...and still won. They're one of those teams that doesn't panic when things go wrong, and they find a way to win. I hope your coaches aren't dismissing them as easily as you do..

LH Panther Mom
11-28-2010, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by oldtownag
Says the poster registered since last month.
This time... ;)

11-28-2010, 06:58 PM
I hope Alvarado can keep it close but they'll have no answers for Henderson's speed

11-28-2010, 07:43 PM
Wylie also graduated everyone from that class, but nice try ;)

11-28-2010, 09:13 PM
Too bad the true state championship is happening at the Berry Center this Friday night!

11-28-2010, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
I hope Alvarado can keep it close but they'll have no answers for Henderson's speed

Not sure they'll have an answer in the secondary for Del Barnes. He is a talented looking player who's already set the school record for TD passes in a season with 26.

Also, Henderson threw a TON of trick plays at Lovejoy. They pulled out the statue of liberty on a two point conversation (As did Highland Park against Poteet on Saturday, but the Scots got a 33 yard TD off of theirs), and they had a few fake punts and other very fluky trick plays.

Once again, this will all be on Henderson. If they can play 4 quarters, they should roll, but I still don't think they have done that all season according to the people I have talked to. LL might have come back to beat them if they could have taken advantage of Henderson turning the ball over in the 2nd half, but LL lacked the offensive firepower on that particular night, IMO, to get it done.

M-town lobo fan
11-28-2010, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by 3afan

haha, rookie ....
We should make a rookie of the year poll:D

Aesculus gilmus
11-29-2010, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by MesquiteFan
LL lacked the offensive firepower on that particular night, IMO, to get it done.

No, they lacked the fireWATER to get it done. They needed some of this.



11-29-2010, 08:52 AM
Ive seen both and I lean towards Henderson in this one. HOWEVER, Henderson will not blow Alvarado out. What you (Henderson fan) dont understand is how Alvarado got here. They havnt "wowed" anyone but they find a game plan, stick with it and scratch and claw and fight thier way into the game. You might out match them but they will find a way to be in it. I say Henderson in a close one but you will walk off the field knowing you were in a war for sure. Just sayin, dont start making hotel reservations in Arlington just yet. They are going to give you all you want.

11-29-2010, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
This time... ;) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :D

11-29-2010, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Gsquared
Ive seen both and I lean towards Henderson in this one. HOWEVER, Henderson will not blow Alvarado out. What you (Henderson fan) dont understand is how Alvarado got here. They havnt "wowed" anyone but they find a game plan, stick with it and scratch and claw and fight thier way into the game. You might out match them but they will find a way to be in it. I say Henderson in a close one but you will walk off the field knowing you were in a war for sure. Just sayin, dont start making hotel reservations in Arlington just yet. They are going to give you all you want.

I agree, G2. I think Henderson is everything they say, but Alvarado is junkyard dog tough and tenacious.

11-29-2010, 11:43 AM
Alvarado is like a puppy dog. And we are the pitbull. Cant wait till friday!

4days until Alvarado is playing basketball

11-29-2010, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Lions88
Alvarado is like a puppy dog. And we are the pitbull. Cant wait till friday!

4days until Alvarado is playing basketball
Wow. Mighty confident arent we. I think Henderson will win but they better play four quarters or that puppy dog is gonna chit on that pitbull snout.

11-29-2010, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by M-town lobo fan
We should make a rookie of the year poll:D

ho kidding lol!!!

11-29-2010, 12:49 PM
Where are all the alvarado supporters? Hiding.

11-29-2010, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Where are all the alvarado supporters? Hiding.

Henderson supporters are here.

GO LIONS!!!!!!

11-29-2010, 02:48 PM
Alvarado is busy living their lives, not bashing other teams to boost their confidence level. You've made your point now let's just wait for the game to see the final outcome:) & just curious, are you even a player on the team or do you just have a large confidence level for the lions with a love for talkin trash?

11-29-2010, 03:53 PM
The Indians will be ready Friday night, Coach Dixon has been here before and you can bet he will elevate his game along with the players elevating their game. Henderson deserves it's accolades for where they are, but with that being said they haven't stepped up during the season when the ranked teams played them losing to both Gilmer and Carthage. Look for the Indians to control the ball and the defense (all 11) to play big and take away Henderson's speed advantage.

11-29-2010, 04:13 PM
I guess beating a ranked lovejoy team isnt stepping up huh? ;)

11-29-2010, 04:25 PM
One out of three is impressive, but doesn't put anything in the trophy case. As was stated earlier, Henderson deserves it's accolades but still has to prove it can win the big games consistently. Alvarado will bring a game in all aspects- offense, defense, special teams, and coaching. When one aspect is slowed or stopped, the others step up and find a way to win. These kids will play with everything they have for 48 minutes!!! Looking forward to a great football game, good luck.

11-29-2010, 04:45 PM
Well I am not a homer here and think that alvarado has a chance but that Henderson will make a couple of big plays and win. It looks like LL played their best defensive game of the season against Celina ( and we messed up when we had the chance) then folded to a good offensive team in Henderson. I believe Alvarado will have the same probelm that LL had. once behind not an offense to play catchup with.

11-29-2010, 04:55 PM
Alvarado will have to protect the ball, 6 fumbles in a playoff game usually spells disaster. Luckily we played well enough to overcome the two we lost, surely that will be addressed in practice this week. The Indians will have to play at a very high level to beat Henderson, but I BELIEVE!!!

11-29-2010, 05:04 PM
Believe all you want.

But as the previous poster said. Once you get down.. its bye bye..and hello Offseason. Big plays will doom you Alvarado. Welcome to the District of Doom :D

11-29-2010, 05:07 PM

11-29-2010, 05:11 PM
Hey Defense 51,

Do you play for Alvarado?

If so, Tell them to get ready for a beat down.



4 more days until your offseason

11-29-2010, 05:52 PM
Alvarado by 7

11-29-2010, 05:52 PM
Need a poll for this one.

11-29-2010, 06:23 PM
Ok... since some of you wanted a poll I made one. Lets see one sided it becomes for Henderson!

11-29-2010, 06:36 PM
One is up. Hope your happy ;)

Sweetwater Red
11-29-2010, 06:47 PM

11-29-2010, 06:55 PM
Youre abnormal anger & rudeness in these posts are getting quite old. We know your opinion already. :) Like I asked before, do you even play on the team? If so just chill on here & back up your trash talk on the field :) you do not realize how far our boys have come & win or lose they'll still have proud Indian fans<3
Alvarado & Henderson are both very good teams, and both need the same amount of credit.

