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View Full Version : Keeping it Classy

11-13-2010, 09:52 AM
Now, I know I have my moments and I know we all do, but how bout we try to keep things a little more classy in our game posts this week. When posting keep in mind that these are high school athletes, not professionals. They are still children that can easily be influenced by the banter on a thread about them. If you want to act a fool and talk tons of crap please, do it in a private message so that it isn't read by all. Many of the Brownwood vs. IP posts leading up to the game were out of line and without a doubt in my opinion fed fuel to what became an inferno of a game. There were emotions flying around and an air of an ensuing fight all week on the board instead of an ensuing football game. If this is what we are offering up and the example that we are setting for these student athletes that we KNOW are watching our every move and keeping up with our every post, then we need to keep it under wraps. All that is coming from it is we are enciting riotous behavior from children. That is not our purpose here nor our goal. This site is here for the discussion of football and the POSITIVE reinforcement of the student athlete. It is a friendly community of football fans from across the state where we can meet and support our team without running down the opposing team, their communmity, and their coaches. This is my challenge to all of you. I am not a part of the Downlow ownership or management and I certainly have no power of censorship or ability to remove posting priviledges to anyone, but I am a longtime follower of this board and a longtime friend of 3A football and I was embarrassed by the way one of OUR (the Downlow family) threads potentially led to the poor sportsmanship displayed on both sides of the Iowa Park vs Brownwood fiasco on Thursday night. I challenge you all to be better than that. Be above the name calling and the smack talk. Support your team, but keep it in perspective that we can and do influence the teenagers that we support with our own words and actions on here.


Your Friendly Neighborhood GreenMonster

11-13-2010, 09:57 AM
:clap: :clap: :clap:


11-13-2010, 10:05 AM
I don't think the thread had anything to do with the way the teams played the game, however I do agree with everything else you had to say. :clap:

11-13-2010, 10:06 AM
Well said, GM. This has always been the ultimate goal of 3ADL and exactly what our mission statement means.

WE'RE the adults and by all means should set a good example. Smack is one thing, but the childish name-calling and such just has no place in intelligent adult conversation.

11-13-2010, 10:09 AM
EXCELLENT post! I don't know that I believe this board actually had anything to do with the game, but I couldn't agree more with everything else you said. That kind of behavior isn't learned or taught in a week, but the thread certainly couldn't have helped. And irregardless of that thread or any other, I do think it's important to remember that though we are anonymous names on an internet forum, the kids and coaches are real people.

11-13-2010, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by BwdLion73
I don't think the thread had anything to do with the way the teams played the game, however I do agree with everything else you had to say. :clap: I disagree. These kids are not stupid. They know where to find the downlow and they know how to read (most of them at least.) There was an emotionally charged week of posting and it led to an emotionally charged football game. A game that was out of hand by halftime both on the scoreboard and in the actions of the people on the field. It didn't have to be that way. It is my opinion that many of the IP kids had used the smack talk on this message board as motivation and bulletin board material leading up to the game.

11-13-2010, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I disagree. These kids are not stupid. They know where to find the downlow and they know how to read (most of them at least.) There was an emotionally charged week of posting and it led to an emotionally charged football game. A game that was out of hand by halftime both on the scoreboard and in the actions of the people on the field. It didn't have to be that way. It is my opinion that many of the IP kids had used the smack talk on this message board as motivation and bulletin board material leading up to the game.

I sure more kids read this site than we know but we have had a lot worse said on some games this year that did not have the kind of activity that went on with this game. If we used that logic there would still be picking up bodies at the Bwd./ Sville game.

Just my opinion and I could be wrong.:thinking:

11-13-2010, 10:22 AM
Well said, and timely, GM. I hope everyone will truly try to heed your words and not give just token acceptance. It is possible to be intense and dedicated with posts and not reduce the level of your commitment to your team one bit in anyone's eyes without being insulting and disrespectful to another poster or their team. All it takes is a little forethought before posting and hitting "Enter" to consider effective, yet powerfull ways of making a point, or giving a reply to a post that you may have found irritating. Let us try harder to be civil to one another and our teams.

