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10-22-2010, 11:03 AM
As most of you know i attend SFA. This morning I was sitting in class and a classmate walks in with a WO-S Reggie Garret T-Shirt Honoring the young man. It made me smile knowing that all over the state of Texas Reggie and WO-S is on our hearts.

10-22-2010, 12:21 PM
i know i shouldn't feel guilt, but i do.....we had such a short time to grieve reggie's passing before he had so many others following him.....the guilt comes in how little i've reached out to our wos brothers on here since then, who have to just be devestated....

reggie was THE stud, the kid who had the talent to rub it in everyone's face yet didn't, the kid when, if you were playing against him and had a good game, you'd love to give him the business about it but reggie would be too busy congratulating you on your play (i saw that first hand).....they didn't just lose a player, they lost a personality SO big it would have still been devestating even if reggie were the towel boy.....

i come on line and see so little of wos1 and wos87 since then and can't even imagine what a state of numb they go about their lives in these days.....i have a taste of it in having lost our former qb senselessly this past summer, sometimes i just can't shake that yuk feeling in the pit of my stomach.....i know all the stark boosters would get on here and say they are fine and nobody needs to concern themselves about them, but it's a poorer year this year with their hurt, for sure....

i was sure glad to see they gave reggie homecoming king when wos played orangefield.....his dad accepted, what an incredible moment that must have been.....and if anyone has or can find a video or shot of wos lining up that first play without a qb in reggie's honor, i'd sure appreciate them posting it.....if we do make a memorial page on here, i'd LOVE to see that formation on his remembrance.....God bless reggie, his family and all that loved and followed him.....

Sweetwater Red
10-22-2010, 12:37 PM
I searched youtube and found this. A very nice tribute to Reggie Garrett.

Tribute video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c0--_QAOqM)

As far as the play, you might find a clip on one of the local networks websites.

10-22-2010, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
I searched youtube and found this. A very nice tribute to Reggie Garrett.

Tribute video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c0--_QAOqM)

As far as the play, you might find a clip on one of the local networks websites.

Great tribute, very hard to watch. It seems like he had everything going for him. So sad...

Ranger Mom
10-22-2010, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by trojandad

i was sure glad to see they gave reggie homecoming king when wos played orangefield.....his dad accepted, what an incredible moment that must have been.....and if anyone has or can find a video or shot of wos lining up that first play without a qb in reggie's honor, i'd sure appreciate them posting it.....if we do make a memorial page on here, i'd LOVE to see that formation on his remembrance.....God bless reggie, his family and all that loved and followed him.....

WOW!! Reading that made my eyes well up with tears and delivered a punch to my gut!!!

Especially the part about lining up without the QB....that sent chills through my entire body!!!!!

10-22-2010, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
WOW!! Reading that made my eyes well up with tears and delivered a punch to my gut!!!

Especially the part about lining up without the QB....that sent chills through my entire body!!!!!

Do you have a link to the article

10-22-2010, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
I searched youtube and found this. A very nice tribute to Reggie Garrett.

Tribute video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c0--_QAOqM)

As far as the play, you might find a clip on one of the local networks websites.

Wow....that was definitely beautiful but very hard for me to get through.

God Bless the Garrett family and the WOS community.

10-22-2010, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by ccmom
Wow....that was definitely beautiful but very hard for me to get through.

God Bless the Garrett family and the WOS community.

I TRIED to watch it 2nd time, couldn't do it

Ranger Mom
10-22-2010, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by OLE'BULL
Do you have a link to the article

No....I was felt all that just from the post that was made!!!!

10-22-2010, 02:42 PM

this is the link to the thread that was on the DL, but a search of the web site yielded nothing :(

maybe I'm not searching the proper keywords?

wos kirbyville football

10-22-2010, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
WOW!! Reading that made my eyes well up with tears and delivered a punch to my gut!!!

Especially the part about lining up without the QB....that sent chills through my entire body!!!!!

ranger mom, i didn't see it, but i heard wos lined up without reggie at qb, kirbyville lined up on defense, everyone stayed in their stance until the game clock ran out.....kirbyville's coach alvarez declined the delay of game penalty.....a buddy of mine who was rooting for kv said he was watching coach alvarez and after declining the penalty, he dropped his head for a bit.....coach is a pretty tough nut yet it was obviously emotion enough for both sides......

if they advertised they were going to do it, i missed it, and so did the radio guys for wos, they were completely shocked by it....sometimes real miracles happen without any publicity or fanfare, huh?