11-29-2010, 06:55 PM
Two choices, so if I were voting, I pick HENDERSON, based on stats I've read -- since I have not seen either.

Put up a poll, please.:kiss:

11-29-2010, 07:08 PM
I put one up down below in another thread. Is there another way to put it on this one?

Sweetwater Red
11-29-2010, 07:39 PM
Alvarado by as much as they want it to be.

11-29-2010, 07:43 PM
Henderson by 3 tds!!!

Sweetwater Red
11-29-2010, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
Henderson by 3 tds!!!

Bitter about losing to Alvarado? :confused:

If Henderson beats the Indians by 3 TDs what does that say about Wylie. :doh:

11-29-2010, 08:21 PM
I say Alvarado by 10!:clap:

11-29-2010, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by ccmom
I say Alvarado by 10!:clap:

Bahahahahahahahahaha... This almost made me cry!!

Wishful thinking... :hand:

Sweetwater Red
11-30-2010, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Lions88
Bahahahahahahahahaha... This almost made me cry!!

Wishful thinking... :hand:

Get excited easily do you? Is this Henderson's first time to make the playoffs or something? :confused:

11-30-2010, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Lions88
Bahahahahahahahahaha... This almost made me cry!!

Wishful thinking... :hand: Well spoken...Go Indians!!!

11-30-2010, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
Get excited easily do you? Is this Henderson's first time to make the playoffs or something? :confused: :thinking:

11-30-2010, 03:56 PM
So which would be a greater Miracle?

The US beating USSR in 80?

Or Alvarado winning?

Btw, you pollsters out there voting are just voting against me for the fun of it

11-30-2010, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
So which would be a greater Miracle?

The US beating USSR in 80?

Or Alvarado winning?

Btw, you pollsters out there voting are just voting against me for the fun of it

NO, you are not Rocket! Sorry, not even a good effort. :D

11-30-2010, 04:26 PM
Alvarado is for real man. Just because it's not "East Texas" or a bigger name that you've already heard, they are a good TEAM.

11-30-2010, 04:37 PM
*Yawn* They are not a good team.

They are an average team at best. And I take back what I said about #2 Tyler Bates I believe? He wont be able to do anything on our D and our Offense will blow by him in the secondary.

I saw some highlights on him. Nothing impressive. Our guys WILL shut him down.

I think we will shut them out now.

3 days until your season in over Alvarado :inlove:

11-30-2010, 04:41 PM
I got no dog in this hunt, and I've never seen Henderson play, but I can tell you that Alvarado did a great job on a pretty explosive Bull offense, and scored plenty enough to stay ahead and win. Their soph QB has gotten better every week, and Bates ,#2, can hurt you on both sides of the ball.

11-30-2010, 04:47 PM
Your from Bridgeport eh?

No tyler bates isnt a person to worry about. He maybe for you guys because you had an bleh season, but we will handle him with no worries.

And as far as the soph QB, we have plenty of Dline people that love beating the heck out of sophmores ;)

Hope that boy can run for his life because he will get hit all night long!

11-30-2010, 04:50 PM
Lions88, please tell me you are a kid who is just smack talking. If so, you had better take Alvarado seriously. No one makes it to the sem-finals by luck. They are a solid team, and at this stage, anyone can take anyone down. Being a former Lion myself, I will be rooting for good ol' HHS, but I'm not going to talk smack about the opponent. I wish both teams good luck. And if you are an adult doing all of this, SAD.

11-30-2010, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Your from Bridgeport eh?

No tyler bates isnt a person to worry about. He maybe for you guys because you had an bleh season, but we will handle him with no worries.

And as far as the soph QB, we have plenty of Dline people that love beating the heck out of sophmores ;)

Hope that boy can run for his life because he will get hit all night long!

Well, don't know about a "bleh' season, but I can tell you that the Alvarado QB runs well and throws even better. And Bates had 2 TD receptions and 2 Ints against the Bulls, and I see no reason why he won't be adding to that against anybody.

11-30-2010, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
*Yawn* They are not a good team.

They are an average team at best. And I take back what I said about #2 Tyler Bates I believe? He wont be able to do anything on our D and our Offense will blow by him in the secondary.

I saw some highlights on him. Nothing impressive. Our guys WILL shut him down.

I think we will shut them out now.

3 days until your season in over Alvarado :inlove:

Saw highlights of Henderson, <yawn> wasn't what I thought after listening to you. Henderson is a good football team and so is Alvarado. Henderson will know at the end of the game, win or lose, that they played a hard hitting, hard playing football team. Mark it down.

11-30-2010, 04:57 PM
Like I said.

They played you not us.

I bet that he doesnt get one interception or touchdown on us!

And.. I bet that we beat him about 3 or 4 times for a TD! ;)

11-30-2010, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by ntfootballfan
Lions88, please tell me you are a kid who is just smack talking. If so, you had better take Alvarado seriously. No one makes it to the sem-finals by luck. They are a solid team, and at this stage, anyone can take anyone down. Being a former Lion myself, I will be rooting for good ol' HHS, but I'm not going to talk smack about the opponent. I wish both teams good luck. And if you are an adult doing all of this, SAD. Think he's in study hall or detention, obviously not an adult. If Alvarado wins Friday night, we'll never hear from him again.

11-30-2010, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Like I said.

They played you not us.

I bet that he doesnt get one interception or touchdown on us!

And.. I bet that we beat him about 3 or 4 times for a TD! ;) And I'll bet that if Henderson loses we won't hear from you again.:sleeping: :sleeping:

11-30-2010, 05:01 PM
Oh, I will be back.. if we lose!

I will eat my crow, take a beating, all of the above.

But since none of this matters then I have this question?

When we play Chapel Hill, who decides who is home and away and what color jersey the other team has to wear?

11-30-2010, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Oh, I will be back.. if we lose!

I will eat my crow, take a beating, all of the above.

But since none of this matters then I have this question?

When we play Chapel Hill, who decides who is home and away and what color jersey the other team has to wear? Obviously not a player...

11-30-2010, 05:28 PM
I just don't want all of you posters thinking Lions fans are like this knucklehead. My memories are HHS fans support their team, win or lose. Which that is a good thing, because they have a rough last five or six years.

11-30-2010, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by hollywood
Saw highlights of Henderson, <yawn> wasn't what I thought after listening to you. Henderson is a good football team and so is Alvarado. Henderson will know at the end of the game, win or lose, that they played a hard hitting, hard playing football team. Mark it down.

