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View Full Version : New meaning to the term "hook em horns"!

05-22-2010, 12:18 PM

OUCH! See the video

here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIOQDyF1LKU&feature=player_embedded)

Isn't it time we stop cruelty to animals? (http://lewp.wordpress.com/2010/05/22/i-cant-even-imagine-the-pain-of-this-hook-em-horns/)

Phil C
05-22-2010, 01:03 PM

Phil C
05-22-2010, 01:15 PM
The Herb Alpert version is also available at YouTube if you want to hear it. I didn't post it because some of the commentors ruined it.

05-26-2010, 12:49 PM
YIKES! :eek:

05-26-2010, 12:53 PM
that CANT feel good!

Old Tiger
05-26-2010, 01:11 PM
Nothing will stop the bull fights over there.

05-26-2010, 04:22 PM

Hello, my name is Bulligo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Spanish bullfighter Julio Aparicio -- or as bulls now call him, El Hood Ornament -- left intensive care on Monday and was "recovering satisfactorily" in a Madrid hospital after being horrifically gored on Friday at Madrid's Las Ventas bullring. The description of the wound and resulting surgery is almost as off-putting as the photos. From the Winnipeg Free Press (your go-to source for bullfighting news):

A bull's horn ripped through his throat, pierced his tongue and smashed his palate. "The horn penetrated into the oral cavity, causing a fracture in the upper palate," the hospital said in its report.
"A tracheotomy was performed and the affected structures were repaired without surgical complications arising."

Most people at the ring did not fully realize Aparicio he had been gored.
"It happened so fast, we thought he had been grazed by the horn," said American William Lyon, a former bullfighting critic for two Spanish papers and who was at the fight. "The only ones who knew for sure were the press photographers who saw it close-up up through their lenses."

Here's the Sky News video of the goring, via Barstool Sports, which shows before and after details I hadn't seen before.

video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etMckCZZZFM&feature=player_embedded)

05-27-2010, 11:14 AM
LOL, I must admit, I rather enjoy seeing the Bull get the best of the Matador. Serves him right.

05-29-2010, 12:57 PM


Gored Spanish bullfighter in ‘grave’ condition
Aparicio’s condition returns to intensive care after suffering infection

MADRID - A Madrid hospital says Spanish bullfighter Julio Aparicio has returned to intensive care and is fighting an infection after a horrific goring in the throat by a bull.

Aparicio had left the unit and was recovering well on Monday following surgery to reconstruct his throat, mouth and palate, but outbreak of an infection forced a return to the unit where doctors placed him on mechanically assisted breathing, October 12 Hospital said.

In a statement released Saturday the hospital says Aparicio is now breathing normally and it describes his condition as "grave" but stable.

The matador slipped in a bullring, fell to the ground and a 1,168 pound bull drove his right horn through Aparicio's throat and out his mouth.

Source (http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/37413114/ns/sports-other_sports/)

Ranger Mom
06-02-2010, 09:18 AM
OMG!!! I didn't even notice that he has gotten gored in that first picture!!!!!!

06-04-2010, 01:40 PM
Update (Part two)


Fri Jun 04,2010 11:45 AM ET

By Rick Chandler

Here's Spanish bullfighter Luis Aparicio, who was notoriously gored on May 22 and lived to tell about it. Or, more accurately, he lived to relate it through sign language, because he can't talk. That tends to happen when you're gored in the neck and up through the mouth. He's out of the hospital now, for the second time, and says (writes in a notepad) that he hopes to be back in the ring next month. I'm now picturing bulls sharpening their horns.

The hospital said in a statement today that he's recovered from facial and cervical trauma and a subsequent respiratory infection which kept him in its intensive care unit.

Facts about bullfighting I didn't know until this story hit:

* The bullfighter's cape is red, traditionally, to hide the blood of the bull. It has nothing to do with enraging the bull. Bulls are colorblind.
* Bullfighting was introduced to Spain by the Roman emperor Claudius, to replace gladiatorial games.
* Usually, bulls are drugged before entering the ring. Ole.
* Bullfighting was banned in Spain before Franco's fascist ruling party brought it back.
* It's illegal to kill bulls in the ring in Portugal. Their version of bullfighting leave the bulls uninjured.
* Argentina outlawed bullfighting in 1899. It's also outlawed in Cuba, where it is considered barbaric. Hear that, Spain? Cubans consider you backward.
* Your planned trip to Pamplona to "run with the bulls" is insipid and so not cool or unique. After injuring and sometimes killing nine or 10 pajama-clad idiots during the run, the bulls are then used in bullfights. Grow up.