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View Full Version : Observations: Burnets O-Line

09-21-2002, 10:37 AM
Burnets depth in the backfield is marginal(not non-existent) when the second team has been called upon they have been quite effective. But IMHO they will not sustain Burnet beyond district play.Injuries to players in skilled positions could be devastating to a long season,Intensity,Consistancy don't seem to be attributable to the offensive line. The o-line appears to be leaderless. Has anyone else noticed that our Georgia Tech prospect has become somewhat of a sideline poser? Defensive opponents learn quickly not to intimidated by his size. He could be "THE MAN" to step up to that leadership role, but he will have to put Georgia Tech out his mind for now to become more effective. Miller gets a lot of recognition as a "running" back, but folks this kid is a fantastic blocking back! I make these observations at the risk of angering some of the coaches that attacked Chris Hart for his observations of the Burnet defense this week. Also with the hopes that one of these coaches may inspire this kid to keep his heart on whatever field Burnet happens to be playing on untill the end of the season.

I let the dogs out!

09-21-2002, 10:50 AM
Whoa man, that's harsh. Burnet will be fine.

09-21-2002, 10:57 AM
I expected that, humility, however can be an eye opening motivator. Old School? Maybe.

I let the dogs out!

Chris Hart
09-21-2002, 11:09 AM
I don't think the Offensive lines problems are the result of one kids play, but they are definately having a few protection problems.McGee is a good enough QB that if he had time to survey the field, he could really pick apart a secondary.McGee was either on the run or on his back most of the night against Christian.If it hadn't been for Miller picking up the blitz a few times, I don't know that McGee would have made it through the game.Our Offensive line has the talent to be real good.I think they will come around.I think the Bulldogs may be saving the HB screen for later in the season, You and I both know Miller can make em pay for bringing the house.The Offense should be fine.I like the way the Offense keeps their composure, it shows alot of character.

Big Green Dawg

09-21-2002, 11:36 AM
I could not agree more. I'm not pointing the finger at one kid for "blame" on the contrary I think this kid has the potential to be the leadership this line needs. I also think the talent is in place across the line, the coaching is solid. It's just a question of intensity and consistency. these two things can only be handled to a certain extent in practice, by coaches on the sideline, by fan exuberance, all the rest will come from the hearts of those four young men in the "trenches", this would best be served by solid "on the field leadership".

I let the dogs out!

09-21-2002, 02:38 PM
bd0707- You are wrong about the prospect for georgia tech He is a good player and maybe you need to watch him a little more because he recieved the best grading game he has played in a long time. Plus Georgia Tech isnt on his mind at the time he is playing. He hates people talking about his scholarship that he has recieved. He likes to think that He doesnt have the scholarship yet and is still working hard to get it. MAYBE YOU SHOULD WATCH THE KID A LITTLE MORE.

09-21-2002, 05:22 PM
bd, your observations on that squad are a bit off. i've seen the bulldogs play twice this year and the o-line is just inexperienced. 2 sr's, 1 jr, and 2 sophs. they are coming into their own. It was obvious even to me that they were working on the passing game against Midland. the running game is fab, and the passing game is coming along. McGee had several passes that he threw away and still went over 50% for almost 200 yds. He had lots of people in his face early, but that o-line coach made some adjustments on the bench and gave the qb time to throw. yes, it was a flat burnet team, but they won by 28 points. they will have their hands full with the marlin bulldogs this week. speed, speed, speed. kind of like me in a different way when i was rocking out in the 70's.


"mamma, mamma I'm coming home!"

09-22-2002, 01:43 PM
I think your observations have some validity to them. it obvious that burnets o-line has not yet come into their own. they have many strides to be made before they can rank up there with the best of the best. two seniors, 1 junior and 2 sophs are doing a good job 90% of the time and then out of nowhere they blow a protection and let someone through untouched. i am impressed the new tight end Mason Templeton. I think he is going to be big time. 6'6" and 240lbs. He has the body to go to a good school. They could be great, however they aren't there yet.....

09-22-2002, 03:49 PM
Mason Templeton is more like 6'8, 220. He's also a pretty good backup QB.

But I wonder, are we going to systematically analyze every flaw of Burnet as we go through the season? First the stadium seating, then the defense, then the OL. Next will be ball boy, who has forgotten to get 3 tees off the feild after kickoffs so far this season.

Burnet does have flaws. So do Everman, Jasper, Sinton, and Newton, and everyone else down to Taft. Why is it that Burnet's flaws get picked apart in this fashion on the internet?

Burnet is becoming like Notre Dame, the most loved and hated and scrutinized team around.

[This message has been edited by 29x281 (edited September 22, 2002).]

09-22-2002, 07:56 PM
well said, 82 x 128. why don't you bloaks start criticizing the pre-game jams. no Ozzy? What the ****?


"bark at the moon."

09-22-2002, 09:25 PM
I'm just honored that we have Ozzy as a fan. I was very sorry to hear of your wife's problems. How's the leg?

greendog fan
09-25-2002, 05:26 PM
I have to disagree with you about GT not being on Eddie,s mind. He worked for me this summer and all he talked about is how good and how HE was going to win state this year. Not how Burnet was going to win it was how HE was going to win. The kid has alot of protenital but his head is not on right. Plus he is lazy.