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06-13-2010, 11:48 AM
I would ask why there is such a media bias about Texas A&M being the bad guys in actually considering all three conference options. But I already know the answer. Excuse them for having a mind of their own and not hastily following UT wherever they want to go. Shame on UT officials for saying that if A&M doesn't fall in line, the annual game is history. Last I checked, UT has had the same three options that A&M has had. So it is okay for UT to make a decision that benefits them best, but not for A&M?

Not trying to stir up anti Longhorn sentiment with this post, but merely trying to point out the media bias. There are two top-tier universities in this state, and they both deserve to make the best decision for their individual programs. The mud-slinging, bullying, and politics of this all just really PMO.:mad:

Reds fan
06-13-2010, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
I would ask why there is such a media bias about Texas A&M being the bad guys in actually considering all three conference options. But I already know the answer. Excuse them for having a mind of their own and not hastily following UT wherever they want to go. Shame on UT officials for saying that if A&M doesn't fall in line, the annual game is history. Last I checked, UT has had the same three options that A&M has had. So it is okay for UT to make a decision that benefits them best, but not for A&M?

Not trying to stir up anti Longhorn sentiment with this post, but merely trying to point out the media bias. There are two top-tier universities in this state, and they both deserve to make the best decision for their individual programs. The mud-slinging, bullying, and politics of this all just really PMO.:mad:

Agreed. Well said.

06-13-2010, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
I would ask why there is such a media bias about Texas A&M being the bad guys in actually considering all three conference options. But I already know the answer. Excuse them for having a mind of their own and not hastily following UT wherever they want to go. Shame on UT officials for saying that if A&M doesn't fall in line, the annual game is history. Last I checked, UT has had the same three options that A&M has had. So it is okay for UT to make a decision that benefits them best, but not for A&M?

Not trying to stir up anti Longhorn sentiment with this post, but merely trying to point out the media bias. There are two top-tier universities in this state, and they both deserve to make the best decision for their individual programs. The mud-slinging, bullying, and politics of this all just really PMO.:mad:

I have not seen anything other than people thinking it is a mistake for A&M to try to go to SEC..I would not call that mudslinging, but their opinion

06-13-2010, 01:29 PM
Most Texas fans don't care what the heck aTm does, if they want to go and become the new Mississippi State while throwing away years of tradition and rivalries in addition to opening the state of Texas to the SEC for recruiting..well get after it. aTm wasn't getting the best talent in the state as it is, what makes them think that going to the SEC is going to do so with a losing tradition? All it is going to do is open the door for what Texas kids they were landing to go to other SEC schools. Just a stupid decision on their part for being envious of Texas if they decide to go to the SEC (plus Texas, OU, TT, and Okie State will black ball them and refuse to play them in sports).

06-13-2010, 02:47 PM
I have no dog in this fight and I support all the Texas schools. I hope no school in Texas goes to the Pac-10. But I think Austin is a Pac-10 kinda place and it is a good fit for them. Not so much for the other Texas schools, especially A&M and Baylor. To bad UT would consider cancelling their annual game. If this was an SEC vs. Pac-10 match up it would only make the game even better.

06-13-2010, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Z-RO
Most Texas fans don't care what the heck aTm does, if they want to go and become the new Mississippi State while throwing away years of tradition and rivalries in addition to opening the state of Texas to the SEC for recruiting..well get after it. aTm wasn't getting the best talent in the state as it is, what makes them think that going to the SEC is going to do so with a losing tradition? All it is going to do is open the door for what Texas kids they were landing to go to other SEC schools. Just a stupid decision on their part for being envious of Texas if they decide to go to the SEC (plus Texas, OU, TT, and Okie State will black ball them and refuse to play them in sports).

exploring options makes them envious? Not following the horns lead makes it a stupid decision? I think the door to high school football talent has been open to the sec(as well as the nation) for along time....the aggies wouldn't be opening doors. Black balling? The former SWC schools did a good job of black balling Arkansas.....and why schedule the Aggies when you can get Rice, Florida Atlantic, ULA. Lafayette to come to you place for a home game year in year out .....cause you know the Aggies would want a home and home series.

I just don't understand why the state couldn't support two schools that were not in the same conference. Florida, South Carolina and Georgia do it.

