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09-20-2010, 08:25 AM
So really what is the big difference between a kid like Jaxon Shipley and the hundreds of others that play his position?

Without a doubt, he runs great routes using his body, hands and head to set you up. He actually has made one of our young receivers better as he tries to emulate what he saw in Shipley.

When we played against him in College Station this summer you just knew that the ball was coming his way and there was not much that you could do about it.

The interesting thing is that he is not the fastest kid on the field, although plenty fast, he does not jump the highest, although he jumps plenty high. What he has that sets him apart is confidence. He knows that he has a better chance of success than the other guy. He takes all that he has learned and combined it with his family genetics that has already proven what his potential is and steps on the field knowing that he is the man.

Look at all the examples, Archie, Peyton and Eli. How about the Simms? Matt is the QB at U Tenn. Do you think Eli had a bit of swagger in High School? Do you think daddy had a tip or two? Do you think that maybe watching and emulating their brothers helped them?

I asked my own son that is developing into an athlete. As a sophomore at 6'5 230 he is too small to play OT and too slow to play TE at the next level. Lots of potential but only time will tell. Will he gain 50 lbs or become .05 sec faster. Maybe neither, maybe both.

I asked him if he had a brother 6 years older than was in the NFL after a stellar college career and if everyone said you are just like your brother was when he was your age, only better, would that give you swagger? How would you feel lining up against your opponent as a Senior? Would you expect to win?

My favorite saying is "whether you think you can or think you can't your right" The thing that makes Shipley the greatest is between his ears.

09-20-2010, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by gatordaze
So really what is the big difference between a kid like Jaxon Shipley and the hundreds of others that play his position?

Without a doubt, he runs great routes using his body, hands and head to set you up. He actually has made one of our young receivers better as he tries to emulate what he saw in Shipley.

When we played against him in College Station this summer you just knew that the ball was coming his way and there was not much that you could do about it.

The interesting thing is that he is not the fastest kid on the field, although plenty fast, he does not jump the highest, although he jumps plenty high. What he has that sets him apart is confidence. He knows that he has a better chance of success than the other guy. He takes all that he has learned and combined it with his family genetics that has already proven what his potential is and steps on the field knowing that he is the man.

Look at all the examples, Archie, Peyton and Eli. How about the Simms? Matt is the QB at U Tenn. Do you think Eli had a bit of swagger in High School? Do you think daddy had a tip or two? Do you think that maybe watching and emulating their brothers helped them?

I asked my own son that is developing into an athlete. As a sophomore at 6'5 230 he is too small to play OT and too slow to play TE at the next level. Lots of potential but only time will tell. Will he gain 50 lbs or become .05 sec faster. Maybe neither, maybe both.

I asked him if he had a brother 6 years older than was in the NFL after a stellar college career and if everyone said you are just like your brother was when he was your age, only better, would that give you swagger? How would you feel lining up against your opponent as a Senior? Would you expect to win?

My favorite saying is "whether you think you can or think you can't your right" The thing that makes Shipley the greatest is between his ears.

2) How good/super is Jaxon?

Jaxon is like Jordan in so many ways, yet different in some ways, too. He’s taller but probably doesn’t have the top-end speed Jordan had at that age. He’s probably a better jumper than Jordan and is a better route runner than Jordan was at that age simply because he’s had Jordan teaching him.

this was taken from an interview(between Art Dulgach and Coach Bob Shipley) and article from the Llano newspaper.