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05-10-2010, 08:42 AM
After reading the Brian Cushing post and reading through the comments about him taking steroids, i started thinking about if he did take thim is it really worth it, so i have a question for yall

If you knew that you could play in the NFL and make millions of dollars, but you would have to take steroids and it would automatically take 5 years off your life(so you die at 70 instead of 75) would you do it?

05-10-2010, 09:00 AM
It would be tempting, and if you say other wise you are probably lying. Everyone has a price.

05-10-2010, 09:02 AM
I think you could consider it a success if you lived until 70 after playing in the NFL.

05-10-2010, 09:05 AM
In this day and age, the short term gratification of the big money would probably win out for most young people. Plus, with the vast improvements and research in the medical field, the odds are that in a few years there will be another drug to take that will counteract the steroids.

For an old man like me, steroids are not an option, since you can't really hide old age and out of shape. But, my kids would probably choose the million dollars, and I'm not sure if I blame them.

05-10-2010, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by OldBison75
In this day and age, the short term gratification of the big money would probably win out for most young people. Plus, with the vast improvements and research in the medical field, the odds are that in a few years there will be another drug to take that will counteract the steroids.

I agree...you are talking about 16 - 22 year olds making this decision.

This is now a microwave world, and they will almost always opt for the immediate gratification. We rarely think of long term effects. That is also why most college graduates graduate with more than $10,000 worth of credit card debt, not to mention student loans...

05-10-2010, 12:25 PM
It is the long term abuse if steroids that cause big time medical problems. I am not endorsing the use of steroids and agree that they should be banned but I also understand their alure. I played college football in the early '80's and although I did not take steroids, some of my team mates did. To a man, they became stronger and faster and overall better players. The only thing that kept me from taking them was that I was afraid of getting caught. Over the years I have actually regretted not juicing for 2 or 3 cycles because there is no doubt it would have helped me compete at a higher level. On the whole, I am happy with my decision but believe me, I understand people who use them. If I had been a borderline NFL talent, you are danged straight I would have taken them.