06-13-2010, 03:09 PM
i dont see why A&M wants to be UT's little brother and follow them. This move ensures they will always be in texas's shadow. They can go to the SEC and do their own thing.

06-13-2010, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by forum_guy
i dont see why A&M wants to be UT's little brother and follow them. This move ensures they will always be in texas's shadow. They can go to the SEC and do their own thing.
There are two schools of thought. One says A&M will get their brains beaten into a pulp in the SEC, which is likely true for a while.

The other says that right now A&M offers *nothing* to a top recruit that Texas can't offer with greater exposure, TV appearances, championship potential and NFL attention, and that SEC affiliation is at least something they could offer in-state recruits that the Horns can't offer: a chance to stay close to home yet compete in the SEC.

Interesting dilemma.

06-13-2010, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Z-RO
Most Texas fans don't care what the heck aTm does, if they want to go and become the new Mississippi State while throwing away years of tradition and rivalries in addition to opening the state of Texas to the SEC for recruiting..well get after it. aTm wasn't getting the best talent in the state as it is, what makes them think that going to the SEC is going to do so with a losing tradition? All it is going to do is open the door for what Texas kids they were landing to go to other SEC schools. Just a stupid decision on their part for being envious of Texas if they decide to go to the SEC (plus Texas, OU, TT, and Okie State will black ball them and refuse to play them in sports).


This is the attitude you see from all the media outlets. They spin it so that anything Texas A&M does is either in envy or spite of Texas. There is a good point on TexAgs that the prominence of UT's journalism program versus the virtual elimination of A&M's has led to the huge media bias on UT's side. Of course, success in the big three sports has made UT all the money and put them in the position of power that they are in now. I am not disputing that. Just saying that now Dodds and his minions of sports writers across the state and region are out like the Gestapo trying to bully the Aggies into not defecting from their new conference plans. Sorry guys, but A&M is one of the premier universities in the nation as well, and how could anyone think that you can tell a group of highly educated and powerful people that they can't think for themselves?

06-13-2010, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by ziggy29
There are two schools of thought. One says A&M will get their brains beaten into a pulp in the SEC, which is likely true for a while.

The other says that right now A&M offers *nothing* to a top recruit that Texas can't offer with greater exposure, TV appearances, championship potential and NFL attention, and that SEC affiliation is at least something they could offer in-state recruits that the Horns can't offer: a chance to stay close to home yet compete in the SEC.

Interesting dilemma.

I think the Aggies will compete in sports other than football very well immediately if they go to the SEC. Football will come around. As far as the rivalry game is concerned, A&M still wants to play the game. It is Dodds and the BOMC (I like that acronym!) that are threatening taking it away.

I also think that those who say that A&M would only be opening the state up to SEC recruiters from out of state are living in the dark. LSU has been plucking up big recruits from Texas for some time now, and A&M can only go up from where they are now recruiting wise. Lets see then.......who would be threatened with loss of blue chippers to the SEC the most? Hmmmm.......:thinking:

06-13-2010, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
I also think that those who say that A&M would only be opening the state up to SEC recruiters from out of state are living in the dark. LSU has been plucking up big recruits from Texas for some time now, and A&M can only go up from where they are now recruiting wise.
I think this will help SEC recruiting in Texas somewhat.

But a lot of top recruits do prefer to play close to home (and maybe that's drawn some of them to LSU). And if you are from Texas, you want to remain in Texas and you want to play SEC football, it plays right into A&M's thought process here.

Simply put, if you're a top recruit in Texas, you want to stay in Texas and football is your first, second and third consideration -- you choose UT. Plain and simple. There's really little or nothing the Aggies can offer the top recruits that Texas can't, and then some.

But if staying in Texas is a priority but you want to be seen playing SEC football... then suddenly the Aggies would be able to offer something the Horns can't.

06-13-2010, 04:33 PM
I believe Texas' main argument against going SEC is the lack of strong academics. The SEC is not nearly as strong academically as the PAC 10, Big 10, or Big 12. For that reason alone Texas does not want to set foot in the SEC. UT and A&M are the two tier 1 institutions in Texas, so it only seems fitting that A&M shouldn't want the SEC from an academic standpoint.