Oh since you saw highlights of Us that means you are a player? Am I correct?

You shouldnt be yawning because that for us. Your offense stinks, and your defense is over rated. Especially the secondary.. Tell the Bates boy to be ready!

11-30-2010, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Oh since you saw highlights of Us that means you are a player? Am I correct?

You shouldnt be yawning because that for us. Your offense stinks, and your defense is over rated. Especially the secondary.. Tell the Bates boy to be ready!

LOL! Boy you are ignorant! I am not even from Alvarado. And no, I'm no longer a player. I know Alvarado has a very good football team! Where I'm from, our offense is the #1 offense in 3A and would wipe the field with Henderson. Lol. Like I said, Henderson is a good team, but don't under rate Alvarado. You will be eating lots of crow pie. Respect your opponent.

11-30-2010, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Oh since you saw highlights of Us that means you are a player? Am I correct?

You shouldnt be yawning because that for us. Your offense stinks, and your defense is over rated. Especially the secondary.. Tell the Bates boy to be ready! Please continue ... I love to poke fun at posters on this board BUT sitting back and watching someone make a fool of himself is even sweeter! :D

11-30-2010, 07:50 PM
I guess I shouldnt poke fun of you since that Cupcake team Alvarado beat you :thinking:

11-30-2010, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by ccmom
Please continue ... I love to poke fun at posters on this board BUT sitting back and watching someone make a fool of himself is even sweeter! :D Clueless! Lol He doesn't get it. Lol Oh my!

Sweetwater Red
11-30-2010, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by ntfootballfan
I just don't want all of you posters thinking Lions fans are like this knucklehead. My memories are HHS fans support their team, win or lose. Which that is a good thing, because they have a rough last five or six years.

Trust me the majority of the posters won't do that. "Knuckleheads" like this one are a
dime a dozen on here. They jump in, talk a lot of jibberish only to disappear not long after.

Just stick around and you'll see for yourself. Besides we need more East Texas posters on

Sweetwater Red
11-30-2010, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by ccmom
Please continue ... I love to poke fun at posters on this board BUT sitting back and watching someone make a fool of himself is even sweeter! :D

Yep. He has definitely got to be a band kid. Not that there is anything wrong with that. :rolleyes: :D

11-30-2010, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Oh since you saw highlights of Us that means you are a player? Am I correct?

You shouldnt be yawning because that for us. Your offense stinks, and your defense is over rated. Especially the secondary! Did this kid just say that about Brownwood? he's fortunate that his team ended up in division 1, had they gone division 2 i think his team would more than likely be out of the playoffs. On another note, i hope Alvarado gets the job done and beats Henderson, people have been doubting the indians most of the year yet here they are in the semi final. I thought the same thing this kid thought when my bulls were gonna play alvarado, i didn't know alot about them and automatically assumed that we would wipe the floor with them, needless to say they hit us in the mouth early and often and ended up pulling the upset. don't overlook this team.

Good Luck Alvarado.

11-30-2010, 08:36 PM
I'm lazy and dont feel like looking it up, so what was the Henderson-
carthage score; and the Gilmer-Henderson score?

11-30-2010, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
Did this kid just say that about Brownwood? he's fortunate that his team ended up in division 1, had they gone division 2 i think his team would more than likely be out of the playoffs. On another note, i hope Alvarado gets the job done and beats Henderson, people have been doubting the indians most of the year yet here they are in the semi final. I thought the same thing this kid thought when my bulls were gonna play alvarado, i didn't know alot about them and automatically assumed that we would wipe the floor with them, needless to say they hit us in the mouth early and often and ended up pulling the upset. don't overlook this team.

Good Luck Alvarado.

No I wasnt talking about Brownwood. I thought that he played for alvarado. My bad.

But to say it again, the reason why the punched you in the mouth (bridgeport) is because you were overrated, causing this Alvarado team to be overrated.

I am actually getting exicted to see this slaughter fest as people are actually thinking that Alvarado will win this game.

The purple and gold cupcakes from alvarado are less than 3 days away from dribbling the basketballs :clap:

11-30-2010, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by LionFan72
I'm lazy and dont feel like looking it up, so what was the Henderson-
carthage score; and the Gilmer-Henderson score?

just looked it up.

they lost to Gilmer 29-28

they lost to Carthage 43-33

11-30-2010, 08:46 PM
Carthage we should have won but our running back was out

Gilmer was by one point come on!! Thats how it goes

How about Alvarado beating a crappy Prosper team by 1
and Kennedale team by 1.

I would take A loss to Gilmer and Carthage then wins over those... oh and Alvarado lost to Springtown??


91 lion
11-30-2010, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by hollywood
LOL! Boy you are ignorant! I am not even from Alvarado. And no, I'm no longer a player. I know Alvarado has a very good football team! Where I'm from, our offense is the #1 offense in 3A and would wipe the field with Henderson. Lol. Like I said, Henderson is a good team, but don't under rate Alvarado. You will be eating lots of crow pie. Respect your opponent.


11-30-2010, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Carthage we should have won but our running back was out

Gilmer was by one point come on!! Thats how it goes

How about Alvarado beating a crappy Prosper team by 1
and Kennedale team by 1.

I would take A loss to Gilmer and Carthage then wins over those... oh and Alvarado lost to Springtown??


Atta boy...keep going!! :thumbsup: :rolleyes:

11-30-2010, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
No I wasnt talking about Brownwood. I thought that he played for alvarado. My bad.

But to say it again, the reason why the punched you in the mouth (bridgeport) is because you were overrated, causing this Alvarado team to be overrated.

I am actually getting exicted to see this slaughter fest as people are actually thinking that Alvarado will win this game.

The purple and gold cupcakes from alvarado are less than 3 days away from dribbling the basketballs :clap: :rolleyes:

11-30-2010, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by ccmom
Atta boy...keep going!! :thumbsup: :rolleyes:

Keep what going?

Someone please explain to me how they are going to win??

Running? Please... we will shut that down?
Passing? Not going to happen!
Kicking? Hahaha.. lol

There defense??
Thats the biggest joke of them all!

11-30-2010, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Keep what going?

Someone please explain to me how they are going to win??

Running? Please... we will shut that down?
Passing? Not going to happen!
Kicking? Hahaha.. lol

There defense??
Thats the biggest joke of them all!

