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10-22-2010, 09:35 AM
Coach Steve Smith's son Adam collapsed in practice (http://1atexasfootball5178.yuku.com/topic/5867?page=1)

This young man has been in Cooks for nearly 2 weeks and was on the mend from having a double stroke. I got this message this morning.

From Care Pages:

Adam's Updates

Posted 20 minutes ago
Took Adam to MRI they think he may be having another stroke, but smaller. Nothing firm. Scared to death. Please pray in the name of Jesus that there is nothing there. They basically have no further options other than to let it run its course. No therapy like the first time can be administered. Prayer are what can work. Steve

Please pray for him 3ADL.

10-22-2010, 09:39 AM
Prayers for this young man and his family and friends.

10-22-2010, 10:37 AM
New update:

"Adam 10:00 Friday Morning
Posted 15 minutes ago
Adam woke up and after a while had some bad symptoms of something going on...slurring speech worse, movements slowed and uncoordinated worse than before so they rushed him into CT. They saw no obvious bleeding but there was an area that was brighter and became very concerned. The neurologist came in and called the expert and he said it was probably artifact, which is a term for stuff they see on the film, but is probably nothing. They rushed him into MRI, MRA and contrast. He came out once and said there is a small area close to the other infarction that he was very concerned about. Dr Acosta is the doctor neurologist who in in charge and he rushed in to day to take care of this personally. The hematologist also came in also. he was very shaken and worried and he even consulted other experts and they decides that what they saw "lit up" was also there on the previous scan and that there is nothing new going on. He did not like what he saw, but since there is not definitive change from previous scans they relaxed a bit. They are still very cautious and guarded about what is going on, probably because they can still not explain what happened. We are back in our room in PICU. I do not know how concerned they are now, but since there is nothing obvious they are going to stay the course. During all this they were talking about specifics of what was going on and it scared us to death and thought it was another stroke.

Don't know much more. Do not know if this changed any progress or not. I do know I can not thank you all enough. To be able to call on you guys at a moments notice for prayer is extremely helpful and helps pull us through when the helpless, frightening moments set on us. We were literally back to the bottom there for a while and now we are feeling okay. Thank you everyone. I know a bunch of people want to come see him and we are not saying no, but know he needs to rest and keep visits very short. if he is asleep or tired, we will have to let him rest. I hate to do that to you guys after driving so far, but I know you guys understand.

Thanks again.


This is a post from the Head Coach at Archer City Steve Smith. He is a very good man. Please continue to pray for his son Adam, Steve and his wife Regina. Thanks!

10-22-2010, 10:43 AM
Wow...count on my prayers...

Ranger Mom
10-22-2010, 10:44 AM
How sad....prayers being said!

10-22-2010, 11:59 AM
i'm ready for a miracle after so many losses.....might as well be this young man, i believe.....:)

10-23-2010, 12:57 AM
deserves bumping.....

10-23-2010, 01:05 AM
for the record, coach smith's team lost 37 - 0 tonight, but won in that his son is still with us.....


10-23-2010, 01:09 AM
Agreed! Keep this thread going. The power of prayer is amazing!!

10-23-2010, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by trojandad
i'm ready for a miracle after so many losses.....might as well be this young man, i believe.....:) Agreed...I will pray when I go to sleep tonight.

10-23-2010, 08:49 AM
agreed-on bump.....touch this young man, Lord, please hear our prayers.....

10-23-2010, 09:53 AM
My prayer for this family will continue.
I agree .,,we need a miracle and hopefully it will come for Adam.
Love to Adam and his family.

10-23-2010, 12:39 PM

swelling stopped, communication happening.....i've had more than one stroke victim in my family that NONE of these good news items happened for....

keep fighting that spiritual fight, downlowers, Somebody's listening....

and what a great looking kid....

10-23-2010, 12:42 PM
Prayers for the young man and his family from Brownwood.

10-23-2010, 10:34 PM
sorry, all, gotta bump this for this young man.....thanks

10-24-2010, 02:49 PM
Looking up! Keep praying!

Update Saturday morning!:

Posted 1 day ago
Adam watched the Ranger game and was happy we won. He is waiting for some visitors today and wants to watch TCU and TExas of course, play football today. He also wants to watch Colt McCoy and Vince Young play tomorrow. He is becoming a TCU fan because everyone up here is Horned Frog crazy, but only as a second player. The "Eyes of Texas" is all the he has "Eyes" for. That boy is ate up with them Longhorns. (I can not blame him though.)

He has been checking in on Dirk and the Mavericks and of course he loves the Wildcats and Ladycats and is keeping up to date on where we are and what is coming. I want to get our boys to the playoffs, make a run and have my son there beside me, helping me coach.

He really enjoyed seeing his classmates yesterday. They looked way better than they did in the Powder Puff picture I saw. As cheerleaders I would hope they had good personalities because U G L Y they ain't got no alibi, they ugly! They yuked it up and he laughed which is good. He has such a good personality and a great outlook. He is inspiring to me.

