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Saggy Aggie
10-09-2010, 04:21 PM
21-14 @ half. Jeff Fuller scores a td with 8 secs before the half to bring us within 7. Pretty good game so far. Thoughts?

10-09-2010, 04:24 PM
AtM loses late.

10-09-2010, 04:26 PM
A&M has played incredibly sloppy on offense but luckily is still in the game. A&M has gotten burned deep on defense but overall I think they are playing well. I look forward to seeing what halftime adjustments are made.

10-09-2010, 05:21 PM
atm just got screwed

10-09-2010, 05:23 PM
I kinda dig Arkansas' unis...

Saggy Aggie
10-09-2010, 05:27 PM
Agreed. Arkie's unis are nice! And we definitely got screwed on that incomplete pass call. A&M's d is playing great, but the offense is sucking it up hard.

10-09-2010, 05:28 PM
End of 3rd 24-17 Arkansas on top. A&M offense still not doing anything at all to help the defense out.

10-09-2010, 05:49 PM
Did they not review it?

LE Dad
10-09-2010, 06:01 PM
Time is running out on Ags.

10-09-2010, 06:02 PM
3:06 left in game an Arkansas gets the ball back. A&M offense just looks like flat out garbage.

10-09-2010, 06:19 PM
24-17 Final. This was just a hard game for me to watch but I may have to get used to it.

10-09-2010, 06:20 PM
great game by the atm deffense

10-09-2010, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by coach
great game by the atm deffense DeRuyter has done a great job with that squad.

10-09-2010, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by coach
great game by the atm deffense

Without a doubt. You could not have asked more out of them.

10-09-2010, 06:32 PM
Once again another moral victory for us Ags. Way to go! I'm so glad I wasted 4 hrs watching a qb who can throw about as good as my 16 year old sister. Thank You Johnson. Once again you beat the hell outta your own team!!!

10-09-2010, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by ferilhog11
Once again another moral victory for us Ags. Way to go! I'm so glad I wasted 4 hrs watching a qb who can throw about as good as my 16 year old sister. Thank You Johnson. Once again you beat the hell outta your own team!!!

this post sounds like it came from your 16 year old sister. btw is she hot?

10-09-2010, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by coach
this post sounds like it came from your 16 year old sister. btw is she hot?

We need Boog with his Chris Hanson pic...

Saggy Aggie
10-09-2010, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by ferilhog11
Once again another moral victory for us Ags. Way to go! I'm so glad I wasted 4 hrs watching a qb who can throw about as good as my 16 year old sister. Thank You Johnson. Once again you beat the hell outta your own team!!! ??? I thought jerrod played exponentially better this week. Lol.... And a&ms d is the only reason this game wasnt a blowout. They played great today.

10-09-2010, 07:26 PM

Saggy Aggie
10-09-2010, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by coach
a homerun by carl crawford...this game is getting ugly quick lol

10-09-2010, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by coach
a homerun by carl crawford...this game is getting ugly quick

Lol A&M could have used a homerun from someone..but yeah it is.

10-09-2010, 09:25 PM
I will admit JJ did play much better today than his last two games. However, everyone keeps saying that he is 100% recovered from his surgery and it is obvious to everyone but the coaches that he is not the same. His shoulder looks like it is getting worse each game. He keeps under throwing his receivers a little more each game. His running today was great and the line did the best they could but if he is struggling to throw the ball then he shouldn't be playing. Hats off to the D though they have improved dramatically!

BTW Coach- You will never know!!!

10-10-2010, 01:50 PM
I always find it amazing how the Aggie fans have come to terms with losing.

10-10-2010, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by JJWalker
I always find it amazing how the Aggie fans have come to terms with losing.

We are used to it by now.

10-10-2010, 02:24 PM
Don't start talking down on JJ, BBDE will getcha! haha

10-10-2010, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
Don't start talking down on JJ, BBDE will getcha! haha

Don't want that to happen. I have no right to criticize JJ. He's such a hard worker and all!

10-10-2010, 04:08 PM
Not gonna lie, that defense definitely kept them in the game. I've been pretty impressed with them. A few mistakes on offense, but there is still time for things to work themselves out. JJ will be alright

10-10-2010, 06:17 PM
JJ may be alright, but how much time are we going to give him??? I think you should give Tannehill a chance. He is one hell of an athlete and I think would be a lot more mobile than JJ.

10-10-2010, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by JJWalker
I always find it amazing how the Aggie fans have come to terms with losing.

Agreed. As we were leaving the stadium, one aggy fan said "Im happy cause we didn't lose bad." Are you kidding me? They really do only care about Texas.

10-10-2010, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by wildstangs
Agreed. As we were leaving the stadium, one aggy fan said "Im happy cause we didn't lose bad." Are you kidding me? They really do only care about Texas.

This is exactly why we have been a cellar dweller and a laughing stock in college football. We have the athletes, facilities, and some good coaches just no desire to push ourselves unless we are playing Texas. We will always be their stepchild if we only play up to our potential against them. It's time for a change rather it be coaches, AD, or qb. Doesn't matter what the score is, a loss is a loss, I am tired of moral victories!!!

10-10-2010, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by wildstangs
Agreed. As we were leaving the stadium, one aggy fan said "Im happy cause we didn't lose bad." Are you kidding me? They really do only care about Texas.

After the way their offense played, and the bad press their defense has had the last few years, yes, it is nice to not be blown out by the #11 team in the land with 4 turnovers. Last year, the Aggies were not in a position to win these types of games at the end.

That said, why I even felt the need to respond to your post is beyond me. If they only cared about tu, they would not be top 25 most wins all time.

Saggy Aggie
10-10-2010, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by ferilhog11
This is exactly why we have been a cellar dweller and a laughing stock in college football. We have the athletes, facilities, and some good coaches just no desire to push ourselves unless we are playing Texas. We will always be their stepchild if we only play up to our potential against them. It's time for a change rather it be coaches, AD, or qb. Doesn't matter what the score is, a loss is a loss, I am tired of moral victories!!! I can agree to a certain extent. I'm tired of being a perennial loser, but I guess I'm used to it. I get my hopes up every game, and they let me down. But hell, I'll be there again this Saturday with my hopes high and yelling my ass off.

10-10-2010, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by ferilhog11
This is exactly why we have been a cellar dweller and a laughing stock in college football. We have the athletes, facilities, and some good coaches just no desire to push ourselves unless we are playing Texas. We will always be their stepchild if we only play up to our potential against them. It's time for a change rather it be coaches, AD, or qb. Doesn't matter what the score is, a loss is a loss, I am tired of moral victories!!!

Show a little pride. The Aggies still have a top 6 athletic department and one of the biggest and best educational experiences for the kids out there. After all, that is what college is all about. UT and A&M do the real work in the classroom.

10-10-2010, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
Show a little pride. The Aggies still have a top 6 athletic department and one of the biggest and best educational experiences for the kids out there. After all, that is what college is all about. UT and A&M do the real work in the classroom.

Believe me I know they do. I am proud to be graduating from this amazing university this upcoming May. Our athletic program overall is at an all time high and we have many sports to be proud of.

Old Tiger
10-10-2010, 09:12 PM
Reggie McNeal > Vince Young

10-11-2010, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
Reggie McNeal > Vince Young
Poor troll. He is just so obvious.:devil:

Old Tiger
10-11-2010, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
Poor troll. He is just so obvious.:devil: No seriously...texags told me so.

Stephen McGee > Cart McCoy

10-11-2010, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by wildstangs
Agreed. As we were leaving the stadium, one aggy fan said "Im happy cause we didn't lose bad." Are you kidding me? They really do only care about Texas.

Surely you must be completely inept to post something like this and put your name on it. Honestly, some of our fans may be like that, and that's sad and disappointing (for them). But that doesn't reflect any of the team goals. Judging by the way you spelled Aggies, you're one of the type of fans who likes to sit back and talk trash, because let's be honest, that's easy to do; being witty, clever, and having respect requires a little more maturity, and effort.