They will score more points that Henderson. How's that? :hand:

11-30-2010, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
Bitter about losing to Alvarado? :confused:

If Henderson beats the Indians by 3 TDs what does that say about Wylie. :doh:

Who cares! Unless, you care about what it says about SW!:D


11-30-2010, 09:55 PM
How will they score more points if they wont be scoring at all?? :eek:

11-30-2010, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by DaHop72
And I'll bet that if Henderson loses we won't hear from you again.:sleeping: :sleeping:

Is he from BW?:D


11-30-2010, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
How will they score more points if they wont be scoring at all?? :eek:

What makes you think Alvarado won't score? What makes you think Henderson will dominate from start to finish? What makes you think Henderson is that much more dominate than Alvarado? Let's hear it. Anyone can sit here and say, we will shut this and that down! Why? We need a logical answer. Lol

11-30-2010, 10:19 PM
We shut down lovejoy and they were suppose to be the thing.

We played in the District of Doom, the hardest district in the state for 3A to prepare us for this moment.

We have too much speed, too much strength, and we just blow away any competition. Been doing all playoffs and no, we didnt have an easy road like Alvarado did.

11-30-2010, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Keep what going?

Someone please explain to me how they are going to win??

Running? Please... we will shut that down?
Passing? Not going to happen!
Kicking? Hahaha.. lol

There defense??
Thats the biggest joke of them all!

I see lots of crow pie in your future! :p :p :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

11-30-2010, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
just looked it up.

they lost to Gilmer 29-28

they lost to Carthage 43-33

Thanks for the answer BullBoy! Kinda sheds some light on "the prophecy."

11-30-2010, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
We shut down lovejoy and they were suppose to be the thing.

We played in the District of Doom, the hardest district in the state for 3A to prepare us for this moment.

We have too much speed, too much strength, and we just blow away any competition. Been doing all playoffs and no, we didnt have an easy road like Alvarado did.

Better. Lovejoy has been through 3 of their starters out for the playoffs, who only lost to Argyle in a close one to start the season. How did the Argyle/Gilmer game turn out? Didn't Gilmer beat Henderson? You can't just go by scores or who beat who. Every team matches up differently.
Speed isn't found only in East Texas. Strength, I bet Alvarado can match Henderson there. We'll see.

Speed, strength,

11-30-2010, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by hollywood
Better. Lovejoy has been through 3 of their starters out for the playoffs, who only lost to Argyle in a close one to start the season. How did the Argyle/Gilmer game turn out? Didn't Gilmer beat Henderson? You can't just go by scores or who beat who. Every team matches up differently.
Speed isn't found only in East Texas. Strength, I bet Alvarado can match Henderson there. We'll see.

Speed, strength,

Henderson by 3 TDs!!!!:)

11-30-2010, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
Henderson by 3 TDs!!!!:)

Finally someone that knows something! :D

11-30-2010, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by hollywood
Better. Lovejoy has been through 3 of their starters out for the playoffs, who only lost to Argyle in a close one to start the season. How did the Argyle/Gilmer game turn out? Didn't Gilmer beat Henderson? You can't just go by scores or who beat who. Every team matches up differently.
Speed isn't found only in East Texas. Strength, I bet Alvarado can match Henderson there. We'll see.

Speed, strength,

Last time I checked we are playing Alvarado, not Argyle!

Alvarado wouldnt hang with Gilmer or Argyle. They would be 5th in our district

11-30-2010, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Finally someone that knows something! :D Haha....sorry Garcia but that's just funny! :D

11-30-2010, 10:46 PM
Henderson by 3 TDs!!!!:D :D :D

P.S. I'm starting to feel like ROCKET!!!!:D


11-30-2010, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
Henderson by 3 TDs!!!!:D :D :D

P.S. I'm starting to feel like ROCKET!!!!:D


YES! Keep saying it... music to my ears!!

11-30-2010, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
Henderson by 3 TDs!!!!:) ONLY 3 TOUCHDOWNS!!!?? By the way this lion88 guy is talking them up they should win by atleast 136 touchdowns!:rolleyes:

11-30-2010, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
ONLY 3 TOUCHDOWNS!!!?? By the way this lion88 guy is talking them up they should win by atleast 136 touchdowns!:rolleyes:

Hey I like you way of thinking

Henderson 600
Alvarado 0

Book it.

11-30-2010, 11:07 PM
:hand: :cheerl: :clap:

11-30-2010, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
ONLY 3 TOUCHDOWNS!!!?? By the way this lion88 guy is talking them up they should win by atleast 136 touchdowns!:rolleyes:

No! 3 TDs will be all!

11-30-2010, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
No! 3 TDs will be all! :( alright i guess that'll do.:(

12-01-2010, 12:22 AM
<"YAWWNNN"> is lions 88 still running his mouth?
I agree, has to be a band boy (; or class of '88, a 40 year old with no life, orr, so many options, but can't be a REAL ball player.
Typically when someone talks this bad about something they're A.) Nervous B.) Jealous or C.) Just plain IGNORANT.
Never even heard of Henderson before seeing the schedule. You claim the indians being cupcakes? Let's check yalls records...
First 2 games beat teams that were 1-9, next game team that's 3-7, Another 4-6, & another that's 3-7 again. Call The Indians cupcakes again, (;

12-01-2010, 03:43 AM
WOW! Lions88, Alvarado has earned the right to play this game. This is my first post on this thread and as I was reading to catch up, i could only get through the first page. To say your already looking to the next game and not focused on the team in front of you is crazy.

I hope you're not a parent or one of the players because this is not what Henderson needs to hear. This is the first time since the 70's the Lions have been this far in the payoffs, so don't make a fool out of yourself with all the trash talking.

Henderson played LL as if it were the state championship, and you saw the outcome. This game is even bigger than the last, so never overlook the team in front of you.

12-01-2010, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by Lions88
How will they score more points if they wont be scoring at all?? :eek:

Now after going back and reading a little more, I bet this dude is some Alvarado fan trying to pump his team up! It's that or he's smoking some crazy stuff. :)

12-01-2010, 10:29 AM
Lions88, you are definitely NOT endearing any people on this sight. I'm definitely pulling for the Lions in this one, but don't discount ANY team that makes it to the 4th round of the playoffs. Alvarado is playing this week for a reason, they have beaten everybody in front of them in the playoffs. It doesn't matter who the team was they beat, or how they beat that team, the thing is they won. Don't disrespect that fact, because I know from experience that can come back and bite you on the backside.:doh: :D

With all this said, I feel like Henderson should win this game. It doesn't matter by how much, I just feel like the Lions will move on. The Lions WILL, however, have to put FOUR QUARTERS together every game from here on out to have any chance. I just hope for your sake the Lion players are not overlooking Alvarado, because if they are they will likely get beat. Going for a chance at a first state championship SHOULD keep the players focused, but we are talking about 15-18 year-olds. The thing is they need to ignore all the hype, and go out and TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS!