He about crys when he realizes that sports is probably over. He is holding out hopes he can play basketball and track on day. We stop short of telling him no, but we can have that talk later.

Mac Brown send a letter and some pictures. Thank you Coach Brown. You are a good man. I appreciate you taking valueable time to reachg out to my son. It doees make a difference.

Last update:

10:00 pm Saturday Nite
Posted 17 hours ago
We literally had visitors all day long. It was great and Adam enjoyed seeing everyone. We are wiped out though so I will post some specifics tomorrow. Adam and we want to thank everyone. The biggest news is that we are no on the 6th floor in room 6401. Thank the Lord. We are movin on up it appears. Feels good to be out of ICU.


Thanks 3ADL! Looks like he is turning the corner!

orange machine
10-24-2010, 02:55 PM
Awsome news all the praise be to Jesus!!!

10-24-2010, 03:57 PM
miracles can and do happen! I am a firm believer in that. My prayers for this young man, his family and friends, and doctors will continue ....

10-25-2010, 05:33 AM
bumping till we hear good news....

10-25-2010, 05:42 AM
Update from last night. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Sunday Rehab Floor
Posted 10 hours ago
We had a good day today. Lots of visitors, we walked around the unit and took a shower. When Adam walks they put a belt on him and I walk with him attached in case he loses balance. He does well unless he looks to the side or turns. He had to sit in a chair for the shower, but that was his first one since Monday night before the stroke.

He is eating well. Some of Reginas cousins went and bought him some Taco Casa and he got scolded from the nurse, but he keep chewing and it was gone before she could object too much. It seemed to perk him up too. Chopped up rubber chicken, cold carrots and lumpy mashed potatoes for a week now and he would eat your arm off if you sprinkled a little taco meat on it.

Regina and I are resting a bit more comfortably now and I plan to make workouts this week in preparation for our games this week. If I get too tired driving back and forth I will change plans, but that is it for now. Reginas mom is going home on Wednesday and my mother is going to stay in AC until the weekend. We will need to make some plans for Saturday and beyond, but we will see how that plays out.

The boys were all here Sat. except Colton who is in the playoff but he came up today. I swear they grow in a week. We are still pretty mentally fatigued even though we are getting some rest now. It is hard to remember stuff, and we still get slammed with bout of sadness and depression and worry, but it fades fast and we thank God for all the miracles we have had the last two weeks. We thank God for giving us Adam and our wonderful family, and we thank God for all of you out there who have done so much for Adam and the family. We love everyone of you and wish you only knew how much you have all helped us through this ordeal. You have kept e and Regina sane and going strong for Adam. You have help ease fears and made us feel the friendship and I appreciate that very much.

There is still a lot of unknowns and really a lot of questions and hurdles ahead, what with all the complicated logistics, running a home and family, keeping everything going for the rest of "my boys" back in Wildcat Nation, Adams health going forward, rehab, dogs, pigs, insurance, paperwork, etc.... You all have been awesome.

Adam will be in rehab starting at 8:30 am and going for a good while. Visitors are welcome, but I think he will be tied up until early afternoon each week day. There is a lot more to talk about, but we are going to sit here a just visit with Adam by ourselves for a while while we have a chance.

10-25-2010, 06:55 AM
after so many heart breaks in a row, how GOOD is it to hear a parent speak on how well their child is doing....he must be pretty stable if they are starting rehab a week after a stroke.....

don't you know among the tiredness and sleep loss they are SO thankful?....

remember, He healed 10 lepers, but only one came back and said thanks....we are SO grateful......

10-25-2010, 05:47 PM
Not out of the woods yet. Please continue to pray. Here is his Mom's update today:

Rehab floor
Posted 55 minutes ago
Adam officially began rehab this morning. His blood pressure went up, so they discontinued rehab until tomorrow. They are not sure what is causing the blood pressure and heart rate to increase, but are monitoring it and hopefully will resolve itself as he builds up endurance. Each day they will try to work him a little longer or until the blood pressure and heart rate indicate it is time to stop. He had a very restful night and has not had any naps today. One goal of the rehab floor is to get him to go thru a regular "school" day before he will be able to go home. His speech seems to be the most significantly effected areas of the brain. It seems to be getting worse each day instead of better. He has started drooling some and the speech therapist seemed somewhat concerned about that.

It stays very busy up here on the rehab floor. There have probably been 20 different nurses, child life workers, case workers, social works, doctors and therapist in the room today. More than I'm able to keep up with. Oh, forgot the dietician also came to visit today.

Adam seems to be able to eat almost anything he wants, which is amazing. He seems sad today, but says he feels good. Seeing many teammates from the football team has been wonderful for him. He really enjoys the visits with kids his age. Adam is the only teenager on the floor right now and feels self conscious being around all the younger children. They are precious though. Met a mom from Norther Iraq who said Sadam Houssain had threatened to kill her family because they worked for an American company. She said it was very scary. She is so sweet and I look forward to our visits together.