10-11-2010, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by ferilhog11
Once again another moral victory for us Ags. Way to go! I'm so glad I wasted 4 hrs watching a qb who can throw about as good as my 16 year old sister. Thank You Johnson. Once again you beat the hell outta your own team!!!

Yeah, you wasted four hours of your time watching. That's the key point. The other one, most notably the most obvious to anyone, is that you're not Jerrod Johnson and not the one actually playing. With that being said, your opinion and crybaby hissy fit is completely irrelevant. So sit back in your armchair, get some popcorn, and do what you do best: sit on your ass and complain about a far superior athlete who actually put in the effort and committed to his football career (and is currently recovering from shoulder surgery) play his ass off to try to win a game he's actually playing in.


10-11-2010, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by ferilhog11
This is exactly why we have been a cellar dweller and a laughing stock in college football. We have the athletes, facilities, and some good coaches just no desire to push ourselves unless we are playing Texas. We will always be their stepchild if we only play up to our potential against them. It's time for a change rather it be coaches, AD, or qb. Doesn't matter what the score is, a loss is a loss, I am tired of moral victories!!!

Wait, what is this "we" business? I don't ever remember seeing you anywhere on the roster?

We push ourselves day in and day out, and it has nothing to do with playing Texas. You have no credibility and are in no position to talk about the work and dedication that goes into being a player for A&M, so why even bother?

You're one of those people who feel entitled for doing nothing. You will never be able to put forth even 0.001% of the investment, commitment, and sacrifice that it takes to be on that team; but I guess because you sit around and watch a few games, you're the leading expert on Aggie Football.


10-11-2010, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by ferilhog11
Don't want that to happen. I have no right to criticize JJ. He's such a hard worker and all!

Since you're in College Station, if you need any Kleenex to dry your little "#1 A&M Football Fan Expert" tears, or if you just want to meet up and have a little chat, let me know when and where you want to meet.

Saggy Aggie
10-11-2010, 06:22 PM
Hey BBDE, I had a question that I posted on the A&M/ Ok. State thread. Here's a link so you don't have to search. And try not to bash me. It's an honest question... and if there's a good reason... then great. :)

LINK (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=107288&perpage=15&highlight=tamu&pagenumber=7)

10-11-2010, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Saggy Aggie
Hey BBDE, I had a question that I posted on the A&M/ Ok. State thread. Here's a link so you don't have to search. And try not to bash me. It's an honest question... and if there's a good reason... then great. :)

LINK (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=107288&perpage=15&highlight=tamu&pagenumber=7)

I don't think you or anyone else fully understood what I was trying to say. I'll put it in points with nice little bullets so there isn't any more confusion; I know I sound condescending, but I was more than thorough on the other thread so this shouldn't have even been a question. Here goes:

-Football players sacrifice their physical and mental well-being, along with years and years of commitment and dedication to their teammates and furthering their careers. Fans sacrifice a few dollars for tickets and a few hours out of their week-but for their own entertainment.
-The path to playing a collegiate sport started years before any of us sat foot on any college campus; so to say that we play for the fans or it's all made possible by the fans is ridiculous to say. Without funding from fans, we would still play football; but it wouldn't have been nearly as glamorous or on such a grand scale. We play for the love of the game, not for the love of the fans.
-We do appreciate loyal and faithful fans, but no matter how many games are watched or witnessed by a fan, it doesn't give them the right to criticize or ridicule any player on any team for their performance. I'd rather have a fan's respect than to have their conditional support/negativity.

To sum it up: Supportive, loyal, and respectful fans are always greatly appreciated and loved; because they make the stage we play on possible through their support and donations. Disloyal, negative, disrespectful, and critical fans aren't; simply because they have no right to do so, no matter how many games they've watched and it is a right that they will have justification for disrespect or negativity towards a player.

Saggy Aggie
10-11-2010, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I don't think you or anyone else fully understood what I was trying to say. I'll put it in points with nice little bullets so there isn't any more confusion; I know I sound condescending, but I was more than thorough on the other thread so this shouldn't have even been a question. Here goes:

-Football players sacrifice their physical and mental well-being, along with years and years of commitment and dedication to their teammates and furthering their careers. Fans sacrifice a few dollars for tickets and a few hours out of their week-but for their own entertainment.
-The path to playing a collegiate sport started years before any of us sat foot on any college campus; so to say that we play for the fans or it's all made possible by the fans is ridiculous to say. Without funding from fans, we would still play football; but it wouldn't have been nearly as glamorous or on such a grand scale. We play for the love of the game, not for the love of the fans.
-We do appreciate loyal and faithful fans, but no matter how many games are watched or witnessed by a fan, it doesn't give them the right to criticize or ridicule any player on any team for their performance. I'd rather have a fan's respect than to have their conditional support/negativity.

To sum it up: Supportive, loyal, and respectful fans are always greatly appreciated and loved; because they make the stage we play on possible through their support and donations. Disloyal, negative, disrespectful, and critical fans aren't; simply because they have no right to do so, no matter how many games they've watched and it is a right that they will have justification for disrespect or negativity towards a player. Well said, and I can agree.

Honestly, there was way too much crap in that other thread for me to read through it.... so I didn't bother..... and therefore hadn't seen your explanation. I appreciate your response.


10-11-2010, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Saggy Aggie
Well said, and I can agree.

Honestly, there was way too much crap in that other thread for me to read through it.... so I didn't bother..... and therefore hadn't seen your explanation. I appreciate your response.


Well, instead of asking for someone to make it easier on you next time, just read it yourself.

But of course, that would require a little bit of effort on your part. Asking a stupid and somewhat condescending question is a lot easier.

Saggy Aggie
10-11-2010, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Well, instead of asking for someone to make it easier on you next time, just read it yourself.

But of course, that would require a little bit of effort on your part. Asking a stupid and somewhat condescending question is a lot easier. I didn't think it was stupid, but oh well. I'll concede because I don't feel like arguing. I tried my best to be respectful and you turned it negative. Bleh

It was an honest question because at the game..... They said "We play for the 12th man." You clearly said it wasn't about the fans, which is contradictory. I just wanted an opinion, which you gave. I thanked you and then you basically called me stupid. Sweet.

But it's cool. I'll just refrain from asking you anything from here on out. :)

10-11-2010, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Saggy Aggie
I didn't think it was stupid, but oh well. I'll concede because I don't feel like arguing. I tried my best to be respectful and you turned it negative. Bleh

It was an honest question because at the game..... They said "We play for the 12th man." You clearly said it wasn't about the fans, which is contradictory. I just wanted an opinion, which you gave. I thanked you and then you basically called me stupid. Sweet.

But it's cool. I'll just refrain from asking you anything from here on out. :)

Yes, because everything that I wrote in content was, in your most respectful description to be, "crap" that sufficiently answered the question that you asked. Instead of taking the time and respect to read what I wrote, you asked a question that would have been answered had you did it.

The truth is, the only people who think it's about the fans are the fans themselves. The revenue from college sports isn't very different from that at the high school level; it goes towards improving and furthering education for students and the games are all played by amateur athletes. With that in mind, how is it acceptable to take ownership of a college team and feel like it's your unalienable right to criticize and disrespect the players? Everything I said wasn't to take any credit away from the supportive and loyal fans we have; only to show that players deserve respect.

Saggy Aggie
10-11-2010, 07:40 PM
All of the players have my utmost respect. I asked a simple question because of what was said on the pre-game video. And for the record, I don't think it's about the fans. I played basketball and I never cared who was or wasn't in the stands. I had as much fun in scrimmages with just the coaches as I did in games when we had tons of fans there.

Anyways, I appreciate your honest reply and didn't intend for it to seem like I was calling your posts crap. I simply meant that I didn't feel like sifting through several pages of paragraphs, so I just asked you a direct question. Lazy of me? Yeah. Oh well.