Old Tiger
06-13-2010, 04:36 PM
If Texas and A&M split up then A&M would lose damn near all of their "traditions"

A&M would be helping the SEC schools in recruiting more than helping themselves.

06-13-2010, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
If Texas and A&M split up then A&M would lose damn near all of their "traditions"

A&M would be helping the SEC schools in recruiting more than helping themselves.

Outsiders mock the Aggie traditions as it is, so why would they suddenly be worried about them now? And again, A&M can only improve in recruiting. Texas stands to lose more than A&M in recruiting if A&M goes SEC, and you know that.

06-13-2010, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
Outsiders mock the Aggie traditions as it is
Especially in places like Berkeley, Boulder, Eugene and Austin.

06-13-2010, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
Outsiders mock the Aggie traditions as it is, so why would they suddenly be worried about them now? And again, A&M can only improve in recruiting. Texas stands to lose more than A&M in recruiting if A&M goes SEC, and you know that.

If you believe so, Texas is the #1 overall program in the nation at this moment in time so kids are going to go to Austin because they want to be winners. aTm is far from that and that is why they have a problem recruiting in everything but track and field. If aTm goes to the SEC they will get their brains bashed in worse then what they are now in the Big 12. Heck in the Big 12 they cant hardly compete anymore what makes anybody think that the SEC West will be any easier? I am a Longhorn fan, but I will cheer for a Texas team before anybody else but it is ridiculous to think aTm might possibly be successful if they move to the SEC. Like I said aTm is tired of being little brother and is using their emotions instead of their heads in considering this move. If EVERYBODY but aTm fans think this is stupid (see testicular grab yell thinggy they do) it probably is stupid.

06-13-2010, 05:32 PM
again with the academics reason....still looking for a complete list of tier 1 schools......find it hard to believe that academics is a true reason. If a&m stays with texas or not....why should it concern horn fans? If a&m gets their brains bashed in why would a horn fan care?.......we brag about the talent we have in this state and were worried about losing some to southern states that do pretty good with their own talent. I've heard it all academics culture....take the take alongs to PAC 10.

hell if its about academics and the horns can go anywhere....why not ACC thats a pretty good academic conference?

06-13-2010, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by NastySlot we brag about the talent we have in this state and were worried about losing some to southern states that do pretty good with their own talent.
Frankly, I think some UT fans are a little concerned that this will eat into UT's complete dominance over recruiting in the state. Whether they go to A&M or elsewhere in the SEC, the bottom line is that a Texas presence in the SEC makes playing in the SEC more attractive to Texas recruits.

It may or may not help A&M, but it's hard to see how it wouldn't put at least a little dent in UT's recruiting.

06-13-2010, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by ziggy29
the bottom line is that a Texas presence in the SEC makes playing in the SEC more attractive to Texas recruits.

But playing for aTm will still remain unattractive

06-13-2010, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Z-RO
But playing for aTm will still remain unattractive
But I suspect that's not what some UT fans have a problem with -- it's the loss of a stranglehold over the top recruits of Texas, some of whom may decide that getting some in-state exposure in the top football conference in the country is enough to commit to an SEC school, whether A&M or otherwise.

06-13-2010, 06:01 PM
Texas has more players in the NFL then any other program in the country, and the vast majority of kids who attend Texas want to attend Texas because it is their home state in addition to it being a winning program. Sure they might lose a kid here or there, but rest assure the football program will be just fine.

06-13-2010, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
They spin it so that anything Texas A&M does is either in envy or spite of Texas. Ummmm...have you been to A&M? Almost every tradition they have includes something about UT. I don't think this is the argument you want to use if you're trying to back A&M.

Honestly, if A&M wants to go to the SEC, then it's their own funeral. I think it's a huge mistake, but only time will tell. It certainly hasn't done Arkansas any favors in football. And let's be honest, football is the main driving force behind all of these moves.

06-13-2010, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
Ummmm...have you been to A&M? Almost every tradition they have includes something about UT. I don't think this is the argument you want to use if you're trying to back A&M.

Honestly, if A&M wants to go to the SEC, then it's their own funeral. I think it's a huge mistake, but only time will tell. It certainly hasn't done Arkansas any favors in football. And let's be honest, football is the main driving force behind all of these moves.

just curious name some of those traditions....

the arkansas example is weak....the arizona schools haven't done too much in the PAC 10 since their move to it in 78.

