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View Full Version : "crunk" help!

11-15-2002, 12:31 AM
OK, I'm gonna show my age (and IQ) (which are real close to the same)......

What the heck does "crunk" (alt. krunk) mean? I have 2 daughters (no sons = no football players :confused: ), 14 and 10 (still young and innocent - I hope! :mad: ), I don't have cable or a satelite(sp) dish (don't miss MTV or HGTV :rolleyes: , do miss History Channel, CMT, GAC, and ESPN :D ), and I don't subscibe to a newspaper ( but i do have this e-mail thing on my compooter wink ). I'll be the first to admit I may be a little behind the times, but this is a new one on me.

All help is appreciated! :D

11-15-2002, 12:39 AM
Maybe "Crunk" is the Past Tense of "Crank" :p

11-15-2002, 12:40 AM
3ABirdman, the first place I saw it show was on a post from Stunna who is in our town. I wanted to ask my son what it was tonight but I missed him. If I find out I'll pass it on. Gotta imagine that crunk is probably somethin that a man with two daughters and no sons probably doesn't want ringing his door bell. Just a guess.

The humor is great, if not the self professed IQ, keep it coming, the board needs it.

11-15-2002, 12:42 AM
"Honey will you go outside and Crank the car?"

"No, Little Johnny already Crunk it."

<small>[ November 14, 2002, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: PPHSfan ]</small>

11-15-2002, 12:44 AM

Some kids from Newton were using the teerm on the Bridge City board last year, and I thouhjt maybe it was a hometown thing. But it shows up again this year, from a different area, so I had to wonder.

Thanks for the reply, looking forward to your sons' help.

11-15-2002, 12:45 AM
Somewhere, in the great town of Pilot Point, a little old gray haired english teacher woke out of a sound sleep to the dream that one of her past students misconjugated the word "crank".

Is anyone laughing as hard as I am right now?!? Finally, a humorous board.

11-15-2002, 12:47 AM
One time I was mowing the grass and I heard a Crunk in my lower back :mad: Keep me in bed for days :D If that’s it and a football team can posses it the other team is in big trouble eek!

big daddy russ
11-15-2002, 12:52 AM

11-15-2002, 12:53 AM
Hey guys, my first call in the morning will be to see if it's copyrighted. If not, I'll split copyright costs with you in exchange for splitting the profits of developing the mascot Crunkman (will be spelled Crankman with a line drawn thru the "a" and a "u" inserted to make the teens wonder if he's really crank or crunk). We'll split the receipts and only have him go to BC, BH or CS games. Have any idea how much the Rally Monkey guy makes? (ok, so I need sleep)

11-15-2002, 01:03 AM
Well, I know that "crank" is a slang term for a drug, so maybe "crunk" is the cheaper, lesser quality verson, kinda like "coke" and "crack".

11-15-2002, 01:18 AM
Here's a bit of my knowledge on the term 'crunk'......i've heard it used many ways, as well as spelled with a c and a k. one way it might be used it, "man thats crunk", referring to something others would refer to as cool. another way it could be used is, "let's get crunk!" anyways......no longer a HS and never was FB player, but i was browsing the site and though i'd offer some insight. from my understanding, its more of a 'ghetto' term.

11-15-2002, 03:47 AM
Here's a bit of my knowledge on the term 'crunk'......i've heard it used many ways, as well as spelled with a c and a k. one way it might be used it, "man thats crunk", referring to something others would refer to as cool. another way it could be used is, "let's get crunk!" anyways......no longer a HS and never was FB player, but i was browsing the site and though i'd offer some insight. from my understanding, its more of a 'ghetto' term.So your saying that it means "crap"? Well, isn't that the "$#it"! Oops, sorry 'aint that the crunck'! :D :D :D
jus havin some fun...

PPHSFan, you're too merciless, man.
I swear you might have crunk on yourself! LOL... :p

slinky006, thanks for the info.

<small>[ November 15, 2002, 02:56 AM: Message edited by: SintonFan ]</small>

11-15-2002, 08:09 AM
okay im going to stop you from going any farther. crunk means to be very excited. like after a big hit when players jummp up and down thats what it means

11-15-2002, 09:05 AM
LOL man some of you guys are really giving your age away with some of your thoghts on krunk aka crunk...pretty funny LOL

11-15-2002, 09:11 AM
Crunk (Krunk) means wild or fun.
"The party was Krunk"
"Let's get Krunk"

Good Luck to all the teams tonight!