10-11-2010, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Saggy Aggie
All of the players have my utmost respect. I asked a simple question because of what was said on the pre-game video. And for the record, I don't think it's about the fans. I played basketball and I never cared who was or wasn't in the stands. I had as much fun in scrimmages with just the coaches as I did in games when we had tons of fans there.

Anyways, I appreciate your honest reply and didn't intend for it to seem like I was calling your posts crap. I simply meant that I didn't feel like sifting through several pages of paragraphs, so I just asked you a direct question. Lazy of me? Yeah. Oh well.

Well, I can live with that then. I apologize for being condescending; but just know that respect is a two way street. I'm actually a really easy person to get along with.

10-11-2010, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Well, I can live with that then. I apologize for being condescending; but just know that respect is a two way street. I'm actually a really easy person to get along with.

no you arent

10-11-2010, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by coach
no you arent

Yeah, of course I am, because I'm an ass to people for no reason or fault of their own.

Old Tiger
10-11-2010, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Yeah, of course I am, because I'm an ass to people for no reason or fault of their own. lol

10-12-2010, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END

To sum it up: Supportive, loyal, and respectful fans are always greatly appreciated and loved; because they make the stage we play on possible through their support and donations. Disloyal, negative, disrespectful, and critical fans aren't; simply because they have no right to do so, no matter how many games they've watched and it is a right that they will have justification for disrespect or negativity towards a player.

I love ya Gary but

Football players dont have the right to accept the praise and glory, the awards and the media attention when things are going great but then say hey wait you fans cannot be critical when they struggle

It is a two way street..playing good brings the good and playing bad brings bad things..a college athlete has to be mature and take both in stride

10-12-2010, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
The revenue from college sports isn't very different from that at the high school level; it goes towards improving and furthering education for students and the games are all played by amateur athletes.

This is a falacy. Virtually every HS football program in Texas is a drain on resources not contributing to.

I've spoken with many school board members over the years and this is one of the biggest misconceptions about HS football is that it pays for itself and even helps pay for other sports. Simply not true, with the possible exception of the handful of Southlakes out there. And even at that, I doubt that is happening in today's economic climate.

And now, even big time college programs are bleeding money. Very few are actually making money now.

10-12-2010, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
I love ya Gary but

Football players dont have the right to accept the praise and glory, the awards and the media attention when things are going great but then say hey wait you fans cannot be critical when they struggle

It is a two way street..playing good brings the good and playing bad brings bad things..a college athlete has to be mature and take both in stride

There is nothing that gives any person the right to chastise and disrespect anyone, for any reason. Like I said, I don't play football for the praise and the glory, and neither does anyone else who is playing at a level that is greater than high school. We play for the love of the game and for our love of our teammates, not so we can gain the love of the fans. I don't think you understand that. But I don't worry about you, because I know you're a good enough man that you're not going to try to tear down a kid for trying to play and win a football game. Unfortunately, the same thing can't be said for every fan.

10-12-2010, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
This is a falacy. Virtually every HS football program in Texas is a drain on resources not contributing to.

I've spoken with many school board members over the years and this is one of the biggest misconceptions about HS football is that it pays for itself and even helps pay for other sports. Simply not true, with the possible exception of the handful of Southlakes out there. And even at that, I doubt that is happening in today's economic climate.

And now, even big time college programs are bleeding money. Very few are actually making money now.

In high school, the money that is invested in sports, even if it is more than what is brought in, is invested for the furthering of education. And you may very well be correct, but it doesn't negate the fact that college athletes and high school athletes are all still professional athletes. If you want to talk about fallacy, you yourself used one of the biggest ones in debate: Straw Man Fallacy. My point wasn't important in regards to talking about what money is or isn't made, simply pointing out that collegiate and high school athletes are still participating at an amateur status.

Amateur: an athlete who does not play for pay.

10-12-2010, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
There is nothing that gives any person the right to chastise and disrespect anyone, for any reason. Like I said, I don't play football for the praise and the glory, and neither does anyone else who is playing at a level that is greater than high school. We play for the love of the game and for our love of our teammates, not so we can gain the love of the fans. I don't think you understand that. But I don't worry about you, because I know you're a good enough man that you're not going to try to tear down a kid for trying to play and win a football game. Unfortunately, the same thing can't be said for every fan.
Surely you jest and this is just a bit of your shtick? ROFLMAO

:clap: :rolleyes: :eek: :doh: :D

10-12-2010, 03:57 PM
Didn't I already have this argument last week or the week before. Without reading to the front I can sum it up,,,,,

IMO, Gary's thinking is selfish in that he needs no one but himself, coaches and other teamates, because in actuall reality nothing that the fans can do can influence his love for the game. So by definition that makes him selfish because of the effort/time and whatever the fans put forth to him, he dosn't care and only plays for himself.

Thats cool though, I figured this out last time and walked away in a stalemate.

Good Luck with this argument guys.

10-12-2010, 03:58 PM
BBDE, I think you must just paste this stuff from one thread to another. :)

10-12-2010, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
In high school, the money that is invested in sports, even if it is more than what is brought in, is invested for the furthering of education. And you may very well be correct, but it doesn't negate the fact that college athletes and high school athletes are all still professional athletes. If you want to talk about fallacy, you yourself used one of the biggest ones in debate: Straw Man Fallacy. My point wasn't important in regards to talking about what money is or isn't made, simply pointing out that collegiate and high school athletes are still participating at an amateur status.

Amateur: an athlete who does not play for pay.


You might want to rethink that post.

LE Dad
10-12-2010, 07:04 PM
Fans can say what they want... they are fans and pay the money, buy the gear, and watch the ads that fuel TV contracts... If players don't like it they can quit. The game will go on with others.
:D :D

10-12-2010, 07:17 PM
4th and goal up by 4 playing the university of texas with 20 sec left at Kyle Field. The defense for atm is most likely pumping up the crowd to get louder. The players on D want as much noise as possible to distract the offense. Am I correct? If i am then you are not only playing for the fans but are also relying on the fans to win. Gary your CRAP about not playing for the fans is nonsense. I promise you that if there was a poll around the nation if players played for their fans the majority would say yes. And if you think otherwise then maybe thats whats been wrong with atm football the last 10 years. Congrats that you were apart of atm football and congrats you worked hard but in all honesty nobody repsects you and im sure if coaches and players see what you said about atm fans they would lose a lot of respect for you. Especially, since atm is known around the nation for their loyalty. And yes we do have all the right in the world to scrutinize an athlete. You just have to be the bigger man and ignore all the ignorant fans who dont know what they are talking about. I have learned a lot about you through your post and in all honest you are a gutless jerk who has no respect and does not know what you are talking about. I wish my aggies well and i have all the confidence in JJ the coaches and the rest of the players. Gig'em and BTHO Mizzou

10-13-2010, 01:33 AM
Wow, I really think that I'm talking to a bunch of the most inept people that I have ever met.

Playing college football was an investment that was made long before the fans of any university had the means to influence it.

No matter how much a fan pays, they're the ones who are still in the stands, watching. But just because you sit on your ass doesn't mean you have the right to be an ass. That's not me saying that fans are terrible people, but it's me putting it bluntly because apparently there is a serious lack of reading and comprehension skills by some. Before you get too far ahead of yourself, take a deep breath, exhale, and realize that I'm not saying that to be derogatory towards fans.

Long story short, this conversation is going to go around and around, because the fans want to feel important. So insecure all of you must be to have to scratch and dig to find justification for being condescending and disrespectful towards the people who make the sacrifice to make football what it is.