06-13-2010, 06:54 PM
I really don't expect that the Texas Legislature will ever let the Aggies and Longhorns end up in different conferences. There is a little fund called the Permanent University Fund that the Legislature controls which provides millions of dollars to both school each year. Ultimately, this will be a decision that is made in Austin by the politicians instead of just by the institutions.

Now, I can see both sides of the argument for ATM and I think it would be a tremendous increase in revenue for the Aggies in the SEC because of the fan support that conference gets. Yeah, the aggies sell out almost every week at home, but look what the road attendence would be in the SEC. Butts in seats means increased revenue. Plus, that conference just might fit the Aggie traditions more than anywhere else in the US. There are alot of traditions in the SEC.

I think that neither school will really lose anything if they separate, except maybe the rivalry game. I hate to see that happen, but petty politicians might make it a reality. It would be interesting though to see the possibility of a playoff type or major bowl game between the Longhorns and Aggies each year. That could be a real possibility in a few years if this split happens.

I would really like to see the old SW Conference revived and maybe add a few teams. How about Texas, ATM, Baylor, Rice, TCU, Houston, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State.

06-13-2010, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by OldBison75
I really don't expect that the Texas Legislature will ever let the Aggies and Longhorns end up in different conferences. There is a little fund called the Permanent University Fund that the Legislature controls which provides millions of dollars to both school each year. Ultimately, this will be a decision that is made in Austin by the politicians instead of just by the institutions.

Now, I can see both sides of the argument for ATM and I think it would be a tremendous increase in revenue for the Aggies in the SEC because of the fan support that conference gets. Yeah, the aggies sell out almost every week at home, but look what the road attendence would be in the SEC. Butts in seats means increased revenue. Plus, that conference just might fit the Aggie traditions more than anywhere else in the US. There are alot of traditions in the SEC.

I think that neither school will really lose anything if they separate, except maybe the rivalry game. I hate to see that happen, but petty politicians might make it a reality. It would be interesting though to see the possibility of a playoff type or major bowl game between the Longhorns and Aggies each year. That could be a real possibility in a few years if this split happens.

I would really like to see the old SW Conference revived and maybe add a few teams. How about Texas, ATM, Baylor, Rice, TCU, Houston, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State.

wouldn't the legislature need to be in session and Perry has said he will live it up the universities to decide this issue

06-13-2010, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by NastySlot
just curious name some of those traditions....

the arkansas example is weak....the arizona schools haven't done too much in the PAC 10 since their move to it in 78. Arkansas was a national powerhouse when they were in the SWC. They recruited well in Texas and it showed on the field. Their close proximity to Texas was also a help to them.

A&M Traditions involving UT:

Aggie Bonfire
Elephant Walk
Every Aggie referring to UT as "t.u." or "tea-sips" or any of the other silly monikers.
Aggie War Hymn (no matter who A&M is playing)
Sawing off the Horns
The tuba is referred to as the "bass horn" because tuba starts with "tu"
The face of the clock tower in the center of the A&M campus, the Roman numeral for the number four is read as IIII because students once thought IV looked a little too much like t.u.
Aggies do not boo at sporting events, they hiss. Why? Because t.u. students boo.

Need I go on?

06-13-2010, 07:14 PM
and you have no idea how those traditions came about....sawing em off ok....elephant walk nah......the words to the war hymn sort of....check out the original lyrics to texas fight.....bonfire haven't had one in a while hissing ok so we have to do what texas does?

so because the aggies go to the sec (if they do)....they can longer have a rivalry with the horns? and the horns have no traditions garnered toward a&m......see ya at the hex rally.......and bevo...thank you........hook em horns......sorta sounds like gig em?

you do know how tea sips came about....more original than aggys huh?

06-13-2010, 07:16 PM

06-13-2010, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by NastySlot
and you have no idea how those traditions came about....sawing em off ok....elephant walk nah......the words to the war hymn sort of....check out the original lyrics to texas fight.....bonfire haven't had one in a while hissing ok so we have to do what texas does?

so because the aggies go to the sec (if they do)....they can longer have a rivalry with the horns? and the horns have no traditions garnered toward a&m......see ya at the hex rally.......and bevo...thank you........hook em horns......sorta sounds like gig em? BEVO was kind of improvising off of an A&M prank, wasn't it?