11-13-2010, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I disagree. These kids are not stupid. They know where to find the downlow and they know how to read (most of them at least.) There was an emotionally charged week of posting and it led to an emotionally charged football game. A game that was out of hand by halftime both on the scoreboard and in the actions of the people on the field. It didn't have to be that way. It is my opinion that many of the IP kids had used the smack talk on this message board as motivation and bulletin board material leading up to the game.

i seriously doubt anything that happens in a game is as a result of anything a kid reads on this board ... as you say, they're not stupid. The 'incidents' in the Bwd/IP game were gonna happen whether the 3ADLs of the world existed or not.

11-13-2010, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by BwdLion73
I sure more kids read this site than we know but we have had a lot worse said on some games this year that did not have the kind of activity that went on with this game. If we used that logic there would still be picking up bodies at the Bwd./ Sville game.

Just my opinion and I could be wrong.:thinking:

Different teams' kids will react differently. Some take it in stride and some take it to heart. What our members need to remember is that they ARE kids and can easily be led astray by random stupid things WE do.

When you type something in a reply on this site, you have the opportunity to preview your comment before you post it. There is a suggestion in rule #3 that we should try to put ourselves on the receiving end and see how it makes us feel if someone said to us or about one of our kids.

Bottom line is it is definitely possible to disagree on things without being disagreeable. We need to set a good example.

11-13-2010, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Now, I know I have my moments and I know we all do, but how bout we try to keep things a little more classy in our game posts this week. When posting keep in mind that these are high school athletes, not professionals. They are still children that can easily be influenced by the banter on a thread about them. If you want to act a fool and talk tons of crap please, do it in a private message so that it isn't read by all. Many of the Brownwood vs. IP posts leading up to the game were out of line and without a doubt in my opinion fed fuel to what became an inferno of a game. There were emotions flying around and an air of an ensuing fight all week on the board instead of an ensuing football game. If this is what we are offering up and the example that we are setting for these student athletes that we KNOW are watching our every move and keeping up with our every post, then we need to keep it under wraps. All that is coming from it is we are enciting riotous behavior from children. That is not our purpose here nor our goal. This site is here for the discussion of football and the POSITIVE reinforcement of the student athlete. It is a friendly community of football fans from across the state where we can meet and support our team without running down the opposing team, their communmity, and their coaches. This is my challenge to all of you. I am not a part of the Downlow ownership or management and I certainly have no power of censorship or ability to remove posting priviledges to anyone, but I am a longtime follower of this board and a longtime friend of 3A football and I was embarrassed by the way one of OUR (the Downlow family) threads potentially led to the poor sportsmanship displayed on both sides of the Iowa Park vs Brownwood fiasco on Thursday night. I challenge you all to be better than that. Be above the name calling and the smack talk. Support your team, but keep it in perspective that we can and do influence the teenagers that we support with our own words and actions on here.


Your Friendly Neighborhood GreenMonster I agree 100%. I think it's okay to trash talk each other but not the student athletes or coaches. If we trash talk a team of 16,17, and 18 year old testosterone laden young men they will come out to prove they are not the patsies we made them out to be. I believe, like GM, the posting could have been a heavy contributor to the results Thursday night. I'm a big old redneck man and if you challenge my constitution I will accept that challenge. Always have and always will.

So I agree with GM, smacktalk each other but not the teams. Act like you have been there before, not like it's your first rodeo.

11-13-2010, 10:57 AM
I know I have had several guys on our team talk about stuff they had read on the DL, and used that to crank up the intensity during practice! And I'm sure some of that carried over to the field, not in a targeting way but more of a fired up reach a goal sort of way!!