GO LIONS!!! 16-3A ROCKS!!!

12-01-2010, 02:02 PM
LION88, this guy does not represent anyone worthy from Henderson at all. He has no knowledge of anything going on besides the fact that the 2 teams are playing..Have a great day ...good luck indians, GO LIONS

12-01-2010, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by ALL11
LION88, this guy does not represent anyone worthy from Henderson at all. He has no knowledge of anything going on besides the fact that the 2 teams are playing..Have a great day ...good luck indians, GO LIONS
Welcome, my 16-3A comrade! Stick around! We need more East Texans around here....:clap: and:


12-01-2010, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by carlmc11
<"YAWWNNN"> is lions 88 still running his mouth?
I agree, has to be a band boy (; or class of '88, a 40 year old with no life, orr, so many options, but can't be a REAL ball player.
Typically when someone talks this bad about something they're A.) Nervous B.) Jealous or C.) Just plain IGNORANT.
Never even heard of Henderson before seeing the schedule. You claim the indians being cupcakes? Let's check yalls records...
First 2 games beat teams that were 1-9, next game team that's 3-7, Another 4-6, & another that's 3-7 again. Call The Indians cupcakes again, (;

Lets look at Alvarado's Schd why dont we?

Robinson 3-7: W
Springtown:7-4 L
Prosper: 7-5: W by 1 point
Bridgeport: 9-3
Connally: 0-10 lol
Kennedale: 9-3
Hillsboro: 1-9
Venus: 0-10 lol
West: 3-8
Glenrose: 4-6

43-65: Thats awful!

Mineral Wells: 6-5
Abliene Wylie: 5-7
Cooper: 9-4


Yep I would say CUPCAKE

Lets look at ours:

Mt. Pleasant: 1-9 W
Pine Tree: 1-9 W
Kilgore: 3-7 W
Kilgore: 5-6 W
Liberty: 8-3 W
Spring Hill: 4-6 W
Pittsburg: 6-4 W
Carthage: 11-2 L
Gilmer: 9-4 L
Gladewater: 3-7
51-57: Not bad.. almost .500

North Lamar: 6-5
Lindale: 8-4
Lovejoy: 11-2

25-11: Outstanding!

This is why Alvarado is a CUPCAKE!

We are bringing the pain Alvarado

2 days until you are dribble basketballs :)

12-01-2010, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Lets look at Alvarado's Schd why dont we?

Robinson 3-7: W
Springtown:7-4 L
Prosper: 7-5: W by 1 point
Bridgeport: 9-3
Connally: 0-10 lol
Kennedale: 9-3
Hillsboro: 1-9
Venus: 0-10 lol
West: 3-8
Glenrose: 4-6

43-65: Thats awful!

Mineral Wells: 6-5
Abliene Wylie: 5-7
Cooper: 9-4


Yep I would say CUPCAKE

Lets look at ours:

Mt. Pleasant: 1-9 W
Pine Tree: 1-9 W
Kilgore: 3-7 W
Kilgore: 5-6 W
Liberty: 8-3 W
Spring Hill: 4-6 W
Pittsburg: 6-4 W
Carthage: 11-2 L
Gilmer: 9-4 L
Gladewater: 3-7
51-57: Not bad.. almost .500

North Lamar: 6-5
Lindale: 8-4
Lovejoy: 11-2

25-11: Outstanding!

This is why Alvarado is a CUPCAKE!

We are bringing the pain Alvarado

2 days until you are dribble basketballs :)

Wouldn't call it upcake since they beat 5 teams with winning records and Henderson only beat 5 teams with winning records. This doesnt tell me much.

12-01-2010, 04:22 PM
Our 5 teams we beat were much tougher

12-01-2010, 04:24 PM
Don't forget ... Alvarado only beat West by 2! Also, don't forget that 1 win Mt. Pleasant had was against that vaunted North Lamar team you beat in the first round ... oh, and two of Kilgore's three wins were against the 1-9 teams on your schedule ... oh and that great LE team that was 8-3 only beat the 1-win MP team by 5 ... oh and that cupcake team from Abilene Wylie lost at Waco by 3 - yep, same Waco team that beat Everman in the first round of the playoffs and that sorry Wylie team - they only lost at a 4A regional finalist by 12 ...

Just goes to show schedules mean jack ... play the teams on your schedule.

Funny that this is a lot of smack coming from someone supporting a team that was 4 points from not being the playoffs!

12-01-2010, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by 12thMan
Now after going back and reading a little more, I bet this dude is some Alvarado fan trying to pump his team up! It's that or he's smoking some crazy stuff. :)

I smoke some good stuff! Want some :nerd:

12-01-2010, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
I smoke some good stuff! Want some :nerd:

I think you do to.

12-01-2010, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by ahs_indian_fan
Don't forget ... Alvarado only beat West by 2! Also, don't forget that 1 win Mt. Pleasant had was against that vaunted North Lamar team you beat in the first round ... oh, and two of Kilgore's three wins were against the 1-9 teams on your schedule ... oh and that great LE team that was 8-3 only beat the 1-win MP team by 5 ... oh and that cupcake team from Abilene Wylie lost at Waco by 3 - yep, same Waco team that beat Everman in the first round of the playoffs and that sorry Wylie team - they only lost at a 4A regional finalist by 12 ...

Just goes to show schedules mean jack ... play the teams on your schedule.

Funny that this is a lot of smack coming from someone supporting a team that was 4 points from not being the playoffs!

And yet we are in the playoffs arent we?? ;)

And your playoff run is about to be over!

12-01-2010, 08:44 PM
This Lions88 dude needs to shut his mouth. He sounds like an idiot and he is representing his team and community very poorly. Good luck to Alvarado, good luck to Henderson, and good luck to this Lions88 moron during the halftime show, the world needs good french horn players.

12-02-2010, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Katy04
This Lions88 dude needs to shut his mouth. He sounds like an idiot and he is representing his team and community very poorly. Good luck to Alvarado, good luck to Henderson, and good luck to this Lions88 moron during the halftime show, the world needs good french horn players. :clap: :clap:

He's certainly good at "tooting his own horn"! :rolleyes:

12-02-2010, 10:02 AM
allthough I beleave Alvarado will win this I would like to see Henderson win so the winner of the Col.-Chill game can shut this guy up.