06-13-2010, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
BEVO was kind of improvising off of an A&M prank, wasn't it?

it was really being creative......13-0

06-13-2010, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by NastySlot
it was really being creative......13-0 haha can't hold that against them. If the rivalry is ended BECAUSE of the rivalry. That would be a shame. Egos be damn, except in Lubbock, that week everyone is a Longhorn or Aggie. (yes, I realize there will be a few here that say not them).

06-13-2010, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by NastySlot
and you have no idea how those traditions came about....sawing em off ok....elephant walk nah......the words to the war hymn sort of....check out the original lyrics to texas fight.....bonfire haven't had one in a while hissing ok so we have to do what texas does?

so because the aggies go to the sec (if they do)....they can longer have a rivalry with the horns? and the horns have no traditions garnered toward a&m......see ya at the hex rally.......and bevo...thank you........hook em horns......sorta sounds like gig em?

you do know how tea sips came about....more original than aggys huh? Let me be clear. I never said that Texas didn't have any traditions relating to A&M. However many if not most of A&M traditions relate to Texas.

Fight song - Say what you will, but when you scream about "beating the hell out of tu" no matter who you are playing, then that's pretty sad.

If Texas and A&M end up in different conferences (still doubtful at this point) both schools will have some useless traditions, but more so for A&M. That was my point.

06-13-2010, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
Let me be clear. I never said that Texas didn't have any traditions relating to A&M. However many if not most of A&M traditions relate to Texas.

Fight song - Say what you will, but when you scream about "beating the hell out of tu" no matter who you are playing, then that's pretty sad.

If Texas and A&M end up in different conferences (still doubtful at this point) both schools will have some useless traditions, but more so for A&M. That was my point.

lyrics....again...beating the hell out tu...check them.....and like i said check out texas fight.....and anytime you can add ou sux to a a fight song no matter who you re playing....is border line sad....huh?

not a music major or anything....just a college sports fan...but check out lyrics to different university fight songs....reference to rivals happens often....i'll give you one...you might of heard at the rose bowl...check out yea alabama.

look i know a lot about horn traditions grew up in a family with a lot of texas grads..........its easy today to bash traditions because we don't understand them or probably because we don't know how they came about....the rivalries used to mean so much 20, 30,40 or 50 years ago.....that traditions were started, songs were written and terms were coined.......excuse a&m for keeping things the way they were when they were started.

06-13-2010, 08:30 PM
Nasty Slot, the legislature may not be in session, but budget hearings are already in progress and committies like the higher education and appropriations committes aremeeting weekly to hear the proposed budgets of these two universities and other state agencies.

I guarantee you that there is a ton of pressure being thrown around by the politicians involved in this and that those pressures will have a bearing on the final decisions of both schools.

I really think that there will be so much pressure to continue the rivalry even if the two split that it will continue. I do think it it is too good a game to lose no matter what.

06-13-2010, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by OldBison75
Nasty Slot, the legislature may not be in session, but budget hearings are already in progress and committies like the higher education and appropriations committes aremeeting weekly to hear the proposed budgets of these two universities and other state agencies.

I guarantee you that there is a ton of pressure being thrown around by the politicians involved in this and that those pressures will have a bearing on the final decisions of both schools.

I really think that there will be so much pressure to continue the rivalry even if the two split that it will continue. I do think it it is too good a game to lose no matter what.

i hear ya.....politics will come into play and I can t begin to think that no matter who goes where the longhorns and aggies would end a rivalry.

06-13-2010, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by NastySlot
lyrics....again...beating the hell out tu...check them.....and like i said check out texas fight.....and anytime you can add ou sux to a a fight song no matter who you re playing....is border line sad....huh?

not a music major or anything....just a college sports fan...but check out lyrics to different university fight songs....reference to rivals happens often....i'll give you one...you might of heard at the rose bowl...check out yea alabama.

look i know a lot about horn traditions grew up in a family with a lot of texas grads..........its easy today to bash traditions because we don't understand them or probably because we don't know how they came about....the rivalries used to mean so much 20, 30,40 or 50 years ago.....that traditions were started, songs were written and terms were coined.......excuse a&m for keeping things the way they were when they were started.