Steve drove to Archer today to begin workout for this weeks football game against Electra. He is excited about the potential of this football team. This team has so much heart and have really come together as a team. It is going to be exciting to watch them finish out the season and with determination and perseverance to make the playoffs.

We are so thankful for all the prayers. There has not been a time that we have not felt the hand of Christ watching over us and Adam.

Here is the bible verses Adam has picked out:
2 Corinthians 4: 7 - 12
7)But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8)We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;9)persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10)We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 12)So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

10-25-2010, 06:12 PM
thanks you for posting these, bobcat.....when i go to the site, it won't allow me in....

10-25-2010, 06:16 PM
You have to join. I usually don't but this head coach is a good guy and is a friend.

1st and goal
10-26-2010, 01:35 AM
Prayers from Giddings. Stay strong with the Lord. Everyday counts. Lord put your hands on this child of yours. We pray that you heal him completely and guide his med staff to do your will. We also thank you for all the blessings you bestow upon us Lord. Amen.

When there are two or more in prayer, he is with us.

10-28-2010, 06:10 PM
Adam's Updates

10-28-10 server troubles
Posted 13 minutes ago
This is the first time I have been able to access the carepages today. The laptop has not been able to hit the server.
This has been a wonderful day. Adam looks really good. He still has a lot of work to do on his speech, but everything else seems to be improving very quickly.
Adam did so well in exercise group that tomorrow they are going to add weights. In occupational therapy they just finished the testing today and she will be able to tell me more tomorrow. Occupational therapisst are hard to find, so I'm anxious to see the testing results to see how much more occupational therapy he will require. I'm trying to do some things with him in the room.
In speech they are still trying to figure out some things. They have cautioned him to speak more gently so as not to damage his vocal cords. There is some concern with damage to the vocal cords, but time will tell.
In physical therapy they are still amazed with his strength and able to push him farther and farther every day.
There have been no blood pressure issues today and I gave him his Lovenex shot.
The school should be contacting Archer City to get his work and start in him school soon!
Adam has has had a lot of highlights and excitement today.

MACK BROWN, the DEAN of college football took time to call Adam and talked with him today. I wish you could have seen Adam's face. What an awesome experience for Adam.

At mail time Adam received a huge box from Lubbock, Texas. From a company EmbroidMe that coach Lowrance's brother works for. John L. and Caleb Harbison sent Adam Christmas early. Caleb is a die hard Tech fan and John is a Longhorn fan and sent several longhorn t-shirts - thought Dr. Acosta was going to confiscate the psychedelic one. Dr. Acosta keeps reminding Adam to put in a good word for him when making all these UT connections. Caleb sent a football signed/autographed by Tommy Tubberville. WOW! Texas Tech caps, and tote bags. Then every poster of Dirk from the Dallas Mavericks ever created and bobble heads of Dirk and Jason Kidd (I love Jason Kidd, so mom is confiscating that bobble head). Then Adam pulls out a Maverick Jersey signed and autographed by Dirk. His eyes lit up and he was soooo happy and excited. Then I pull out a card, nothing special and realize it is a note from Mark Cuban....oh my Gosh! Adam about fainted. I have never seen a teenager so excited over a piece of paper. He said that note from Mark Cuban means a lot to him. The Mavericks offered to host Adam at one of their games when he gets to feeling better. Thank you Mark Cuban! Adam said Dirk is a good guy, too! John and Caleb thank you so much for making a difference in a child's life. A child that 16 days ago did not know if he would live, die, or be severely disabled. God is so powerful and SOOOO good! It still amazes me to see everything he can do after looking at his CT and MRI scans.

Basketball is Adam's favorite sport and the Dr, said no more football or basketball, which is killing mom. I used to be a basketball coach and having a 6 foot 4" son with a great vertical jump was a dream. Adam cried when he was told no more basketball, but you never know. The Dr. recommended tennis and golf. And the mom of another child that suffered from a stroke shared some wonderful advise with me. I wish I could have talked with her earlier, as she suggested telling him one day at a time, continue to set goals and never say never! We just don't know.

Adam also rec'd a pizza delivery thru the mail. That was a lot of fun! Thank you Beth and Sue and Betty!

He also rec'd a prayer and poster signed by students from Eagle Leadership from Seagraves, Texas Seagraves ISD.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Your cards. Your thoughtfulness and most of all your Christian Love!

We love you all and cannot thank you enough. Everyone still comments on all the cards that are up on Adams wall and take the time to read all the posters! Thanks for all the support that has allowed us to be here with Adam and be with him 100%. We miss the AC Wildcats and the CA Warriors.

Adam says to tell you all he is doing better. I will get him to post something!

Thank you Father for all the special people that have crossed our path during this trial. May we all grow in Your strength and love. In Jesus name, Amen.


10-28-2010, 06:18 PM
I will pray for his continued recovery.:)

10-28-2010, 07:36 PM
thank you, Father, for allowing us to watch a victory.....have had enough of death the last few months....bless His Holy Name.....