View Full Version : Writing, producing stories is such a hoot

06-04-2010, 09:17 AM
So I don't fish much, and I'm a lousy golfer, but I do love to try and write and produce videos to make up a neat story. Now I don't claim to be any good at it, but it sure is interesting to me. Let me give an example.

Last night I went to see a minor league baseball game between the Grand Prairie Airhogs and the Ft. Worth Cats. I was able to get down on the field to take some neat videos. I wrote a story about how the team mascot kind of takes a beating from kids as he interacts with them. I added a video and threw in some Dire Strait's "Walk on By" and voila! I had a story. It was a lot of fun and I get a kick out of it. If you want to read the story you can go here. (http://lewp.wordpress.com/2010/06/04/being-a-mascot-is-no-easy-gig/)

If you just want to see the video, you can go here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhtwzr0Ju7s)

What are some of your hobbies? What is it about your hobby that you enjoy?

06-04-2010, 09:46 AM
Minor league baseball games are pretty cool to go see. That's a cool mascot too. I'm gonna have to suspend your 80's music license as the song is called Walk of Life. the only reason it's not being revoked altogether is because you knew it was Dire Straits.

Not that it's exciting but I've gotten really into my yard. I've been hitting it pretty hard lately. I want those Home Owner association people to put that sign in my yard so I can tell them to stick it!

06-04-2010, 09:49 AM

06-04-2010, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by SWMustang
Minor league baseball games are pretty cool to go see. That's a cool mascot too. I'm gonna have to suspend your 80's music license as the song is called Walk of Life. the only reason it's not being revoked altogether is because you knew it was Dire Straits.

Not that it's exciting but I've gotten really into my yard. I've been hitting it pretty hard lately. I want those Home Owner association people to put that sign in my yard so I can tell them to stick it!

LOL you are right it IS Walk of Life..and I thought I was so on the ball.

I'm pretty sure your yard is a good hobby especially with that nice pool. Hope ya'll are having a fun summer so far, and hope you have a great birthday Sunday!!!! Happy Birthday!!