This is what I dont get..I have a cousin that graduated from A&M amd will tell anyone and everyone about how th traditons of A&M are ALL ABOUT beating Texas and so on...yet when in a debate Aggie fans try to discount it. So it either is or is not.

06-13-2010, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
This is what I dont get..I have a cousin that graduated from A&M amd will tell anyone and everyone about how th traditons of A&M are ALL ABOUT beating Texas and so on...yet when in a debate Aggie fans try to discount it. So it either is or is not. I have many aggie friends who say the same thing.

06-13-2010, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
This is what I dont get..I have a cousin that graduated from A&M amd will tell anyone and everyone about how th traditons of A&M are ALL ABOUT beating Texas and so on...yet when in a debate Aggie fans try to discount it. So it either is or is not.

maybe it's interpretation.....i'm and aggie and i participated and witnessed many traditions and still do...true we tend to have a passion of dislike for texas....but to say all our traditions are geared toward this dislike are wrong.....muster, silver taps, our yell's ...yell leaders, the corp of cadets, the fightin texas aggie band... not walking on the grass of the memorial student center...pennies for luck at the base of the sul ross statue aren't all geared toward this dislike. I think the passion to want to beat the hell outta of tu is no different than osu wanting to beat ou, miss state wanting to beat ole miss and auburn wanting to beat bama.
I love to beat texas(esp with the amount texas alum in family) and at times i am annoyed with the university of texas (tu) but at the same time maybe i am an exception to the rule.....i don't have any strong hate or bitterness toward the horns....maybe because for about 15 years of my life i was a huge horn fan....even cried after games...(cotton bowl v. georgia).

texas is one of four college choices for my daughter next year.........will it break my heart if she chooses texas...yes and no....yes cause it's not my university...no cause she's going to college and like i have told my kids....be your own person live your own dreams.

06-13-2010, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
I have many aggie friends who say the same thing.

they say that all our traditions are gear toward hating and beating texas?

or is it we have(some) traditions based on beating and hating texas?

or is it that its a tradition to hate and want to beat texas?

06-13-2010, 09:17 PM
oh yeah how could i forget....regardless of who you are walking on campus and having someone say Howdy.......that's a good tradition....and i don't think its one based on wanting to beat texas.

06-13-2010, 09:22 PM
I am not here to change any minds. I just think that A&M should get the same respect in making their own decision that UT is getting. The governor, an A&M grad, has vowed to stay out of this. Why can't we say the same for UT politicians on the budget board and elsewhere in the legislature? I don't think Deloss Dodds is scared of anybody. He has no need to fear anybody. Would A&M's other plans hurt his revenue? No. Would it hurt his football recruiting? Ehhhh......probably so. I think the public comments coming out of Austin threatening A&M are ridiculous, and are probably all a bluff. But we have seen some s***ty things happen from our elected officials before.

Are we all at least in agreement that UT, TTU, TAMU, OU, OSU, and Baylor should be able to control their own destiny?

06-13-2010, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
I am not here to change any minds. I just think that A&M should get the same respect in making their own decision that UT is getting. The governor, an A&M grad, has vowed to stay out of this. Why can't we say the same for UT politicians on the budget board and elsewhere in the legislature? I don't think Deloss Dodds is scared of anybody. He has no need to fear anybody. Would A&M's other plans hurt his revenue? No. Would it hurt his football recruiting? Ehhhh......probably so. I think the public comments coming out of Austin threatening A&M are ridiculous, and are probably all a bluff. But we have seen some s***ty things happen from our elected officials before.

Are we all at least in agreement that UT, TTU, TAMU, OU, OSU, and Baylor should be able to control their own destiny?

exactly....let the BOR take care of their universities. why would or does the university of texas care what the aggies do? we know that their fans don't....why take the aggies....we ve heard that a&m needs texas not texas needing the aggies.....the aggies are little brother tag a longs.....with all those silly traditions and the aggie culture isn't a fit for the PAC 10..........i ve asked the questions a few times.....why the PAC 10 why not the SEC (at the end of the day i really don't care I will still make my 2-3 aggie games a year)....don't give me academics as a reason and than the biggest question why could the great football state of texas support two state universities not in the same conference.....Florida does it.

when it's all said and done lets just hope that the BOR's all do whats best for our state universities.