12-02-2010, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Katy04
This Lions88 dude needs to shut his mouth. He sounds like an idiot and he is representing his team and community very poorly. Good luck to Alvarado, good luck to Henderson, and good luck to this Lions88 moron during the halftime show, the world needs good french horn players. Well said! I honestly think Lions88 problem is an over abundance of ignorance. Looking at the profile it shows a birthday of 1994. Anyone who has been around football (or any other sport) for any length of time knows that scores of games past and win-loss records mean absolutely nothing. There is a certain saying of "any given Sunday" that comes to mind. Someone who is only 16 hasn't seen enough games or followed a team long enough to understand this concept. Although Lions88 has been bashing Alvarado rather harshly, it's not his fault. Lions88 just doesn't know any better...

12-02-2010, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by defense51
Well said! I honestly think Lions88 problem is an over abundance of ignorance. Looking at the profile it shows a birthday of 1994. Anyone who has been around football (or any other sport) for any length of time knows that scores of games past and win-loss records mean absolutely nothing. There is a certain saying of "any given Sunday" that comes to mind. Someone who is only 16 hasn't seen enough games or followed a team long enough to understand this concept. Although Lions88 has been bashing Alvarado rather harshly, it's not his fault. Lions88 just doesn't know any better...

Ahh... my favorite Alvarado fan! How are you feeling on the last day of your season?? Good I hope... because tomorrow is the day.. the day the ends your 2010 season. I am excited... going to the game first hand to see the slaughter east texas is about to lay on the last DFW team in DI. :) Enjoy today my friend, tomorrow certainly will be a long and horrible day for you ;)

12-02-2010, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Ahh... my favorite Alvarado fan! How are you feeling on the last day of your season?? Good I hope... because tomorrow is the day.. the day the ends your 2010 season. I am excited... going to the game first hand to see the slaughter east texas is about to lay on the last DFW team in DI. :) Enjoy today my friend, tomorrow certainly will be a long and horrible day for you ;)

Dude, just shut up. People are really growing tired of the idiotic dribble that just seems to be continuously flowing from your mouth. If Alvarado wins then you’ll really sound stupid, and if Henderson wins, everyone is still going to think you’re a jerk that can’t keep his mouth shut. Either way, you lose. So get a life and just shut up about the game and wait till Friday.

12-02-2010, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Katy04
Dude, just shut up. People are really growing tired of the idiotic dribble that just seems to be continuously flowing from your mouth. If Alvarado wins then you’ll really sound stupid, and if Henderson wins, everyone is still going to think you’re a jerk that can’t keep his mouth shut. Either way, you lose. So get a life and just shut up about the game and wait till Friday.

People will call me The next Prophet once 10:00 pm 2morw comes ;) Lions88 "The Prophet"

12-02-2010, 07:55 PM
keep your mouth shut people may think you're idiot but open your mouth and remove all doubt

12-02-2010, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
People will call me The next Prophet once 10:00 pm 2morw comes ;) Lions88 "The Prophet"

Do you have a roster of the Henderson Lions you could post?

12-02-2010, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by hollywood
Do you have a roster of the Henderson Lions you could post?

Here you go Hollywood

Harlon Jackson 1 WR/DB 5'6" 133 12
Garrick Sanders 2 CB 5'8" 166 11
Jacoby Hodge 3 WR 5'10" 157 12
Trey Jones 4 WR 5'8" 160 11
Jackson Tully 5 CB 5'9" 165 12
John Wilder 7 QB 6'0" 175 12
Trey Vallier 8 FS 5'11" 170 12
Lamarcus Brown 9 WR 5'10" 162 11
Jay O'Neal 10 LB/WR 5'9" 165 11
Julio Olvera 11 LB 5'9" 178 12
Justyn Mapps 12 WR 5'9" 155 12
LaBradford Barnes 15 QB 5'11" 160 11
Rome Pollard 16 SS 5'6" 135 11
Grayland Dunams 18 WR 5'10" 168 12
Klint McCown 22 RB 5'7" 164 12
Stephen Resse 24 LB/TE 5'8" 195 11
Clay Truelock 25 TE/LB 5'10" 183 12
Marques Jackson 26 WR 5'7" 152 12
John Polk 28 RB 5'11" 188 12
Davondrick Biggers 31 RB/LB 5'6" 171 11
Christion Cary 38 RB/LB 5'9" 160 11
Dylan Culp 40 K/P 5'11" 200 12
Cord Fletcher 44 LB/RB 5'8" 215 12
Jarrod Jones 45 DE 6'0" 200 12
Darius Love 48 LB 5'7" 161 11
Blade Gillispie 50 C/DT 6'0" 248 12
Deveron Powell 52 T 6'3" 251 12
Chris Hairgrove 55 T 6'2" 268 12
Daravian Roquemore 56 T/DT 6'1" 246 12
Kevin Leatch 58 G/NG 5'8" 280 12
Gabe Hardin 60 G/DT 5'7" 215 11
Doug Brown 64 G/NG 5'7" 284 12
Jerome Pegues 65 T/DT 5'8" 225 11
Michael Cunningham 67 T/DT 6'1" 240 11
Clay Brown 70 T/DT 5'11" 263 12
Michael Acres 72 T/DT 6'4" 234 12
A.J. Jackson 74 G/NG 5'10" 250 12
Tanner Pool 75 G/DT 5'8" 208 11
Anthony Brister 78 DE 6'1" 240 11
Jermel Oliver 79 T/NG 5'8" 277 12
Corey Fletcher 84 DT/TE 5'9" 230 12
Jeremy White 85 TE/LB 6'1" 195 12
Adam Bridges 89 DE/TE 6'3" 190 11

12-02-2010, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
People will call me The next Prophet once 10:00 pm 2morw comes ;) Lions88 "The Prophet" but what if yall lose? what does that say about your team if they lose to "cup cake" alvarado?:thinking:

12-02-2010, 11:08 PM
What is Henderson's enrollment?

I expected to see more kids on the roster than that. I'm not saying that more=better...just wondering what their enrollment is.

12-02-2010, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
but what if yall lose? what does that say about your team if they lose to "cup cake" alvarado?:thinking:

Why are you even asking a question that doesnt matter??lol

We wont lose to Alvarado. Plain and simple. Take that to the bank. To it to Vegas. You will win money.

My final prediction on stats will be put up 2morw before the game.

12-02-2010, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by ccmom
What is Henderson's enrollment?

I expected to see more kids on the roster than that. I'm not saying that more=better...just wondering what their enrollment is.