Like I said before, it's not about the fans, it's about the love of the game. We wouldn't be able to play football on the stage that it's on, but we would still play football because we love it. Fans always want to feel entitled and indebted to the spoils that THEY DON'T WORK FOR. Winning isn't about playing in front of 90,000 fans, it's that sweet taste of success when all of your hard work, sacrifice, and commitment come to fruition. And Royce, it's our hard work that makes any success the team has possible. That's not being selfish to say, because we're the ones who do the physical training (which I'm sure many of the posters on here can or could do at some point in their life!), we're the ones who sacrifice our time, our blood, our sweat, our tears, and our physical and mental health. We're the ones who do that, not the fans. It's great to have people come and take pleasure in watching us play and are there to cheer in victory or defeat, I'll never say anything or believe anything but that. But it's a lot easier to be a fan, that's where there are so many of them and so few players. Saying we play for the love of the game and not for the love of the fans doesn't mean that I don't value or appreciate the love of the fans, so stop trying to twist it into something that it isn't.

Obviously coach, you're one of the people who lacks common sense. Instead of trying to read what I say, you spend your time talking about how disloyal I am to the fans. Apparently you lack the capability of understanding what I said, which wasn't very hard to do. We don't play for the fans, because the fans had nothing to do with us getting to where we are, it was our hard work. That was the point that I was trying to make. I don't care if you give someone a million dollars and a thousand pats on the back, if they don't have the drive and dedication to succeed, they're never going to go anywhere. My whole point was to remind fans that we as athletes have a lot at stake: years of commitment and dedication that has comprised half of our lives and entrenches our identities; our physical and mental well-being; and for a lot of us, our future dreams and aspirations. People who think it's okay to chastise and trash talk college players are the ones who never consider any of these things, and they do it because IT'S EASY; it requires virtually no sacrifice when you compare it side by side to those made by the actual players themselves.

With that in mind, nothing that I said was meant to take away any of the credit to our respectful and loyal fans, who every player loves. Some of the most rewarding experiences I had playing football for A&M was going and reading to kids and speaking to them. I took pride in knowing that I represented my university and my team well and in a positive manner. But nobody should have ever taken what I said as an attack on fans, it was only me proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that nobody can justify being an ass to someone they don't know for trying to bear the fruits of his labors. Instead of people accepting that for what it is, you became defensive, and it's sad that a lot of the people on here who are defending being a turd need to validate themselves by smearing the efforts of others. It's genuinely disturbing the lengths that people will go to compensate for their own insecurities.

No teammate or coach would ever lose respect for me, because they wouldn't try to take my words and try to make me out to be bad guy, because they know what I sacrificed for Texas A&M; football team and university. I will be a loyal Aggie for the rest of my life. My comments weren't to tear down fans or say that no college athlete has gratitude for loyal support, only to point out what we have at stake and why fans should respect the players. But it's typical of people who have no real point to debate to try to rely on making me look like a bad guy; even though I'm the one who is asking for people to act and speak with respect. I guess because I think that, it must mean that I hate all fans and am just an ungrateful bastard.

With that being said, coach, I don't care if you have any respect for me. You want to know why? Because you don't matter to me. Your respect will never impact my future as a person. But you want to know what the funny thing is? You're probably get all huffy and puffy and have some smart retort and try to make assertions that justify why you, on your giant perch of enlightenment and football prowess, can scrutinize players. Just remember, you're the boy who is sitting behind a computer talking about A&M Football, but I'm the man who actually went and played it.

10-13-2010, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by coach
4th and goal up by 4 playing the university of texas with 20 sec left at Kyle Field. The defense for atm is most likely pumping up the crowd to get louder. The players on D want as much noise as possible to distract the offense. Am I correct? If i am then you are not only playing for the fans but are also relying on the fans to win. Gary your CRAP about not playing for the fans is nonsense. I promise you that if there was a poll around the nation if players played for their fans the majority would say yes. And if you think otherwise then maybe thats whats been wrong with atm football the last 10 years. Congrats that you were apart of atm football and congrats you worked hard but in all honesty nobody repsects you and im sure if coaches and players see what you said about atm fans they would lose a lot of respect for you. Especially, since atm is known around the nation for their loyalty. And yes we do have all the right in the world to scrutinize an athlete. You just have to be the bigger man and ignore all the ignorant fans who dont know what they are talking about. I have learned a lot about you through your post and in all honest you are a gutless jerk who has no respect and does not know what you are talking about. I wish my aggies well and i have all the confidence in JJ the coaches and the rest of the players. Gig'em and BTHO Mizzou

And just so you know, they will never be "your" Aggies. If you ever feel like you want to come prove to me and every other member on here that I'm a gutless jerk, feel free to come visit me. I'm offering you the opportunity to get up from your armchair and step away from the keyboard and finally do something in your life instead of talking about it.

Old Tiger
10-13-2010, 02:33 AM
Without fans teams are nothing....that is at the pro, collegiate, and high school levels.

10-13-2010, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
Without fans teams are nothing....that is at the pro, collegiate, and high school levels.

Yeah, and without players, there wouldn't be any fans to begin with.

My point was to never say that I don't appreciate fan support or donations. Loyal and supportive fans are great and make football an even more special game. I know that without them, the stage that we play on would never be full of glamor. 100 fans or 100,000 fans makes no difference to how we feel about the game when we're playing it, and I'm sure that anybody who has ever played, no matter how big the stage, all shared a similar level of love and respect for the game itself. Fans are great and make it even more special for us as players, and I could never thank the loyal fans enough for their support and all of the rewards they give us on top of the ones we get for playing. It's definitely the icing on the cake.

Being a fan and being a player are two totally different things, and I can say from experiencing both that it takes a lot more work being a player than it does to be a fan. Like I've said, when you're out on the field, it's not about the fans as much as it is about your teammates....and I don't mean that in a bad way, just that it's simple to realize that if a player makes mistakes, he worries more about the impact on his teammates than he does the fans. Both fans and athletes have important roles, but they're never equal. Regardless, both are necessary to make the game of football everything that it is today. But it's a lot harder to be the person on the field and putting everything you have into the outcome in the game than it is to be in the stands. That's not being anything less than realistic and honest about the dynamic and relationship. In the same token, if fans expect athletes to be positive role models and respectable citizens, I don't think it's unfair of me as an athlete to ask fans to treat players with the respect and dignity we deserve.

Old Tiger
10-13-2010, 03:11 AM
There will always be players for sports because you grow up playing them and learn a lot of life lessons in doing so. You could get rid of every college football player right now in the division 1 level since this is what the thread is under and there would still be people lined up to take their spot. If 50% of Texas A&M fans got rid of their fan allegiance to the university do you think as a program it would survive? I know for a fact that if Texas A&M was under sanctions such as USC and lost some of their scholarships the football program would go into a black hole but the fans would still be there to support them.

In the old day your theory would be correct about players being more important but now days with the multi-million dollar business of college football its all about the fans, boosters, and etc to keep things on par or above par in some cases for certain schools. Why do you think teams spend so much money on stadium renovations to increase occupancy and improve the fan experience? Because the fans are what makes the university money through purchases of apparel, game tickets, and other things relating to the university.

Players can be replaced by other players but your fans cannot be replaced if that makes any sense as it does right now at this present time in my head. Honestly I think I rambled on too long for my own good on this thread.

LE Dad
10-13-2010, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Wow, I really think that I'm talking to a bunch of the most inept people that I have ever met.

Playing college football was an investment that was made long before the fans of any university had the means to influence it.

No matter how much a fan pays, they're the ones who are still in the stands, watching. But just because you sit on your ass doesn't mean you have the right to be an ass. That's not me saying that fans are terrible people, but it's me putting it bluntly because apparently there is a serious lack of reading and comprehension skills by some. Before you get too far ahead of yourself, take a deep breath, exhale, and realize that I'm not saying that to be derogatory towards fans.

Long story short, this conversation is going to go around and around, because the fans want to feel important. So insecure all of you must be to have to scratch and dig to find justification for being condescending and disrespectful towards the people who make the sacrifice to make football what it is.