06-13-2010, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by NastySlot
exactly....let the BOR take care of their universities. why would or does the university of texas care what the aggies do? we know that their fans don't....why take the aggies....we ve heard that a&m needs texas not texas needing the aggies.....the aggies are little brother tag a longs.....with all those silly traditions and the aggie culture isn't a fit for the PAC 10..........i ve asked the questions a few times.....why the PAC 10 why not the SEC (at the end of the day i really don't care I will still make my 2-3 aggie games a year)....don't give me academics as a reason and than the biggest question why could the great football state of texas support two state universities not in the same conference.....Florida does it.

when it's all said and done lets just hope that the BOR's all do whats best for our state universities.

I think as far as culture and campus attitudes that the SEC is perfect for A&M..I dont think FOOTBALL wise it is a good move. Arky left the SWC in a WAY better position football wise and they have basically been a good year here or there and a bunch of ok to bad years.

If A&M was going to the SEC I wish it was back when the SWC died, then I think the football program would have had a better jumping off point into the SEC

06-13-2010, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
I think as far as culture and campus attitudes that the SEC is perfect for A&M..I dont think FOOTBALL wise it is a good move. Arky left the SWC in a WAY better position football wise and they have basically been a good year here or there and a bunch of ok to bad years.

If A&M was going to the SEC I wish it was back when the SWC died, then I think the football program would have had a better jumping off point into the SEC

i hear yeah....but PAC or SEC aggie football is at a real low and it would be a struggle in either....the only thing i see positive about PAC is the south division minus baylor schedule would be the same.

about arkansas... they last won the swc in 89 i think...90 and 91 seasons weren't that good if i remember....tcu, baylor and even rice might of beat the hogs(89-93 my years in college)....one of those years around then they even lost a home game to the citadel..........they did play in couple of sec championships in the mid 90's i believe....lost track of them once they left...............an over all picture look at the facilities upgrades they have made....it was amazing they recruited as well as they did in the late years of the swc.

like i post somewhere in the end of the day i just hope PAC SEC or XII which ever it s the best move texas a&m

i have asked before what would be wrong with the two large state universities being in different conferences?

06-14-2010, 12:02 AM
Best quote of the day from another board

"a&m is barely better then Baylor and you think you can compete in the sec?"

Love it! Mississippi St 2.0 in the making

06-14-2010, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by navscanmaster
Outsiders mock the Aggie traditions as it is, so why would they suddenly be worried about them now? And again, A&M can only improve in recruiting. Texas stands to lose more than A&M in recruiting if A&M goes SEC, and you know that.

take off your maroon colored glasses and look at the situation. SUre I am a Longhorn fan but honestly I dont give a rats butt what ags do. They havnt been revelant in football for years now and no matter where they go that wont change.

06-14-2010, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
This is what I dont get..I have a cousin that graduated from A&M amd will tell anyone and everyone about how th traditons of A&M are ALL ABOUT beating Texas and so on...yet when in a debate Aggie fans try to discount it. So it either is or is not.

My senior year of high school I toured both UT and A&M. I learned more about UT on the A&M tour than I did on the UT tour. Everything the people at A&M told about they compared to UT.

The people at UT mentioned A&M once, and that was when they mentioned lighting the tower after victories.

06-14-2010, 01:16 AM
Here is a great read :D

"Don't tell Aggies this, but A&M hasn't been UT's biggest rival in decades"


06-14-2010, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by bwdlionfan
My senior year of high school I toured both UT and A&M. I learned more about UT on the A&M tour than I did on the UT tour. Everything the people at A&M told about they compared to UT.

The people at UT mentioned A&M once, and that was when they mentioned lighting the tower after victories.
over 100 years of penis envy...

06-14-2010, 08:32 AM
:mad: We're gonna get banned from talking college sports


06-14-2010, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Z-RO
Here is a great read :D

"Don't tell Aggies this, but A&M hasn't been UT's biggest rival in decades"


As a Horn fan I have never understood the need to rank OU or A&M as the bigger rival..both are on the same level for diff reasons. One does not have to be ahead or behind the other