890- something

tres beauties
12-03-2010, 12:01 AM
Thanks for the humor this week! I'm not saying that Alvarado will win (I'm smart enough to know that anyone can win during this time of year) but, I've looked forward to getting on 3ADL to check out your next "interesting" post(s) and the response(s). Thanks for the entertainment! Good luck!

12-03-2010, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by tres beauties
Thanks for the humor this week! I'm not saying that Alvarado will win (I'm smart enough to know that anyone can win during this time of year) but, I've looked forward to getting on 3ADL to check out your next "interesting" post(s) and the response(s). Thanks for the entertainment! Good luck!

I guess that you are welcome? Altho these people on here hate to hear the truth.. They like to have their head in the ground and walk on egg shells....

This time 2morw we will be in the state finals!!!!! WOO HOO!!!

T-minus 23 hours until its offical!

12-03-2010, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by Lions88
I know that you shouldnt count your eggs before they are hatched, but I really have no worries about this game. Lovejoy I did, but Alvarado just doesnt stand a chance.

I have my eyes set on Chapel Hill. I am not trying to be rude, I just think that this is going to happen.

Like you said don't count your eggs before they are hatched, Roughnecks still are in this and will see one of you at Texas Stadium next week!

12-03-2010, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by Dinah
Like you said don't count your eggs before they are hatched, Roughnecks still are in this and will see one of you at Texas Stadium next week!

Well, you see there might be a problem with that since they blew it up 6 months ago ;)

But you go ahead and take your roughnecks there!

Us and Chapel Hill will head to Cowboys Stadium for the title game. Maybe you could play Alvarado there ;) "The Losers Bowl"

12-03-2010, 01:31 AM
Yes, sorry my bad, old habits die hard, but all the same, but either way you will see us play there next week.

Henderson fans are as cocky as CH fans and think they are walking away with the title. Well we fight to the end. And the curtain has not closed, heck we have not even got to the field yet! We shall all see later today who is playing whom.

Good luck and safe travels to both teams!:clap:

12-03-2010, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by Dinah
Yes, sorry my bad, old habits die hard, but all the same, but either way you will see us play there next week.

Henderson fans are as cocky as CH fans and think they are walking away with the title. Well we fight to the end. And the curtain has not closed, heck we have not even got to the field yet! We shall all see later today who is playing whom.

Good luck and safe travels to both teams!:clap:

Now I know for sure you dont think that you are going to beat Chapel Hill. I would almost be more confident in Chapel hill beating WC then I am about my boys killing Alvarado!

You better hope you score!

61-0 Chapel Hill...Sorry, just the truth!

12-03-2010, 01:42 AM
Well this is a thread for Henderson and Alvarado, so I wont continue to argue on this one about that, if you would like move over to our thread and we can continue.

But I voted for Alvarado on this and think we will see them in Arlington. But you can still come and cheer us on if you would like! More the merrier! My hotel room is booked for Arlington!


Good luck Alavardo!

12-03-2010, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Dinah
Well this is a thread for Henderson and Alvarado, so I wont continue to argue on this one about that, if you would like move over to our thread and we can continue.

But I voted for Alvarado on this and think we will see them in Arlington. But you can still come and cheer us on if you would like! More the merrier! My hotel room is booked for Arlington!


Good luck Alavardo!

You know, Alvarado and WC could be in the finals just as likely as Henderson and Chapel Hill. ;) You could take it to the bank that Lions88 is on JV and he wouldn't give props to both if it does happen.:thinking:

12-03-2010, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Dinah
Well this is a thread for Henderson and Alvarado, so I wont continue to argue on this one about that, if you would like move over to our thread and we can continue.

But I voted for Alvarado on this and think we will see them in Arlington. But you can still come and cheer us on if you would like! More the merrier! My hotel room is booked for Arlington!


Good luck Alavardo!

Wow... money wasted right there? Can I have your hotel room then?

12-03-2010, 02:24 PM
the game will be broadcast online if you go to the alvarado website


not going to waste any comments on lions88

good luck to both teams tonight.

12-03-2010, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Now I know for sure you dont think that you are going to beat Chapel Hill. I would almost be more confident in Chapel hill beating WC then I am about my boys killing Alvarado!

You better hope you score!

61-0 Chapel Hill...Sorry, just the truth!

alright, if Henderson does not win by atleast 35 points then that will make them look very very weak for barely beating what you call a "cup cake" alvarado team. you've been saying it all week that henderson is going to kill alvarado now lets just wait and see how much "killing" you guys do tonight.

GO INDIANS!:cheerl:

12-03-2010, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
but what if yall lose? what does that say about your team if they lose to "cup cake" alvarado?:thinking: Henderson lose??? Don't you know they are unbeaten and already wearing their SC rings (according to Lions88)? Henderson may win tonight, but they are going to have to beat a tough and very well coached team to get to play next week. I will give Lions88 his due, he is at least entertaining during the first 2 or three posts. Good luck to Henderson players, coaches, and fans. Go Indians-purple out!!!

12-03-2010, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
alright, if Henderson does not win by atleast 35 points then that will make them look very very weak for barely beating what you call a "cup cake" alvarado team. you've been saying it all week that henderson is going to kill alvarado now lets just wait and see how much "killing" you guys do tonight.

GO INDIANS!:cheerl: I happen to love cupcakes:inlove: ...

Go Indians! :clap:

12-03-2010, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by defense51
Henderson lose??? Don't you know they are unbeaten and already wearing their SC rings (according to Lions88)? Henderson may win tonight, but they are going to have to beat a tough and very well coached team to get to play next week. I will give Lions88 his due, he is at least entertaining during the first 2 or three posts. Good luck to Henderson players, coaches, and fans. Go Indians-purple out!!! i'll be rooting for alvarado in this one, good luck. if henderson loses tonight everyone is going to shred up that lions88 kid for talking so much crap all week!:D

12-03-2010, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by ccmom
I happen to love cupcakes:inlove: ...

Go Indians! :clap: :D:D :D

12-03-2010, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by ccmom
I happen to love cupcakes:inlove: ...

Go Indians! :clap:

CMom...you aren't rooting for the Indians are ya?;)

12-03-2010, 04:24 PM
Well according to this poll if Henderson wins it will be an upset!

But anyway I am making the trip over there right now!!

Final predictions:

We return the opening kick off for a TD
That Tyler Bates kid gets shut down
Alvarado turns the ball over 3 times
Alvarado secondary gets beat like they stole something
Our QB lights it up
Speed Kills Alvarado

Final score 41-0

Later Alvarado Indians!