Like I said before, it's not about the fans, it's about the love of the game. We wouldn't be able to play football on the stage that it's on, but we would still play football because we love it. Fans always want to feel entitled and indebted to the spoils that THEY DON'T WORK FOR. Winning isn't about playing in front of 90,000 fans, it's that sweet taste of success when all of your hard work, sacrifice, and commitment come to fruition. And Royce, it's our hard work that makes any success the team has possible. That's not being selfish to say, because we're the ones who do the physical training (which I'm sure many of the posters on here can or could do at some point in their life!), we're the ones who sacrifice our time, our blood, our sweat, our tears, and our physical and mental health. We're the ones who do that, not the fans. It's great to have people come and take pleasure in watching us play and are there to cheer in victory or defeat, I'll never say anything or believe anything but that. But it's a lot easier to be a fan, that's where there are so many of them and so few players. Saying we play for the love of the game and not for the love of the fans doesn't mean that I don't value or appreciate the love of the fans, so stop trying to twist it into something that it isn't.

Obviously coach, you're one of the people who lacks common sense. Instead of trying to read what I say, you spend your time talking about how disloyal I am to the fans. Apparently you lack the capability of understanding what I said, which wasn't very hard to do. We don't play for the fans, because the fans had nothing to do with us getting to where we are, it was our hard work. That was the point that I was trying to make. I don't care if you give someone a million dollars and a thousand pats on the back, if they don't have the drive and dedication to succeed, they're never going to go anywhere. My whole point was to remind fans that we as athletes have a lot at stake: years of commitment and dedication that has comprised half of our lives and entrenches our identities; our physical and mental well-being; and for a lot of us, our future dreams and aspirations. People who think it's okay to chastise and trash talk college players are the ones who never consider any of these things, and they do it because IT'S EASY; it requires virtually no sacrifice when you compare it side by side to those made by the actual players themselves.

With that in mind, nothing that I said was meant to take away any of the credit to our respectful and loyal fans, who every player loves. Some of the most rewarding experiences I had playing football for A&M was going and reading to kids and speaking to them. I took pride in knowing that I represented my university and my team well and in a positive manner. But nobody should have ever taken what I said as an attack on fans, it was only me proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that nobody can justify being an ass to someone they don't know for trying to bear the fruits of his labors. Instead of people accepting that for what it is, you became defensive, and it's sad that a lot of the people on here who are defending being a turd need to validate themselves by smearing the efforts of others. It's genuinely disturbing the lengths that people will go to compensate for their own insecurities.

No teammate or coach would ever lose respect for me, because they wouldn't try to take my words and try to make me out to be bad guy, because they know what I sacrificed for Texas A&M; football team and university. I will be a loyal Aggie for the rest of my life. My comments weren't to tear down fans or say that no college athlete has gratitude for loyal support, only to point out what we have at stake and why fans should respect the players. But it's typical of people who have no real point to debate to try to rely on making me look like a bad guy; even though I'm the one who is asking for people to act and speak with respect. I guess because I think that, it must mean that I hate all fans and am just an ungrateful bastard.

With that being said, coach, I don't care if you have any respect for me. You want to know why? Because you don't matter to me. Your respect will never impact my future as a person. But you want to know what the funny thing is? You're probably get all huffy and puffy and have some smart retort and try to make assertions that justify why you, on your giant perch of enlightenment and football prowess, can scrutinize players. Just remember, you're the boy who is sitting behind a computer talking about A&M Football, but I'm the man who actually went and played it. Fans can still say what they want.... Doesn't matter what you think or type... If they think JJ sucks they can say it... Think Sherman sucks get it out there. Now since you're a fan you can dispute that and that's also fine.:D

I am not an A&M fan, but I did see them play in the I Bowl last year and JJ was not very good in that particular game and if that is what he normally does then I can certainly see why fans complain. Fans want the best players on the field and the best coaches on the sideline and if they don't feel they have them well.... Not like the players or coaches can strike... They just need to do the best they can and if it is not good enough then changes will be made.... such is life.:D

LE Dad
10-13-2010, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
There will always be players for sports because you grow up playing them and learn a lot of life lessons in doing so. You could get rid of every college football player right now in the division 1 level since this is what the thread is under and there would still be people lined up to take their spot. If 50% of Texas A&M fans got rid of their fan allegiance to the university do you think as a program it would survive? I know for a fact that if Texas A&M was under sanctions such as USC and lost some of their scholarships the football program would go into a black hole but the fans would still be there to support them.

In the old day your theory would be correct about players being more important but now days with the multi-million dollar business of college football its all about the fans, boosters, and etc to keep things on par or above par in some cases for certain schools. Why do you think teams spend so much money on stadium renovations to increase occupancy and improve the fan experience? Because the fans are what makes the university money through purchases of apparel, game tickets, and other things relating to the university.

Players can be replaced by other players but your fans cannot be replaced if that makes any sense as it does right now at this present time in my head. Honestly I think I rambled on too long for my own good on this thread. BINGO!!!

10-13-2010, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
And just so you know, they will never be "your" Aggies. If you ever feel like you want to come prove to me and every other member on here that I'm a gutless jerk, feel free to come visit me. I'm offering you the opportunity to get up from your armchair and step away from the keyboard and finally do something in your life instead of talking about it.

i sit in a recliner and i visit college station quite often . let me know when you get done pulling splinters out of your butt bc all you did there was sit on the bench and from what i have heard thats all you really did in hs.

10-13-2010, 10:34 AM
There are a few things that I think Gary is missing in this argument. While I understand his points regarding the effort that the student athletes put into their craft...it is not completely for the altruistic love of the game reason that these athletes do what they do. These students are getting a first rate education and are treated very well by the university and for the most part by the fans (sometimes too well....). In addition many of these athletes (in the big three sports) are working towards the possibility/dream of playing professional athletics some day. Nothing wrong with that....but to say that they are doing it for the PRIMARY reason of "the love of the game" is hyperbole at best and intellectual dishonesty at worst. Believe me, very few of these athletes would be strapping on the pads, punishing their bodies and working as hard as they are working if the carrot of an education or professional career were not there. I have many friends (some who played in college and some who did not) that have played semi-pro football where there is no money involved and they play for the "love of the game" for a season, maybe two, but soon realize that the excitement of playing for the fans at the college or even high school level is not there anymore and they quickly become disillusioned and stop playing...it is just not worth it to them to put that kind of effort into a game with no potential for reward (financially, educationally or being able to play before an excited fan base). Yes, there are certainly exceptions to this rule, but my argument is not based on the exceptions.

I graduated A&M with three degrees including a doctorate. I have a lot invested in my education. I recieved no free rides. I sacrificed 8 years of my life, thousands of dollars that I either earned during or payed off after college, not to mention blood sweat and tears, as Gary put it, in taking jobs during school and summers to pay for College. No, I was not running wind sprints with the team or lifting weights, but I was digging post holes, stacking hay, working cattle etc...to make ends meet. So to say that student athletes are above reproach due the hard work that they put in is ridiculous and is out of touch with the sacrifices that other students have to make for their education. When an A&M student athltete puts on that jersey with Texas A&M on the chest they are representing me as well as themselves. If they act like a jerk or put in a substandard effort then it represents all people that have graduated from that university and to some degree it represents fans that identify with the team because they are willfully associating themselves with a group of young men, which is encouraged by the university because it helps the school (and those athletes) financially. If I see an Aggie acting inappropriately or "phoning in" a performance I reserve the right to hold them accountable and they would have the right if they see that with me. That is not to say that I agree with the unfair way that fans often approach college sports, but to say that student athletes are accountable only to themselves because they are the only ones that "sacrifice" is just wrong (which is exactly what you were implying even if the implication was unintentional).

10-13-2010, 11:32 AM

10-13-2010, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by vet93
There are a few things that I think Gary is missing in this argument. While I understand his points regarding the effort that the student athletes put into their craft...it is not completely for the altruistic love of the game reason that these athletes do what they do.