11-13-2010, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Now, I know I have my moments and I know we all do, but how bout we try to keep things a little more classy in our game posts this week. When posting keep in mind that these are high school athletes, not professionals. They are still children that can easily be influenced by the banter on a thread about them. If you want to act a fool and talk tons of crap please, do it in a private message so that it isn't read by all. Many of the Brownwood vs. IP posts leading up to the game were out of line and without a doubt in my opinion fed fuel to what became an inferno of a game. There were emotions flying around and an air of an ensuing fight all week on the board instead of an ensuing football game. If this is what we are offering up and the example that we are setting for these student athletes that we KNOW are watching our every move and keeping up with our every post, then we need to keep it under wraps. All that is coming from it is we are enciting riotous behavior from children. That is not our purpose here nor our goal. This site is here for the discussion of football and the POSITIVE reinforcement of the student athlete. It is a friendly community of football fans from across the state where we can meet and support our team without running down the opposing team, their communmity, and their coaches. This is my challenge to all of you. I am not a part of the Downlow ownership or management and I certainly have no power of censorship or ability to remove posting priviledges to anyone, but I am a longtime follower of this board and a longtime friend of 3A football and I was embarrassed by the way one of OUR (the Downlow family) threads potentially led to the poor sportsmanship displayed on both sides of the Iowa Park vs Brownwood fiasco on Thursday night. I challenge you all to be better than that. Be above the name calling and the smack talk. Support your team, but keep it in perspective that we can and do influence the teenagers that we support with our own words and actions on here.


Your Friendly Neighborhood GreenMonster I knew you would show up and bring civility to the game and the subject at hand:clap::clap:

11-13-2010, 11:00 AM
One more thought, if you will. Some of us men may have grown up under some old school parents or played for some old school coaches who taught that any admission or show of weakness at any time in either word or task was considered to be less than manly, or a loser's attitude . I think maybe some of that thinking has carried over to some in their posting, ie., if I let anyone get the best of me, I, and/or my team are sissies or soft and I have let myself and them down. Therefore, sometimes responses continue to be escalated until victory is achieved, clear up to, and including some of the ultimate classic male responses----"I'll kick your ___." or "Say that to my face." That is not meant as a criticism---I have done that many times in my younger years, and realized several stitches and ice bags later, that no one really won anything and apologies and handshakes made us end up ultimately where we could have been in the first place without all that pain. :D. We can post and be men with honor and pride intact without taking things to that level because we can't stand to lose at anything, anytime, to anybody.

11-13-2010, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by BwdLion73
I don't think the thread had anything to do with the way the teams played the game, however I do agree with everything else you had to say. :clap: I don't think so either, unless some adults from either town stirred things up with the kids. From my experience, 15-18yr old boys find a bunch of middle age men (and women of course;) ) talking smack to be "super lame" and not really worth their precious time.:o

Having said that, we do need to keep in mind these are kids we're talking about. I don't mind coaches being named, or kids that are praised for an outstanding performance, but anyone else shouldn't be singled out by name.

11-13-2010, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I disagree. These kids are not stupid. They know where to find the downlow and they know how to read (most of them at least.) There was an emotionally charged week of posting and it led to an emotionally charged football game. A game that was out of hand by halftime both on the scoreboard and in the actions of the people on the field. It didn't have to be that way. It is my opinion that many of the IP kids had used the smack talk on this message board as motivation and bulletin board material leading up to the game.

I agree. I know some of our kids read the board, including my son from time to time. By the way, after spending some time reading last night, his only comment to me this morning was......"that Rocket guy is an idiot". :D

Bright kid.

11-13-2010, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by MN95
I agree. I know some of our kids read the board, including my son from time to time. By the way, after spending some time reading last night, his only comment to me this morning was......"that Rocket guy is an idiot". :D

Bright kid. Yes he is a bright kid! He had a heck of a game last night too. Told you!

11-13-2010, 11:11 AM
Great post GM, and thanks!!!:2thumbsup

11-13-2010, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Pendragon13
I don't think so either, unless some adults from either town stirred things up with the kids. From my experience, 15-18yr old boys find a bunch of middle age men (and women of course;) ) talking smack to be "super lame" and not really worth their precious time.:o

Having said that, we do need to keep in mind these are kids we're talking about. I don't mind coaches being named, or kids that are praised for an outstanding performance, but anyone else shouldn't be singled out by name.


11-13-2010, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by MN95
I agree. I know some of our kids read the board, including my son from time to time. By the way, after spending some time reading last night, his only comment to me this morning was......"that Rocket guy is an idiot". :D

Bright kid.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

11-13-2010, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by bobcat1
I agree 100%. I think it's okay to trash talk each other but not the student athletes or coaches. If we trash talk a team of 16,17, and 18 year old testosterone laden young men they will come out to prove they are not the patsies we made them out to be. I believe, like GM, the posting could have been a heavy contributor to the results Thursday night. I'm a big old redneck man and if you challenge my constitution I will accept that challenge. Always have and always will.