T minus 7 hours until its ova for you!!

12-03-2010, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Well according to this poll if Henderson wins it will be an upset!

But anyway I am making the trip over there right now!!

Final predictions:

We return the opening kick off for a TD
That Tyler Bates kid gets shut down
Alvarado turns the ball over 3 times
Alvarado secondary gets beat like they stole something
Our QB lights it up
Speed Kills Alvarado

Final score 41-0

Later Alvarado Indians!

T minus 7 hours until its ova for you!! if henderson wins they are going to get PASTED by whoever they end up playing in the state championship game.

12-03-2010, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Lions88
Final score 41-0

T minus 7 hours until its ova for you!!

you guys sure are killing alvarado!!!


12-03-2010, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
you guys sure are killing alvarado!!!

:rolleyes: lol

12-03-2010, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
lol :D i have to give the boy a hard time, look through this thread, he has been talking so much trash all week about how henderson was going to demolish alvarado. it isn't looking like it so far it was 13-0 ALVARADO at halftime last time i checked.:D

12-03-2010, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by BullBoy
:D i have to give the boy a hard time, look through this thread, he has been talking so much trash all week about how henderson was going to demolish alvarado. it isn't looking like it so far it was 13-0 ALVARADO at halftime last time i checked.:D If they lose, you think he'll come back?

12-03-2010, 09:30 PM
halftime -alvarado 13 henderson 0

12-03-2010, 09:34 PM
Anyone got info on the Henderson QB's
condition? Out for rest of game I heard.

12-03-2010, 09:36 PM
Go to www.alvaradoisd.net and follow link in middle of page. There is also a chat board. GO INDIANS!

12-03-2010, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
If they lose, you think he'll come back? he said he would but who knows, after all that trash talk he did i bet everyone else is waiting for the outcome of this game to get back at him. maybe henderson will start the "KILLING" in the 2nd half.

after all lions88 is a self proclaimed prophet, he predicted a huge win for his team all week long.:D

12-03-2010, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by StatGuy
Go to www.alvaradoisd.net and follow link in middle of page. There is also a chat board. GO INDIANS! thanks but listening to Carthage and can't go back and forth. Not very coordinated that way.

12-03-2010, 10:14 PM
and the tyler ref crew shows up to nulify a alvarado td

12-03-2010, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by rholl
and the tyler ref crew shows up to nulify a alvarado td Oh thank goodness.:D

12-03-2010, 11:05 PM
Congrats Alvarado on such a successful season!!!

congrats henderson for advancing to the BIG GAME!

Lions88 you were wrong about alvarado, yall did not blow them out like you preached all week and they gave yall a good tough fought game. but congrats to your team for getting this far and good luck next week because yall will need it.

12-04-2010, 12:51 AM

I must be honest.

I can't accept this win.

Alvarado was the better team tonight. Plain and simple.

I was wrong about this team and it really doesnt feel right knowing that a Blown call gave us the win. If you werent there then you dont know what I am talking about. A beautiful catch on a reverse Flea Flicker and the Alvarado Reciever made a hell of a play. All to be called back by holding, which in that case you dont make the call.

Trust me, I love the we are going to the State finals. But I walked away knowing that the better team didnt win tonight. Our speed was a factor but Alvarado showed a heart out there that I have rarely seen in teams. I looked at most of the roster for them and they are young. Best of luck to Alvarado in the future. I feel they are going to be a big team come next year!

I am sorry to all of the Alvarado fans that I offended, you truly have a great team.

Good job on your season indians.

12-04-2010, 02:26 AM
Congrats to Henderson and good luck at the Big Dance! :clap:

It sounds as if it was a great game. I was really pulling for Alvarado but congratulations to the Indians on an exceptional season. I expect to see Alvarado making waves in 3A in the years to come. :clap:

12-04-2010, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by lulu
Anyone got info on the Henderson QB's
condition? Out for rest of game I heard.

Broken wrist is the word...hope it was not...sure want to see healthy squads next week when the two East Texas Teams line up...and they are 26 miles apart...and the ney sayers keep on talking...great job

12-04-2010, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by Lions88

I must be honest.

I can't accept this win.

Alvarado was the better team tonight. Plain and simple.

I was wrong about this team and it really doesnt feel right knowing that a Blown call gave us the win. If you werent there then you dont know what I am talking about. A beautiful catch on a reverse Flea Flicker and the Alvarado Reciever made a hell of a play. All to be called back by holding, which in that case you dont make the call.


Why should the call not have beenm made? Was it holding or not?

12-04-2010, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Why should the call not have beenm made? Was it holding or not? If this was coming from an Alvarado poster I would say it was probably holding....but since it was from lions88 I'll guess that it either wasn't a hold, or a hold that didn't affect the outcome of the play and shouldn't have been called this deep in the playoffs. In any case, I wasn't there so I'm just speculating.. ;)

12-04-2010, 11:24 AM
To clear it up on the hold.

No it wasnt a hold, our guy was blocked to the ground legally. It was a dang shame because it was a beautiful run play.

And yes, Alvarado should make waves in the coming years. That team is young, they also lost there star player which i was wrong about. Before he got hurt he made a heck of a catch with 2 or 3 guys on him.

12-04-2010, 11:45 AM
Just want to thank lion88 for redeming himself on here, you def talked some trash in the last few weeks. I'm new to the site and vowed to never post, i just wanted to stay caught up. After reading your last few comments i just felt i needed to post, i want to thank you for the kind words about alvarado, we;ve had a heck of a season and were very proud of our boys they have more heart and soul than any team i've ever watched play. Henderson played a good game I do feel you over rated them and totally under estimated us of course, but never less both teams played to win with out a doubt. Yes the call at the end of the game by the ref was totally bogas and it was a beautiful pass and catch. I truly believe that if the ref wouldnt have called it back Alvarado would have ended up winning the game but not saying with out a fight from Henderson. I want to tell Alvarado Congrats Boys dont forget you made History this season for Alvarado and your parents, team mates, cheerleaders, your town, etc are very proud of what you accomplished! Also would like to Congratulate Henderson for the win and wish you the best at State and prayers are with your team and your QB hope he's ok. Also pray for safe travel to the area for the team and the fans! Good luck! :)

tres beauties
12-04-2010, 04:42 PM
Well done! Very classy, mature post! Who says football doesn't teach any life lessons? Good luck to the Lions!

12-05-2010, 05:11 PM
Well stated lions88, congratulations henderson on the win. Good luck next week and thanks for the great game!