11-15-2002, 10:13 AM
And you bought that, Leopard Mom?

Actually "crunk" means "something wild and kinky Mom will never know about".

Used in your examples, replacing this definition for crunk, you have:

"The party was something wild and kinky Mom will never know about".

"Let's get wild and kinky in a way Mom will never know about".

Sorry you had to find out THIS way, mom...........

Yes, I'm just pullin your chain. Good luck to yours as well.

11-15-2002, 10:27 AM
Ya'll are killin' me!! I needed a good laugh. It is a well needed break from all the seriousness on here as of late. Thanks!!! :D :p


11-15-2002, 10:28 AM

PPHSFan, you're too merciless, man.
I swear you might have crunk on yourself! LOL... :p

PPHSfan shows no mercy...Expect No Quarter :D :D :D

Ranger Mom
11-15-2002, 11:33 AM
I must really be out of the loop, I asked my kids - 5 teenagers - and they had never heard of "crunk", but I asked them the same question about "juggalo"(I think that is what it was)a few months back, and they had never heard of that either.
I am still trying to get used to the fact that "BAD" and "TIGHT" and "SWEET" now means "cool". If kids keep changing the meanings to words I know and throwing in words I have never heard of - I'll be lost from here on out!!!

<small>[ November 15, 2002, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Ranger Mom ]</small>

11-15-2002, 12:13 PM
Ok Matthew, Administrator, all in charge, you guys have GOT to award this topic some kind of award for comic relief during all this strife this week. I have laughed my butt off reading this.

Hey, I know. Dare I say, it gets the Krunk Award?

BTW, BH and BC guys, krunk or crunk is not yet copyrighted.....will talk with you about business matters after the game. LOL

11-15-2002, 12:45 PM
I'm not blind! I know the life my kids lead and the life I THINK they lead are not the same lives! This is my last son & he's a Senior so I been around this block before. LOL Actually I think Crunk came from Hip Hop music. Every album from Lil Jon & the Eastside Boyz has crunk in the title. "Torchbearers to the hip-hop movement known as "crunk", with its signature rowdy choruses and block-rocking beats" Not exactly my kind of music but then my parents gripped because they couldn't understand my music & it was TOO LOUD. "You're gonna go deaf!" (Heck I still can't understand Mick Jagger but I would never admit it to my Mom!). My friend thinks "Secret Agent Man" is really saying "Secret Asian Man" I've never clued her in! LOL

11-15-2002, 01:14 PM
I can remember when the West Coast Hippy generation used "far-out", "radical", and "bitchin" as substitute code for "cool". I suppose each generation has to come up with something. My Scout Troop kids used to call everyone DUDE and say "Well, DUH!!!" a lot. That's where I picked it up. I suppose "crunk" is just the latest installment of kid code. Could have been worse. wink :D :D :D

11-15-2002, 03:14 PM
This has got to be the best post yet. A good Laugh.lolololololololololololololololololololololo lololoololoolloolololollolololololololollololololo lolollolololololololololoololololololololololololo lolololololollololololoolol

11-15-2002, 05:02 PM
Ok, guys - remember "back in the day" when some of us said if it was "bad" that meant it was good. Crunk is good - it's tight - Our Spirit Team at EHHS has the slogan in huge crunk print on the back of our t-shirts "Get It Crunk" - which is we our kids do at the game! Actually, they wanted to be the "Crunk Crew" not the Spirit Crew bu the co-cponsor and myself didn't think our principal would go for that. So, we just let them use it for their slogan - and yes, it is more of a ghetto term - not meaning that derogatory - just descriptive.

11-16-2002, 11:39 AM
I thought I'd do all the BH and BC dads a favor and break out the crunk page again for comic relief. I'd hate to think that the pressure of waiting that extra day might cause them to do incredibly unusual things like honey do's or God forbid, break out thatdust covered bowflex from the closet (shutters) . Keep the faith guys. A cool one, a college game this afternoon and the wait will soon be over. Safe game to all, but get the win BH.

eye of the tiger
11-16-2002, 12:21 PM
I thought it was a basketball term. Coach tells a kid if you cant dunk it-----crunk it.