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View Full Version : The Matchup Factor

11-10-2010, 11:53 AM
I like to talk about the matchup factor every year during the playoffs. The coaches that I talk with seem to talk about their matchups a lot when evaluating opponents. Even though we have records, polls, and common opponents to evaluate playoff games, I think the biggest single factor is how the teams matchup offensively and defensively. For example, if team "A" has an outstanding passing attack and team "B" has an outstanding secondary, then chances are Team 'A" will not be able to score as much and as often as they have done in the past. This could result in a close game on the scoreboard, barring even nos. of mistakes. If however, there is a gross mis-match of any units of either team, then one team will generally have the upper hand over the other in the game.

I know I am stating the obvious, but I think it is very important to note how dramatic the "matchup" factor is in highschool football. The matchup factor is not nearly as dramatic in college, and practically non-existent in the pros because the skills of the units and players are so even. It boils down to largely the "mistake" factor there.

It is so hard to talk about teams in the playoffs who you have never seen because there is no way you can get an accurate "feel" for how well they may matchup with a given opponent.

11-10-2010, 12:26 PM
I feel the same way about the top 25 polls..no way anyone has enough first hand knowledge of that many teams to make an accurate list. IMO>

11-10-2010, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
I feel the same way about the top 25 polls..no way anyone has enough first hand knowledge of that many teams to make an accurate list. IMO>

Polls are fine, and I feel have a place, but to be able to try to predict accurately the outcome of a given playoff game is tough without firsthand knowledge. I give my predictions and opinions, largely sight unseen, anyhow, for the fun of it, and to maybe motivate some good input on some teams. Sure is fun when I'm right, though...not so much when I'm not....:D