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08-05-2010, 04:09 PM
This is not just another whine about the boys getting over-heated…

Right now the air temperature is 103, the heat index is 113, and the temperature on the artificial turf I understand is approaching 150.

Training at 2pm, which is actually 1pm sun time, is just simply counterproductive, not just dangerous to your health. Higher temperatures mean the kids are wearing down faster so you have to allow for more rest breaks. Also, while I’m not sure of the protocol, I can’t see a coach refusing a kid water if he expresses a need for it in between breaks (more time not training).

As far as I know, training in the sun doesn’t make you more fit either, just more tan, or red if you’re like me. Matter of fact, it stands to reason that because you can’t train as hard or as long (cardio) in higher temperatures as you can in cooler ones (that would be 90 around here), that teams training in the evening or training once a day, but for a longer period in the morning are getting in better shape than those training in the middle of the day.

Also, if most of the time the kids are thinking about how hot and thirsty they are… they’re thinking less about what the coaches are saying to them.

Perhaps if games were played at 2pm on Saturdays, I’d have a better grasp of the status quo, but of course games are played on Friday nights… when it’s cooler.

I’d really appreciate any comments that will help me understand the logic because I really do hope I’m wrong. I guess I could have asked a coach, but it was bugging me… and they’re all on fire at the moment.

08-05-2010, 04:25 PM
Well I could say that they have to practice and they have always done so at this time. My 9 year olds get to practice at 6 but that is because all of the parents work so we have no choice. Still pretty hot then. But when I was in school two a days were just as bad although we were on a grass field. I still remember those big one gallon containers of salt tablets sittin on the coaches desk.

08-05-2010, 04:32 PM
We had to weigh ourselves before the 2nd practice of the day, and if we lost more than 10lbs we couldn't practice. Seeing teammates go into full body lock is quite ugly and scary. We had this machine called "the cow" and it pumped the best tasting, freezing cold water. Towels in buckets full of ice and water were also amazing over your head.

08-05-2010, 04:38 PM
150 degrees! but it snowed last winter, global warming isn't real

08-05-2010, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
150 degrees! but it snowed last winter, global warming isn't real


08-05-2010, 05:05 PM

Maybe you should have moved somewhere else:D

08-05-2010, 05:06 PM
When you team has slow, smaller atheletes and you are the under dog every single year like Celina you need this heat to build toughness. :rolleyes:

LE Dad
08-05-2010, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
150 degrees! but it snowed last winter, global warming isn't real http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad340/LEDad_01/Dufus-3.jpg

Alittle French from LE Dad.:D

LE Dad
08-05-2010, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by lostaussie

Maybe you should have moved somewhere else:D :eek: :eek:

08-05-2010, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
We had to weigh ourselves before the 2nd practice of the day, and if we lost more than 10lbs we couldn't practice.

They musta started that after I left...which is good because I might have never been allowed to practice. I dropped weight like a bad habit during 2-a-days.

But to the original point, Alice is doing something similar. They're going from 8am-10:30am, breaking for an hour, then going back out for another 2-hour session, then they're done for the day.

LE Dad
08-05-2010, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Maroon87
They musta started that after I left...which is good because I might have never been allowed to practice. I dropped weight like a bad habit during 2-a-days.

But to the original point, Alice is doing something similar. They're going from 8am-10:30am, breaking for an hour, then going back out for another 2-hour session, then they're done for the day. Kids are coming into practice in much better shape so there is less need for conditioning, but if the coach says go at it at 2 then you go at it at 2.:thinking:

08-05-2010, 05:32 PM
Again, not complaining about 2-a-days, we've ALL done it... I'm just thinking that the afternoon training sessions would be more productive if held in the early evening... or hold a longer session in the morning.

I'm sure there is a reason, just not coming to me at the moment.

Also, the username, is simply for the amusement of the Celina bashers.... family has lived here for 27years.

08-05-2010, 05:54 PM
I'm still trying to figure out what has changed concerning practicing since I played. Granted it was 35 tears ago and our first helmets had rope suspensions...........
We were not allowed to drink water during practice except at 1/2 way break. A coach would hold the hose and allow us 5 seconds worth of water before yanking it away. They said it made us tougher. But we never had anyone seriously injured from this practice. And we practiced in a natural bowl with very little wind too, though it was on grass (actually grass burrs).
I'm not saying we were tougher because I don't thinks that's the case. It just seems like there are more heat related injuries now than a few years ago. I always thought it might be because we worked outside jobs during the summer and we were more accustomed to the heat.
Maybe it was a combination of the coaches blowing cigarette and cigar smoke into our faces along with salt tablets?
All I know is I feel for the kids now. I gripe about getting into a hot pickup.

Aesculus gilmus
08-05-2010, 06:10 PM
35 years ago, it was an early morning and an early evening practice schedule for two-a-days here. I've never heard of the 2 p.m. schedule. I agree. That's just counterproductive and perhaps dangerous.

Traylor's got the best idea. The Buckeyes are just now hitting the field for the first workout of the day. It's 98 right now. They'll go for 90 minutes or so, then take a break for an hour or so, and then go at it for another 90 minutes of very productive practice in somewhat cooler temperatures, ending up at 10 p.m. or so. I can't argue with the success this schedule has achieved.

Rabid Cougar
08-05-2010, 06:43 PM
And it is 125 degrees in Afghanistan and the soldiers their wear 40 lbs of body armor in long sleeves and pants for hours on end. Two hours of football practice in shorts and t shirts isn't going to hurt anybody.