Nice post...

10-13-2010, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
If they think JJ sucks they can say it... Think Sherman sucks get it out there. Now since you're a fan you can dispute that and that's also fine.:D

I'm actually glad these two guys are not up to par. I think everyone opinions(which many are true, but are not entitled to) will prevail Tech to another win this year. Possibly even be bowl eligible in a struggling year.

:stirpot: :stirpot: :stirpot:

10-13-2010, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by RoyceTTU
I'm actually glad these two guys are not up to par. I think everyone opinions(which many are true, but are not entitled to) will prevail Tech to another win this year. Possibly even be bowl eligible in a struggling year.

:stirpot: :stirpot: :stirpot:

Techies got owned by ISU. A&M has lost two games away from Kyle to ranked teams by a combined 10 points and was in it to the end. I like the Ags chances at home this year. Potts is pretty solid and the receivers are a tough bunch, but it takes all 22.:D

10-13-2010, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by vet93
There are a few things that I think Gary is missing in this argument. While I understand his points regarding the effort that the student athletes put into their craft...it is not completely for the altruistic love of the game reason that these athletes do what they do. These students are getting a first rate education and are treated very well by the university and for the most part by the fans (sometimes too well....). In addition many of these athletes (in the big three sports) are working towards the possibility/dream of playing professional athletics some day. Nothing wrong with that....but to say that they are doing it for the PRIMARY reason of "the love of the game" is hyperbole at best and intellectual dishonesty at worst. Believe me, very few of these athletes would be strapping on the pads, punishing their bodies and working as hard as they are working if the carrot of an education or professional career were not there. I have many friends (some who played in college and some who did not) that have played semi-pro football where there is no money involved and they play for the "love of the game" for a season, maybe two, but soon realize that the excitement of playing for the fans at the college or even high school level is not there anymore and they quickly become disillusioned and stop playing...it is just not worth it to them to put that kind of effort into a game with no potential for reward (financially, educationally or being able to play before an excited fan base). Yes, there are certainly exceptions to this rule, but my argument is not based on the exceptions.

I graduated A&M with three degrees including a doctorate. I have a lot invested in my education. I recieved no free rides. I sacrificed 8 years of my life, thousands of dollars that I either earned during or payed off after college, not to mention blood sweat and tears, as Gary put it, in taking jobs during school and summers to pay for College. No, I was not running wind sprints with the team or lifting weights, but I was digging post holes, stacking hay, working cattle etc...to make ends meet. So to say that student athletes are above reproach due the hard work that they put in is ridiculous and is out of touch with the sacrifices that other students have to make for their education. When an A&M student athltete puts on that jersey with Texas A&M on the chest they are representing me as well as themselves. If they act like a jerk or put in a substandard effort then it represents all people that have graduated from that university and to some degree it represents fans that identify with the team because they are willfully associating themselves with a group of young men, which is encouraged by the university because it helps the school (and those athletes) financially. If I see an Aggie acting inappropriately or "phoning in" a performance I reserve the right to hold them accountable and they would have the right if they see that with me. That is not to say that I agree with the unfair way that fans often approach college sports, but to say that student athletes are accountable only to themselves because they are the only ones that "sacrifice" is just wrong (which is exactly what you were implying even if the implication was unintentional).

So basically you're saying that I'm lying when I make the assertion that we play for the love of the game? Even though your post was well thought out, that doesn't mean that you aren't susceptible to the same thing that some of the other idiots that I've been arguing with are - and that is creating a false sense of smug entitlement. Your argument is based upon nothing more than you trying to downplay the reasons that we play the games we love, but the real truth of the entire thing is that you weren't the one who played and made the sacrifices we did as players, you pursued different endeavors for your own personal gain. You say that because you invested a lot into your own education that you are deserving of taking credit for the hard work and the acclaim of OTHER PEOPLE. I did all of the things that you're talking about doing on the weekends, every weekend I was in college. I wasn't paid to play for Texas A&M, not an education or a single penny. And I didn't put the sacrifices I did for the fans, I did it for my own personal love of the game and my love of my teammates, sorry if that hurts anyone's feelings. Sure, having the loyalty and support of the fans was tremendous, but what you're missing at the end of the day is that you're not the one who has to wake up every day of his life with an injury that constantly reminds him of what might have been, I am. And I didn't do it for money or any person sitting in the stands, and I've never asked anything from anybody for it aside from respecting the sacrifices that we as players make for your entertainment. People watch football for their own personal reasons just as much as I played it for my own. Fans like you and every other idiot on here who thinks that they are justified and entitled to criticize and shame the hard work and the efforts of the men who are actually doing it aren't the reason that we play football. You're missing the point completely about why your friends quit playing...I love to play Playstation or Xbox, but I have to set the controller down and go to work every day so I can go make a living for myself. Sure, for some football players, fans make it possible that it is their job, but they get compensated very well for it; there is a line between being a professional and an amateur, but no matter when a player stops playing, they still have that love of the game inside of them. It's not about the fans or the money, it really is about a love of the game. But it's easy for a person who never succeeded or sacrificed as much into it as a collegiate or professional to say that we play for other reasons. No need to put big fancy words on it, I'll just say that you're completely full of it and you're misrepresenting a passion THAT YOU NEVER HAD. It's not about the excitement of playing in front of the fans, get real and get your head out of your ass, please!

Since you have so many degrees and spent so much time building your own credibility as a beacon for intellectual thought, I'm quite surprised to see a post filled with such idiocy. You're claiming entitlement just like the rest of the people on here. If we're so connected, then I should have the right to come to where you work and tell you that you're doing a crappy job and nitpick about every little thing that you do in your profession or in your personal life. But you probably don't feel that way huh? Because it was your hard work that got you to where you are and you're proud of that. You're obviously proud of what you achieved, and you should be. REGARDLESS, THERE IS NOTHING THAT GIVES ANY PERSON A RIGHT TO BE DISRESPECTFUL TOWARDS ANOTHER PERSON. I don't care how much money you pay or how important YOU THINK YOU ARE, there is no way to justify it. I don't even know why I'm even having to discuss this. It's completely ridiculous. Do you people honestly think about what you're saying before you say it? I let an individual take credit for their own actions, good or bad, because at the end of the day, I'm my own man. You say that we're representatives of the university and blah blah blah, but the other students and fans, even the ones who have no real affiliation to the university, should be held to the same standards. Do you think the young man who opened fire at the University of Texas recently should be an indicator of the entire student body? What about Virginia Tech a few years ago? Absolutely not, because common sense tells you that people act on their own and the responsibility for their actions rests solely upon their shoulders. You're setting up a double standard by saying that fans can grumble, complain, and belittle the accomplishments of the players, but we have to be such great role models for your children whenever people can't have the decency to treat players with dignity and respect. The truth is, I don't mind players being held accountable to be role models and good, upstanding citizens, but I think that fans should hold themselves accountable to be fair and show gratitude towards us by treating us the right way too.

And lastly, the only reason that you had the impression that I was saying we weren't accountable is completely incorrect. Like I have said over and over again, people want to get pissy because I am telling the truth that people don't want to hear. I'm not saying that athletes shouldn't hold themselves accountable, I'm saying that fans need to learn to do the same thing as well. It was never implied or explicitly stated, you just took what I said, twisted and misrepresented it, and took it your own way. And you, like everyone else who has tried to accuse me of being disloyal or ungrateful, has done the exact same thing simply because I pointed out the obvious truth; and that is that they're just fans who have no right to live vicariously through the efforts of other people. Fans trying to leach the glory and entitlement away from the players is no better than lazy and unmotivated citizens taking a welfare check.

10-13-2010, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by coach
i sit in a recliner and i visit college station quite often . let me know when you get done pulling splinters out of your butt bc all you did there was sit on the bench and from what i have heard thats all you really did in hs.