So I agree with GM, smacktalk each other but not the teams. Act like you have been there before, not like it's your first rodeo.
A contrasting example could be Sanger v Celina. Compare the rhetoric and tone last week of most Celina posters with that of Brownwood, for example... most giving Celina No respect, weak schedule bs and how Sanger was going to kick our butts, especially after their performance vs Argyle.
If your team had won 7 titles in the last 15, imagine the tremendous pride and the size of the chip on your shoulder. Now imagine, just 1 year removed from your 4th consecutive title game, you're being 'smacked' around, you're weak, has been's scared... how would you have reacted.
Celina responded by completely dominating a very good Sanger team, and I don't think it would have mattered who we played last night, Brownwood included, the outcome would have been the same... they had something to prove - to themselves, and to the 3A community.
However, it was one of the cleanest ball games I've seen, only one personal foul (face mask) by Sanger late when their boys would've been frustrated.
Can they bring the same level of emotion, intensity and execution again next week against one of the best teams in the state? The ONLY answer is, 'they have to play the game to find out'. In the meantime, let's talk about the teams, programs, players, stats etc etc, have some fun doing it, but leave the contrived, super internet egos on your side of the firewall.

11-13-2010, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by MoveInDad
A contrasting example could be Sanger v Celina. Compare the rhetoric and tone last week of most Celina posters with that of Brownwood, for example... most giving Celina No respect, weak schedule bs and how Sanger was going to kick our butts, especially after their performance vs Argyle.
If your team had won 7 titles in the last 15, imagine the tremendous pride and the size of the chip on your shoulder. Now imagine, just 1 year removed from your 4th consecutive title game, you're being 'smacked' around, you're weak, has been's scared... how would you have reacted.
Celina responded by completely dominating a very good Sanger team, and I don't think it would have mattered who we played last night, Brownwood included, the outcome would have been the same... they had something to prove - to themselves, and to the 3A community.
However, it was one of the cleanest ball games I've seen, only one personal foul (face mask) by Sanger late when their boys would've been frustrated.
Can they bring the same level of emotion, intensity and execution again next week against one of the best teams in the state? The ONLY answer is, 'they have to play the game to find out'. In the meantime, let's talk about the teams, programs, players, stats etc etc, have some fun doing it, but leave the contrived, super internet egos on your side of the firewall.
...wanted to add, because I just remembered, that there were some VERY obvious holding and unnecessary roughness calls against Sanger that weren't made, anybody there will know which ones I mean, but I'll stand by my 'clean game' statement as Celina players didn't retaliate.

11-13-2010, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by MoveInDad
...wanted to add, because I just remembered, that there were some VERY obvious holding and unnecessary roughness calls against Sanger that weren't made, anybody there will know which ones I mean, but I'll stand by my 'clean game' statement as Celina players didn't retaliate.

or run up the score--lol--hint hint to someone

11-13-2010, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by MoveInDad
...wanted to add, because I just remembered, that there were some VERY obvious holding and unnecessary roughness calls against Sanger that weren't made, anybody there will know which ones I mean, but I'll stand by my 'clean game' statement as Celina players didn't retaliate. From what I was told, a certain coach told them if they retaliated in anyway he would own them Saturday morning. He told them when the play is over go back to the huddle no matter what they do. Sure made for a great football game. Coach, well done!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

11-13-2010, 12:25 PM
It would nice to be able to click on a thread titled 'scores and updates' and not have to sift through a pissing match between Brownwood vs the world. We know Brownwood is good but we don't need toread it in every single thread. I understand their enthusiasm but Brownwood fans are the most unhumble on this site by far.

11-13-2010, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by jason
It would nice to be able to click on a thread titled 'scores and updates' and not have to sift through a pissing match between Brownwood vs the world. We know Brownwood is good but we don't need toread it in every single thread. I understand their enthusiasm but Brownwood fans are the most unhumble on this site by far.
yep, as soon as I saw the 1st BW related post on the scores thread, I threw up in my mouth and hit the back button as fast as I could.... really.

AP Panther Fan
11-13-2010, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
When you type something in a reply on this site, you have the opportunity to preview your comment before you post it.