Saw a girl fall out from band 2-a- days at 9:00 am after only 30 minutes. wasn't even carrying an instrument. Those band directors are more brutal than the coaches.

08-05-2010, 07:08 PM
As a player, I dont think its that bad. The worst part of the turf if your feet burning and cleats melting. All you do is put some cold water on them at each break and your good to go. As far as the workouts, they are only brutal if you are out of shape.

I personally like the 2 p.m. practice despite the heat

08-05-2010, 07:59 PM
Actually, my boys are saying that the coaches are adjusting the practices based upon the conditions.

This afternoons practice was only an hour long and they get water whenever they need it.

Other than not wanting to be on the turf very long they say that they would rather be done in the afternoon, get out of the heat, eat, and relax versus practicing at night to save 15 degrees.

It is a cake walk compared to the 7AM, 3PM, 7PM practices that I had in college for 3 weeks! Few water breaks and handfuls of those nasty gold colored salt tablets.

Thursdays were the worst for me as I was the only long snapper and we ran punt team at the end of practice. I worked 3 teams and had to snap,cover and return to the huddle for the next unit. At the end we had to run 50 40's.

It sucks just typing it, much less doing it! I think I am going to puke! again!

08-05-2010, 08:16 PM
Our guys start at 615 and take breaks throughout the morning and are done by 11:30 or so. I think it works great they get the workouts and the are done so they can work, rest, or do whatever.

08-05-2010, 08:21 PM
I went to two-a-days in the best shape of my life. I left in the worst shape of my life. To make matters worse my coaches thought we were "out of shape" at the end and didn't realize we were totally used up and worked us even harder...We sucked on the field and played not to lose afraid of the next conditioning workout. If we lost it was because we were "ouit of shape." Conditioning got worse and the play got relatively worse. Anxiety diarrea was from losing was rampant.

08-06-2010, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by Rabid Cougar
And it is 125 degrees in Afghanistan and the soldiers their wear 40 lbs of body armor in long sleeves and pants for hours on end. Two hours of football practice in shorts and t shirts isn't going to hurt anybody.

Saw a girl fall out from band 2-a- days at 9:00 am after only 30 minutes. wasn't even carrying an instrument. Those band directors are more brutal than the coaches.

Now you know what I am saying. We were talking about that at practice. Lets get the soldier boys and our 50 pound packs and hump it 10 miles to bivouac just because the colonel thinks we need some excercise.

08-06-2010, 01:02 PM
9th goes for 8-11am

Everyone else is 5-1030pm

Done it this way for a while now. My 10th grader say most everyone worked out during the summer so the heat is not to bad.

08-06-2010, 01:15 PM
I am another Celina fan/parent that has a hard time understanding the logic of a 2 pm practice. Not saying it's indefensible, just saying I don't get it. Hope it doesn't take a tragedy to change it.

08-06-2010, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by MN95
I am another Celina fan/parent that has a hard time understanding the logic of a 2 pm practice. Not saying it's indefensible, just saying I don't get it. Hope it doesn't take a tragedy to change it.

idk what the reasoning is.....but maybe that 2:00 practice time is the time in which the athletic period starts when the boys are in school...like I said idk for sure.............i always thought and still do think that practice when school starts is harder to get use too....cause of the sitting in air conditioned classes all day and getting sleepy than going out to the heat.

08-06-2010, 04:21 PM
Sealy two a days start at 6 with the players hitting the weight room and some agility and quickness stations for about an hour then we get a 30 minute break then we go out for a 2 and a half hour practice then another 30 or 45 minute break then another 2 hour practice then we are done around 12

08-06-2010, 04:26 PM
Hottest part of the day is 5pm. They are done by 4. Workout at 6? That would be the same hell everyone is harping on. As a matter of fact, the pee wee boys hit the field at 6.

Tough up whiners. They have water on the field and get it quite often from what I've heard. That's why they tell kids to stay in shape during the summer. I am betting kids who have a hard time in the heat didn't workout much in the summer.:hand: :helpme:

the genious
08-06-2010, 06:05 PM
coaches preach perfection and often times say if we run everyplay perfect we wont run them again.... if it was 150 outside i would make sure it was perfect therefore focus is up and people have to step up to be leaders and thats how u get your capitans

08-07-2010, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by ctown
Hottest part of the day is 5pm. They are done by 4. Workout at 6? That would be the same hell everyone is harping on. As a matter of fact, the pee wee boys hit the field at 6.

Tough up whiners. They have water on the field and get it quite often from what I've heard. That's why they tell kids to stay in shape during the summer. I am betting kids who have a hard time in the heat didn't workout much in the summer.:hand: :helpme:

Well, I'm not sure I was whining, or if you were even referring to me. I can tell you after I posted this, my son had a medical scare after our first practice yesterday, and I can assure you he worked out hard all summer.

08-07-2010, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by MN95
Well, I'm not sure I was whining, or if you were even referring to me. I can tell you after I posted this, my son had a medical scare after our first practice yesterday, and I can assure you he worked out hard all summer.

Man I am sorry if you felt I was talking about you or your kid. I have heard it is super hot but I have also heard the kids are good to go and handling it well. I don't take roll at summer workouts so I don't know who was there and who wasn't.

08-07-2010, 04:57 PM
As a medic for 18 years and someone who loves to workout, IMHO, its foolish. There are lots of ways to develop toughness without frying.