Well, feel free to let me and the rest of the Downlow know when you're in town. And yeah, a jab at me never getting to play, but open up DCTF from last year and look at the depth chart. If I wouldn't have had a career ending injury, things would be a lot different. And obviously I was terrible in high school and never played, because I came to a premiere Division 1 school in one of the most competitive conferences in college football and worked my way from sixth-string walk on to second string. You just let me know when you're ready to show me and everyone else how much of a badass you are and come say some of your disrespectful nonsense to my face. Show me how much of a man you think you are. A boy talks, and a man does.

Old Tiger
10-13-2010, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Well, feel free to let me and the rest of the Downlow know when you're in town. And yeah, a jab at me never getting to play, but open up DCTF from last year and look at the depth chart. If I wouldn't have had a career ending injury, things would be a lot different. And obviously I was terrible in high school and never played, because I came to a premiere Division 1 school in one of the most competitive conferences in college football and worked my way from sixth-string walk on to second string. You just let me know when you're ready to show me and everyone else how much of a badass you are and come say some of your disrespectful nonsense to my face. Show me how much of a man you think you are. A boy talks, and a man does. Can I come to college station and we hit up NorthGate?

10-13-2010, 03:29 PM
Can we get a 3ADOWNLOW fight night set up? haha BBDE Vs. the World

I commend you for sticking to your guns BBDE. I may not fully agree with everything you say, but I can respect where you are coming from.

10-13-2010, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
Can I come to college station and we hit up NorthGate?
Let me know! haha

10-13-2010, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Old Tiger

There will always be players for sports because you grow up playing them and learn a lot of life lessons in doing so. You could get rid of every college football player right now in the division 1 level since this is what the thread is under and there would still be people lined up to take their spot. If 50% of Texas A&M fans got rid of their fan allegiance to the university do you think as a program it would survive? I know for a fact that if Texas A&M was under sanctions such as USC and lost some of their scholarships the football program would go into a black hole but the fans would still be there to support them.

In the old day your theory would be correct about players being more important but now days with the multi-million dollar business of college football its all about the fans, boosters, and etc to keep things on par or above par in some cases for certain schools. Why do you think teams spend so much money on stadium renovations to increase occupancy and improve the fan experience? Because the fans are what makes the university money through purchases of apparel, game tickets, and other things relating to the university.

Players can be replaced by other players but your fans cannot be replaced if that makes any sense as it does right now at this present time in my head. Honestly I think I rambled on too long for my own good on this thread.

You're right, there will be players lined up, but it's because they love playing football. You proved my point exactly. And the reason that there are so many is because they love the game itself, not because college players get paid anything from it. I'm not saying we don't get benefits from doing so, because there is a lot of pride and glory that is derived from it, along with a good education, but like you said too, the UNIVERSITY is the one who makes all of the money. It's a lot easier to replace a fan than it is to replace a Colt McCoy, as Texans fans learned last year and this season.

And yes, Casey, we can hang out any time that you're in town.

10-13-2010, 03:38 PM
Maybe we( not me) A&M fans are the ones to blame for JJ's struggles.

self-fulfilling prophecy, a concept developed by Robert K. Merton to explain how a belief or expectation, whether correct or not, affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person (or group) will behave. Thus, for example, labeling someone a "criminal," and treating that person as such, may foster criminal behavior in the person who is subjected to the expectation.

Players hear all the talk about how they are underperforming and may tend to roll over into his/her next performance because he/she already thinks he/she isn't being respected and can not fill the expectations by others.

Not saying this is the case, but it is a viable reason not only in this case, but in multiple others.

Example...Vince Young getting booed in Tennessee and going into a complete meltdown

10-13-2010, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
Can we get a 3ADOWNLOW fight night set up? haha BBDE Vs. the World

I commend you for sticking to your guns BBDE. I may not fully agree with everything you say, but I can respect where you are coming from.

I'm not trying to say fans are terrible and we don't need them, but it's painfully obvious that too many fans are overlooking what we go through as players to give them something to cheer for. And all I've been doing is pointing out that there is nothing that gives anyone the right to be disrespectful. Players and fans both have roles in the success of programs, but it takes a lot more to be a player than it does to be a fan, and with as many fans demanding that we as players respect our role as representatives of our university by being positive role models and good people, I don't think it's too much to ask that fans hold themselves accountable in the way they speak about the players who do that. There isn't anything right about fans bashing, chastising, and berating Jerrod or any other player for having a bad game(s), and then turn around and say, "You owe it to me to be a good representative of Texas A&M and a role model for my children." This is the whole point of everything that I've said, but yet no matter how many times I've said it or tried to express as thoroughly as I can, people are still having trouble understanding it. It's a double standard and at it's core (even though it is less extreme), isn't very different from a police officer going to an elementary school and telling kids not to do drugs while he's smoking a joint.

10-13-2010, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Well, feel free to let me and the rest of the Downlow know when you're in town. And yeah, a jab at me never getting to play, but open up DCTF from last year and look at the depth chart. If I wouldn't have had a career ending injury, things would be a lot different. And obviously I was terrible in high school and never played, because I came to a premiere Division 1 school in one of the most competitive conferences in college football and worked my way from sixth-string walk on to second string. You just let me know when you're ready to show me and everyone else how much of a badass you are and come say some of your disrespectful nonsense to my face. Show me how much of a man you think you are. A boy talks, and a man does.

lmao did i hit a nerve? did i hurt your feewings? what a freakin baby. grow up. nobody cares that you walked onto atm so stop telling us that and just bc nobody else walked on to a fb team does not mean we are a failure at life. go jump in front of a train

Old Tiger
10-13-2010, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
You're right, there will be players lined up, but it's because they love playing football. You proved my point exactly. And the reason that there are so many is because they love the game itself, not because college players get paid anything from it. I'm not saying we don't get benefits from doing so, because there is a lot of pride and glory that is derived from it, along with a good education, but like you said too, the UNIVERSITY is the one who makes all of the money. It's a lot easier to replace a fan than it is to replace a Colt McCoy, as Texans fans learned last year and this season.

And yes, Casey, we can hang out any time that you're in town. People said no one could replace Vince Young also!

Saggy Aggie
10-13-2010, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by coach
go jump in front of a train *anxiously awaits BBDE's reply*

10-13-2010, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I'm not trying to say fans are terrible and we don't need them, but it's painfully obvious that too many fans are overlooking what we go through as players to give them something to cheer for. And all I've been doing is pointing out that there is nothing that gives anyone the right to be disrespectful. Players and fans both have roles in the success of programs, but it takes a lot more to be a player than it does to be a fan, and with as many fans demanding that we as players respect our role as representatives of our university by being positive role models and good people, I don't think it's too much to ask that fans hold themselves accountable in the way they speak about the players who do that. There isn't anything right about fans bashing, chastising, and berating Jerrod or any other player for having a bad game(s), and then turn around and say, "You owe it to me to be a good representative of Texas A&M and a role model for my children." This is the whole point of everything that I've said, but yet no matter how many times I've said it or tried to express as thoroughly as I can, people are still having trouble understanding it. It's a double standard and at it's core (even though it is less extreme), isn't very different from a police officer going to an elementary school and telling kids not to do drugs while he's smoking a joint.

If someone says player A is not a good QB that is not being dissrespectful..it is called an opinon..

You say college football players play for the "love of the game"...maybe you did and alot do, but a good majority that play do so because they think they will one day play in the pros, or they are playing for their education.

10-13-2010, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
If someone says player A is not a good QB that is not being dissrespectful..it is called an opinon..

You say college football players play for the "love of the game"...maybe you did and alot do, but a good majority that play do so because they think they will one day play in the pros, or they are playing for their education.

I never said that future careers or ambitions aren't part of the deal, but if someone doesn't love what they're doing they won't stick with it as long as they have.