LOL...I use this on practically every post (mainly in an effort to not appear illiterate). My fingers work faster than my brain sometimes.

11-13-2010, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by MN95
I agree. I know some of our kids read the board, including my son from time to time. By the way, after spending some time reading last night, his only comment to me this morning was......"that Rocket guy is an idiot". :D

Bright kid.

Why? Cuz I didn't kiss your orange butts? LOL

He is a bright kid. I will give him that.

11-13-2010, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by jason
It would nice to be able to click on a thread titled 'scores and updates' and not have to sift through a pissing match between Brownwood vs the world. We know Brownwood is good but we don't need toread it in every single thread. I understand their enthusiasm but Brownwood fans are the most unhumble on this site by far.

I know that's right... It ticked me off to have to go on that thread and post. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do. :p

11-13-2010, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by bobcat1
From what I was told, a certain coach told them if they retaliated in anyway he would own them Saturday morning. He told them when the play is over go back to the huddle no matter what they do. Sure made for a great football game. Coach, well done!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Wow. If every team and coach could be like Celina.:rolleyes: The 2nd best team in the state. Or at least it seems that way.

11-13-2010, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by MoveInDad
A contrasting example could be Sanger v Celina. Compare the rhetoric and tone last week of most Celina posters with that of Brownwood, for example... most giving Celina No respect, weak schedule bs and how Sanger was going to kick our butts, especially after their performance vs Argyle.
If your team had won 7 titles in the last 15, imagine the tremendous pride and the size of the chip on your shoulder. Now imagine, just 1 year removed from your 4th consecutive title game, you're being 'smacked' around, you're weak, has been's scared... how would you have reacted.
Celina responded by completely dominating a very good Sanger team, and I don't think it would have mattered who we played last night, Brownwood included, the outcome would have been the same... they had something to prove - to themselves, and to the 3A community.
However, it was one of the cleanest ball games I've seen, only one personal foul (face mask) by Sanger late when their boys would've been frustrated.
Can they bring the same level of emotion, intensity and execution again next week against one of the best teams in the state? The ONLY answer is, 'they have to play the game to find out'. In the meantime, let's talk about the teams, programs, players, stats etc etc, have some fun doing it, but leave the contrived, super internet egos on your side of the firewall.

You are a truly ignorant man. Brownwood plays with a chip on their shoulder every week. They don't need a bunch of yahoos on a messageboard to piss them off. Good teams bring the heat every week no matter what...But it is a known fact that you people on this board do piss the Lions off...


OOOhhhh...and I am still not convinced that Brownwood wouldn't hang as many points as they wanted on Celina. Sorry.

11-13-2010, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Wow. If every team and coach could be like Celina. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: The best team in the state. Or at least it seems that way. Really? You mean it?

11-13-2010, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You are a truly ignorant man. Brownwood plays with a chip on their shoulder every week. They don't need a bunch of yahoos on a messageboard to piss them off. Good teams bring the heat every week no matter what...But it is a known fact that you people on this board do piss the Lions off...

OOOhhhh...and I am still not convinced that Brownwood wouldn't hang as many points as they wanted on Celina. Sorry.
Somehow, once again, you have managed to exceed your previously demonstrated levels of retardation and nausea.
In reality, you must truly be the smallest man in that little town... and you're obvious attempts to overcompensate here in this virtual community are increasingly seen as pathetic, even by other BW supporters.
Think about that, and try to enjoy your weekend little man.

11-13-2010, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by MoveInDad
Somehow, once again, you have managed to exceed your previously demonstrated levels of retardation and nausea.
In reality, you must truly be the smallest man in that little town... and you're obvious attempts to overcompensate here in this virtual community are increasingly seen as pathetic, even by other BW supporters.
Think about that, and try to enjoy your weekend little man.

Which part about my post did you not like?

The part where I said you were ignorant? You are. Your Celiners are good, but just because they beat Sanger doesn't mean they would beat Brownwood. Give me a break.

Don't post crap like that and not expect a response.

You have no earthly idea what you are talking about half the time. Just making sure you know that.

11-13-2010, 02:07 PM
Any thread about class or classy should lock out Rocket from posting in it. Moderators, please explore. Thanks.