How would you feel if I said you weren't a good broadcaster? Would it be any differently if I said, "You're a terrible broadcaster, you suck at life and let down your radio station and your fans"?

10-13-2010, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by coach
lmao did i hit a nerve? did i hurt your feewings? what a freakin baby. grow up. nobody cares that you walked onto atm so stop telling us that and just bc nobody else walked on to a fb team does not mean we are a failure at life. go jump in front of a train

No, I'm saying you're a boy who sits behind a computer and does nothing but talk. And that's why you have gone nowhere, and if you never do, that will be the reason why. All you have offered is disrespect towards me and tried to make me look and feel like a bad person. I never said you were a failure at life, nor anybody else was, but it's comical that people who haven't came anywhere close to accomplishing the goals that I have and other players who have played at the collegiate level have think that they have entitlement and justification to disrespect our hard work and effort. At the end of the day, you aren't a student at A&M and had no football career that has even been worth mentioning, and you're going to have to live with that the rest of your life. I don't. Like I said, either come and say it to my face and be a man, or embarrass yourself and look like a complete fool and childish boy who hides behind a computer and talks.

10-13-2010, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I never said that future careers or ambitions aren't part of the deal, but if someone doesn't love what they're doing they won't stick with it as long as they have.

How would you feel if I said you weren't a good broadcaster? Would it be any differently if I said, "You're a terrible broadcaster, you suck at life and let down your radio station and your fans"?

nobody said anyone sucked at life. and nobody said jj let down his fans....all they said was lets give tannehill a shot. thats what you dont get. we dont hate him or you or anyone on the team we are just voicing a logical opinion about a guy that plays a sport. have you ever criticized a teacher, the law, th President of the United States of America, what about bad roads that you drive on, the weather man, waiters, food you eat? We as American have that right even if it is a football team or a Television station. We have a right to complain encourage argue and cry over whatever we want.

10-13-2010, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
. And that's why you have gone nowhere,

how in the hell do you know where i have been and what i have done in my life?

10-13-2010, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by coach
nobody said anyone sucked at life. and nobody said jj let down his fans....all they said was lets give tannehill a shot. thats what you dont get. we dont hate him or you or anyone on the team we are just voicing a logical opinion about a guy that plays a sport. have you ever criticized a teacher, the law, th President of the United States of America, what about bad roads that you drive on, the weather man, waiters, food you eat? We as American have that right even if it is a football team or a Television station. We have a right to complain encourage argue and cry over whatever we want.

Did I ever say any of that stuff? You're putting words into my mouth because you have nothing to say.

And Americans directly invest their money into the infrastructure that you're talking about, but they invest their money into football games because they are pursuing entertainment. There is a difference between the two, but you probably didn't take the time to sit back and consider the obvious difference between the two. You don't have a right to be an asshole and try to tear down others, nor does anyone else. Like I said, you have a feeling of false entitlement that you haven't and will never earn, because you're just a person who offers nothing to the game except TALK.

10-13-2010, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
How would you feel if I said you weren't a good broadcaster? Would it be any differently if I said, "You're a terrible broadcaster, you suck at life and let down your radio station and your fans"?

all anyone said was jj should not start. noone said jj sucked at life is what i am trying to say

10-13-2010, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Did I ever say any of that stuff? You're putting words into my mouth because you have nothing to say.

And Americans directly invest their money into the infrastructure that you're talking about, but they invest their money into football games because they are pursuing entertainment. There is a difference between the two, but you probably didn't take the time to sit back and consider the obvious difference between the two. You don't have a right to be an asshole and try to tear down others, nor does anyone else. Like I said, you have a feeling of false entitlement that you haven't and will never earn, because you're just a person who offers nothing to the game except TALK.

i never was an asshole....im sure we all know who the bigger asshole is on this board. in all honesty i love jj and when he came out i saw where you were coming from when you said VY< JJ.....i just dont like the fact that you are bashing ppl on here who said jj should not start....

10-13-2010, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I never said that future careers or ambitions aren't part of the deal, but if someone doesn't love what they're doing they won't stick with it as long as they have.

How would you feel if I said you weren't a good broadcaster? Would it be any differently if I said, "You're a terrible broadcaster, you suck at life and let down your radio station and your fans"?

That happens gary..I have had people email me telling me where I can go, that I might as well give up on life because I suck and so on and so on...I dont let it bother me..plain and simple.

10-13-2010, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by coach
how in the hell do you know where i have been and what i have done in my life?

Because you wouldn't try to leach off of the accomplishments of others or have nothing to offer but talk trash if you had done something in your own life that was worth doing. You're acting just like a spoiled little boy with a smug sense of self-entitlement. That's how I know you haven't done anything. You sit on this message board and talk all day. Simple as that. If you don't like it, do something about it and stop acting like a boy. If a 22 year old is telling you that you must be doing something seriously wrong.

Until you come and speak to me to my face about anything, I will never respond to another post you make on this forum. If you want to make the arrangement to meet and say something to my face, PM me. Until then, you will be ignored because I'm not gong to waste my time responding to someone who has nothing to offer but talk.

10-13-2010, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
That happens gary..I have had people email me telling me where I can go, that I might as well give up on life because I suck and so on and so on...I dont let it bother me..plain and simple.

But that doesn't mean that it's right, does it?

10-13-2010, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by coach
i never was an asshole....im sure we all know who the bigger asshole is on this board. in all honesty i love jj and when he came out i saw where you were coming from when you said VY< JJ.....i just dont like the fact that you are bashing ppl on here who said jj should not start....

I'm not talking about people saying Jerrod shouldn't start, I'm talking about the people who said bad things about him and saying he sucked. There is a difference between the two, it's called tact.

10-13-2010, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by ferilhog11
Once again another moral victory for us Ags. Way to go! I'm so glad I wasted 4 hrs watching a qb who can throw about as good as my 16 year old sister. Thank You Johnson. Once again you beat the hell outta your own team!!!

10-13-2010, 05:57 PM
Man you people are funny to mess with.

10-13-2010, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
But that doesn't mean that it's right, does it?

Actually as long as no threat to my life or health then yes it is their right to express their opinon on my broadcasting and me and I have to accept being in some type of public life the negatives with the positives.

I cant say yes praise me, then say oh no you cannot be negative

10-13-2010, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Man you people are funny to mess with.


10-13-2010, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I'm not talking about people saying Jerrod shouldn't start, I'm talking about the people who said bad things about him and saying he sucked. There is a difference between the two, it's called tact.

I will never respond to another post you make on this forum. If you want to make the arrangement to meet and say something to my face, PM me. Until then, you will be ignored because I'm not gong to waste my time responding to someone who has nothing to offer but talk. [/B][/QUOTE]

so much for not responding...

10-13-2010, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Actually as long as no threat to my life or health then yes it is their right to express their opinon on my broadcasting and me and I have to accept being in some type of public life the negatives with the positives.

I cant say yes praise me, then say oh no you cannot be negative

But where did I ask anyone for praise? I just asked for respect. There is a big difference between the two.

10-22-2010, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by sinton66

Haha, well, look at my signature line. I mean, come on. Really? Find me a picture that expresses "gullible" so I can quote everyone I've talked to on this thread. ;)

10-22-2010, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Haha, well, look at my signature line. I mean, come on. Really? Find me a picture that expresses "gullible" so I can quote everyone I've talked to on this thread. ;)

Nevermind, I got it:


10-22-2010, 11:00 PM
That's a fiddle.

Old Tiger
10-22-2010, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
That's a fiddle. Looks like a violin ;)

10-22-2010, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
Looks like a violin ;)

There is a new rule about posting information that is false in content. You might want to edit that statement.

10-22-2010, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
There is a new rule about posting information that is false in content. You might want to edit that statement. LOL!!! :D

10-22-2010, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
That's a fiddle.

Well, "If you're gonna play in Texas..."

10-22-2010, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
Well, "If you're gonna play in Texas..."

You would bring this up before this guy?