11-13-2010, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Which part about my post did you not like?

The part where I said you were ignorant? You are. Your Celiners are good, but just because they beat Sanger doesn't mean they would beat Brownwood. Give me a break.

Don't post crap like that and not expect a response.

You have no earthly idea what you are talking about half the time. Just making sure you know that.
I've been guessing that half the time you have no earthly idea what I'm saying, and that is a concern... when you feel that gets to around 2/3 of the time please let me know. At that level, I hope to be providing at least worthwhile input to the majority of contributors to the board, though unfortunately most of that will be over your little head.

11-13-2010, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Now, I know I have my moments and I know we all do, but how bout we try to keep things a little more classy in our game posts this week. When posting keep in mind that these are high school athletes, not professionals. They are still children that can easily be influenced by the banter on a thread about them. If you want to act a fool and talk tons of crap please, do it in a private message so that it isn't read by all. Many of the Brownwood vs. IP posts leading up to the game were out of line and without a doubt in my opinion fed fuel to what became an inferno of a game. There were emotions flying around and an air of an ensuing fight all week on the board instead of an ensuing football game. If this is what we are offering up and the example that we are setting for these student athletes that we KNOW are watching our every move and keeping up with our every post, then we need to keep it under wraps. All that is coming from it is we are enciting riotous behavior from children. That is not our purpose here nor our goal. This site is here for the discussion of football and the POSITIVE reinforcement of the student athlete. It is a friendly community of football fans from across the state where we can meet and support our team without running down the opposing team, their communmity, and their coaches. This is my challenge to all of you. I am not a part of the Downlow ownership or management and I certainly have no power of censorship or ability to remove posting priviledges to anyone, but I am a longtime follower of this board and a longtime friend of 3A football and I was embarrassed by the way one of OUR (the Downlow family) threads potentially led to the poor sportsmanship displayed on both sides of the Iowa Park vs Brownwood fiasco on Thursday night. I challenge you all to be better than that. Be above the name calling and the smack talk. Support your team, but keep it in perspective that we can and do influence the teenagers that we support with our own words and actions on here.


Your Friendly Neighborhood GreenMonster

well put!!:clap: :clap:

11-13-2010, 02:26 PM
Kinda sad on a post about being classy we have some that are already turning it into name calling immature drivel

11-13-2010, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Kinda sad on a post about being classy we have some that are already turning it into name calling immature drivel
You're right, don't think I'm not aware of that. However look to the top of this page to see how it started... perhaps it takes more class than I posses to stay silent when someone calls me 'an ignorant man' in a response to suggesting that on any given night 'his' team could be beaten by Celina.
I'll excuse myself from this thread now.

11-13-2010, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You are a truly ignorant man. Brownwood plays with a chip on their shoulder every week. They don't need a bunch of yahoos on a messageboard to piss them off. Good teams bring the heat every week no matter what...But it is a known fact that you people on this board do piss the Lions off...


OOOhhhh...and I am still not convinced that Brownwood wouldn't hang as many points as they wanted on Celina. Sorry.

and I'm still not convinced that bwood could even score on Celina until the 2's go in late in the 2nd half with a comfortable lead...

Prove me wrong.....ya can't....until you guys gut up and step to D1 and play a real team, all you have is TYPING - and anyone can do that on here....now go back to your weak Region 1 D2 bracket and leave the football banter to fans of teams that have done something the last 30 years.....

Region 1 D2.....a 4 week vacation from good football until the REAL teams come to play.....

11-13-2010, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by WildTexan972
and I'm still not convinced that bwood could even score on Celina until the 2's go in late in the 2nd half with a comfortable lead...

Prove me wrong.....ya can't....until you guys gut up and step to D1 and play a real team, all you have is TYPING - and anyone can do that on here....now go back to your weak Region 1 D2 bracket and leave the football banter to fans of teams that have done something the last 30 years.....

Region 1 D2.....a 4 week vacation from good football until the REAL teams come to play.....

Dude. Duuuuude. Talk about a cheap shot...you're upset at Rocket so you take it out on the entire division? What. Ever. I'm not all that up on the playoffs this year because I spent a lot of time and energy on the Rangers, but in many many years past it has been widely acknowledged that DII was more competitive than DI. Size does not equal better team. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong but were Celina's SCs not in DII...or smaller?

ETA: This is NOT a knock on Celina, by the way. I have a great respect for Celina, and always enjoy scrimmaging them at the beginning of our season.

11-13-2010, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by WildTexan972
and I'm still not convinced that bwood could even score on Celina until the 2's go in late in the 2nd half with a comfortable lead...

Prove me wrong.....ya can't....until you guys gut up and step to D1 and play a real team, all you have is TYPING - and anyone can do that on here....now go back to your weak Region 1 D2 bracket and leave the football banter to fans of teams that have done something the last 30 years.....

Region 1 D2.....a 4 week vacation from good football until the REAL teams come to play.....


11-13-2010, 02:56 PM
Rocket is simply trolling...and you guys are making it FAR too easy for him.:doh: Just remember that the juicy piece of bait probably has a hook inside..:p

11-13-2010, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Pendragon13
Rocket is simply trolling...and you guys are making it FAR too easy for him.:doh: Just remember that the juicy piece of bait probably has a hook inside..:p

I think most board vets are aware of Rocket's "trolling", Pendragon. There is a huge difference between fishing with a lure and tossing sticks of dynamite in the water to stun the fish to the surface, usually with fatal results. It brings to mind the question---Why use dynamite when the fishing are biting? :D

11-13-2010, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
I think most board vets are aware of Rocket's "trolling", Pendragon. There is a huge difference between fishing with a lure and tossing sticks of dynamite in the water to stun the fish to the surface, usually with fatal results. It brings to mind the question---Why use dynamite when the fishing are biting? :D


11-13-2010, 09:39 PM
ttt, just so Rocket doesn't forget about this virtual fun house I created for him.

Tin Cup
11-13-2010, 10:17 PM
Please tell me you celina fans don't honestly believe you could shut Brownwood out until your 2's come in. You wouldn't stop us very easily and we wouldn't stop you easily. We could score against ANY team in the state of Texas. I honestly don't care if we could beat Celina or they could best us by 70. Celina has absolutely zero relevance to Brownwood football 2010. I don't care if yours is bigger than mine as long as #8 comes home to Brownwood lol

11-14-2010, 01:17 PM
ttt, glad to see that the Mom's witnessed what I've been seeing on here lately. Which has been a lot of classless posts.

LH Panther Mom
11-14-2010, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
ttt, glad to see that the Mom's witnessed what I've been seeing on here lately. Which has been a lot of classless posts.
Oh it's been witnessed! Sometimes it just takes a reminder to the masses.

11-14-2010, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Tin Cup
Please tell me you celina fans don't honestly believe you could shut Brownwood out until your 2's come in. You wouldn't stop us very easily and we wouldn't stop you easily. We could score against ANY team in the state of Texas. I honestly don't care if we could beat Celina or they could best us by 70. Celina has absolutely zero relevance to Brownwood football 2010. I don't care if yours is bigger than mine as long as #8 comes home to Brownwood lol
No we don't, agree with the rest... mutual respect.

11-14-2010, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by MoveInDad
No we don't, agree with the rest... mutual respect. +1

11-14-2010, 04:59 PM
"Keeping It Classy." Yeah, these guys are the "class" of this board or is it "crass?"

12-13-2010, 11:52 PM
I tried to warn 'em all after the bi-district round....:dispntd:

Ragin Red
12-14-2010, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I disagree. These kids are not stupid. They know where to find the downlow and they know how to read (most of them at least.) There was an emotionally charged week of posting and it led to an emotionally charged football game. A game that was out of hand by halftime both on the scoreboard and in the actions of the people on the field. It didn't have to be that way. It is my opinion that many of the IP kids had used the smack talk on this message board as motivation and bulletin board material leading up to the game.

I agree with what you have said, but when we played them ( IP)earlier this season and there was one player that got out of control and the Coach sat him for the rest of the game. I don't think the Coach is telling them to do it, but I also think those kids are of the older classification in school with a (new coach) who has rebellious players.

12-14-2010, 07:14 PM
:) Keep it classy

12-14-2010, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by peagle
:) Keep it classy NO COMPASSION :mad: :mad: