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View Full Version : Bellville vs Scrub C aka Panchoville

05-05-2010, 11:56 AM
What is the low down on this game/series? Where and when will it happen? Im guessing Bellville wants 1 game with stud lefty. Give me some insight/predictions.

05-05-2010, 12:09 PM
3 game series in Weimar...

Thursday 730
Sat first game starts at 2

05-05-2010, 12:11 PM
oH yeah, Pancho will be there as honorary coach in his throwback uni that he used to wear. He will holding a fake chart and eating hot dogs. 5th inning stretch he will be going into the bleachers to sell beer.

05-05-2010, 12:20 PM
Someone told me Scrub C may be there wearing his new banana hammock that has either an oil derrick spewing oil on the front or a roughneck sledge hammer...the design hasnt been confirmed yet.

05-05-2010, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
oH yeah, Pancho will be there as honorary coach in his throwback uni that he used to wear. He will holding a fake chart and eating hot dogs. 5th inning stretch he will be going into the bleachers to sell beer.


05-06-2010, 08:39 AM
No comment yet from Pancho?

pancho villa
05-06-2010, 10:54 AM
I would rather mow my grass with my hair clippers than go to a standaround game!!!!!!!!!!!

05-06-2010, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by pancho villa
I would rather mow my grass with my hair clippers than go to a standaround game!!!!!!!!!!!

we waited a day and a half to hear the same comment you've put on here 100 other times...

i was expecting you to bring your A game today...maybe standing in the sun for track meets has worn you thin.

pancho villa
05-06-2010, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
we waited a day and a half to hear the same comment you've put on here 100 other times...

i was expecting you to bring your A game today...maybe standing in the sun for track meets has worn you thin.

Go water some dirt fool!

05-06-2010, 11:24 AM
dont have to...away game!

05-06-2010, 01:27 PM

05-07-2010, 09:14 AM

this was the signs being held up by all those who showed up to see Pancho's tight pants...he was a no show.

pancho villa
05-07-2010, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13

this was the signs being held up by all those who showed up to see Pancho's tight pants...he was a no show.

Why would I go to a standaround contest when I had things to do. I would rather watch "dancing with the stars" than a standaround contest.

05-07-2010, 10:40 AM
Maybe so but you are also the person who when given a choice of steak or ______ , chose medium rare.

pancho villa
05-07-2010, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
Maybe so but you are also the person who when given a choice of steak or ______ , chose medium rare.

You better go tamp a mound or something. or go run a question mark. You standaround sponsers are eat up with the DA!

05-07-2010, 10:59 AM
Never heard of a question mark...is that something they did in WC in the 60's? And I already told you, we are playing out of town. No field work required.

pancho villa
05-07-2010, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
Never heard of a question mark...is that something they did in WC in the 60's? And I already told you, we are playing out of town. No field work required.

You call yourself a standaround sponser and don't know how to run the question mark. WOW young sponsers don't know squat these days.

05-07-2010, 11:12 AM
You should come out today and show me...

pancho villa
05-07-2010, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
You should come out today and show me...

I WILL BE IN MY POOL AFTER SCHOOL!!!! not showing some standaround rookie his job.

05-07-2010, 11:35 AM
rookie..lmao.....i may be a standaround sponsor but I'm no rookie. And I am glad you got you a new pool. That blue inflatable pool should look nice in your backyard.

LE Dad
05-07-2010, 12:31 PM
:p Funny stuff!:clap: :clap:


05-07-2010, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
rookie..lmao.....i may be a standaround sponsor but I'm no rookie. And I am glad you got you a new pool. That blue inflatable pool should look nice in your backyard.

Backyard? :confused:

I thought those things always go in the FRONT yard....right next to the El Camino? :doh:

Anyway....carry on....;)

05-07-2010, 01:54 PM
Usually yes, but at Pancho's house it must be in the back. He tried it in front but the goats kept playing in it. He was ok with that, it wasn't until they chewed holes in it that he wised up and moved it to the back of the establishment.

05-07-2010, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
rookie..lmao.....i may be a standaround sponsor but I'm no rookie. And I am glad you got you a new pool. That blue inflatable pool should look nice in your backyard.

What makes you think it is inflateable. It might be one of those real nice plastic ones you can get at Walmart.

Baseball-America's Sport

05-07-2010, 02:04 PM
Could be...but I know a guy whose cousins nephew has an uncle that his brothers aunt does not live any where near Pancho, and he told me.

05-07-2010, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
Could be...but I know a guy whose cousins nephew has an uncle that his brothers aunt does not live any where near Pancho, and he told me.

Pancho cannot respond right now, he out reading water meters. He be the Meter Reader Boy, that's why he hates baseball has to read more meters.

05-07-2010, 02:15 PM
Naa, I know where Pancho is....he is a field house somewhere in the wild blue yonder with his feet propped up and taking a nap.

Gobbler Fan
05-07-2010, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
Usually yes, but at Pancho's house it must be in the back. He tried it in front but the goats kept playing in it. He was ok with that, it wasn't until they chewed holes in it that he wised up and moved it to the back of the establishment.

What's he doing with the Goats ?

Goat and Ram Heads are Sacred in Witchcraft and Satanism... just saying :eek:

05-07-2010, 02:22 PM
satanism...occult, WTH? Those are his lawnmowers man...You just move the stakes that you have them tied to every day or so and you can sell your john deere.

Gobbler Fan
05-07-2010, 02:26 PM
Lawnmower and taquitos

05-07-2010, 02:28 PM

05-07-2010, 08:38 PM
Just in case all you wanna be comedians weren't aware, Columbia won game 1 last night 8-3.

05-07-2010, 09:07 PM
They did? Well good for them.

05-08-2010, 10:05 PM
Brahmas brought out the brooms on Sat. All the dumb things that WC did/didnt do just left me scratching my head. Pancho must have been calling the shots.

05-08-2010, 10:17 PM
Way to Brahmas!!!

Red Bull
05-10-2010, 08:10 AM
Congrats to the Brahmas. Way to come back after sub par showing on Thursday. A lot of WC fans were talking about the "bad call" on the foul ball. The "bad call" was the homeplate umpire calling it fair in the first place. Luckily about 100 fans on the left field line and Coach Cerny saw that it was 2-3 feet foul and the shortstop never touched it. Had the runs been allowed to score on a foul ball, then that would have been a bad call.

Great job Brahmas! Good luck in the next round.

05-10-2010, 08:27 AM
That ball may have been foul, but it was not 2-3 feet foul.....
The bad call was calling it fair in the first place you are correct. But that call is the call of the home plate umpire....no one else. if he could not see it then he should have immediately asked for help, after all its about getitng the call right. He is the only person on the field that can see straight down the line. after that call that crew was so shook up they were out of position so bad because they rotated wrong. That guy behind the plate missed several calls in the first game and they happened to be against Columbia. Not saying he was 'for' bellville, i just think he was a bad umpire. That whole crew was unprofessional. Meeting to chat between innings??? Thats bush league crap. Even the skinny guy wishing the Columbia parents "GOOD LUCK NEXT WEEK!" as he was running off the field. He spent half the second game talking trash to the parents on the right field line.

I am not blaming the game on the umpires, they had no part in COlumbia stranding 18 runners in game two and that was the difference. All I am saying is that is not the time or place to have some jake leg umps calling the game.

05-10-2010, 09:57 AM
correction..i meant that call should have been the call of the umpire in the middle of the field with a three man crew..i am pretty sure..and he didnt make the call until home plate ump asked for help after Bellville coach talked to home plate guy

05-10-2010, 10:26 AM
I was at the game and the ball wasn't foul by 2 or 3 feet...the ball was touched and the call was made immediately and shouldn't have been overturned by a guy out of position. I don't have a team in this race but the argument that 100 or so fans down the lf line saw it along with Cerny....there were hardly a 100 or so fans on both sides of the field. Cerny is a great coach and should have argued the call. Hats off for that...Officials made bad calls all day...some against Columbia and some against Bellville....but I will agree...Houston Chapter should be embarrassed by this crew...Big Boy behind plate...wow...could hardly move and decision making was terrible...black official did a good job on Thursday but had no professionalism at all on Sat...he was rude and should be kicked from chapter....it was that bad. Thick skin or don't officiate...

05-10-2010, 11:46 AM
The umps truly were bad, not one sided, just really, realy bad. On the foul ball call, it was the field umpire's call all the way since the ball past 3rd base. For whatever reason, the home plate guy signaled fair (not his call) and I couldnt see what the field guy called, presumably nothing. The three runs score and hitter goes to third. Field umpire goes back to his position for the next play. Cerny comes out to discuss call. Umpires meet and overturn call. I dont know how they could unless the field guy immediately had called foul, which he didnt. I thought sure the WC coach would argue till blue in the face, get chunked and argue some more, but he didnt argue at all, that call determined the games outcome. Also, each team had a batter swing at a pitch and get hit at the same time. Both times the home plate guy lets the runner go down to first!!!! Luckily, skinny ump at least knew the rule and sent both batters back. This crew stunk!!!!!

Red Bull
05-10-2010, 12:42 PM
Ok. Maybe it wasn't foul by 2-3 feet (I didn't have time to get a measuring tape), but it was surely foul. With the 3rd base umpire behind pitcher's mound on the play wouldn't it be homeplate umpires call on fair or foul? And wouldn't you want the home plate umpire to error on the side of calling it fair and letting the play unfold as it did as opposed to calling it foul and stropping play immediately? So that way you let the play unfold as it did and then ask for help from 3rd base umpire behind the mound who had clear view if the SS touched it or not. If you call it foul right of way then the play is stopped and all is screwed up if it was in fact fair.

The bottom line is they got the call right. The ball WAS foul and the shortstop did NOT touch it. That is a Foul Ball! That is why the WC coach did not argue that much. He had nothing to argue.

Yes the umpiring was bad the whole series, but they ended up getting most calls right. The big disgrace in my opinion was the strike zone in game 1 on Thursday and then again for game two of Saturday. Saturday was a joke of a strike zone and definately had an impact on the game.

05-10-2010, 01:00 PM
The field ump was right by the play when the ball hit the ground. He had run over there from where he started close to shortstop. Im glad they made the call they did, it helped Bellville, im just trying to figure out how they came to the conclusion they did, and what kept the WC coach from going ballistic. Not sure why it mattered whether a fielder touched the ball or not on a ball that went past 3rd base. The path of the ball, not the position of the fielder determines fair/foul. Also, in the 3rd game of the series, big boy behind the plate made the pitcher throw strikes. He didnt give the high hanging curve or the ball in the dirt. There were lots of fans oohhing and ahhing at balls that werent even close to strikes. The ump called a consistent zone and made the pitch be a strike for him to call it one. This isnt little league anymore, its playoff baseball. Believe me, you have someone throwing hard, you dont want just anything to be a strike, neither team would ever get a hit.

Red Bull
05-10-2010, 05:06 PM
The "umpires in the stands" were saying that if the ball is touched by a fielder that is in fair territory, then it is fair ball. If it is not touched by fielder and lands in foul territory, then it is obviously foul. I think that is why WC coach did not argue more once it was explained to him.

As it was explained to me the umpires made the right call at first and the right call by reversing it. You want to error on the side of fair and then correct to foul if needed. If you call foul, then the play stops and if it turns out to actually be fair you have affected the outcome of the play by calling it foul.

05-10-2010, 07:19 PM
I know for a fact the SS did not touch it!!!! Ha ha

05-10-2010, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by nette_mom
I know for a fact the SS did not touch it!!!! Ha ha

come on now, would he really say:D

05-10-2010, 08:01 PM
Trust me! I'm that SS worst critic and I was right on top of that play and he sucked!!!! He not only missed it, he wasn't even close! He thougt LF had it all the way!!!! And it was FOUL!!!

05-10-2010, 09:24 PM
I truly dont know if it was fair or foul. My only question is, "why did the home plate ump call fair?????" If he didnt see it or saw it land foul, why would he call fair? Did he just get confused or point the wrong direction?????? That is terrible umpiring!

05-10-2010, 09:25 PM
Haha sounds like quite a crew

Red Bull
05-11-2010, 07:40 AM
Xman, I have talked to a couple umpires and hopefully what they told me will clear this up for you. I gave them both the scenario of the play and asked them what they would call as the home plate umpire that as the play is happening has to make the call of fair or foul on play in question. Both umpires told me the correct call to make is FAIR if you are unsure. That way you let the play happen and once play is complete you can ask for assistance (as he did) and get call correct IF another umpire has better angle on the play. If you call FOUL, then the play stops and no one will know what will happen since the runners / fielders would stop due to the ball being called FOUL.

In the end they got it right. It is unfortunate for WC that the call went as it did and they had to remove 3 runs from the board, but these runs would not have ever crossed the plate had they called it foul right off the bat. By the umps calling it as they did, they gave WC the benifit of the doubt until appeal got the call right.

That is all from me on this matter.

05-11-2010, 08:11 AM
my question on the matter is what was the 3rd ump doing at C and not working behind 3rd base. they were out of pos. to begin with. it was his call(3rd base ump). how he would call it from C amazes me, unless he is quite the speedy type:D

05-11-2010, 08:18 AM
they were out of position and I assume no one knew whose call it was. You think that the home ump was thinking three man crew mechanics and the field guy was thinking two man crew? Thats what it seemed like to me...how about the next inning after all the yelling was over and the crew was so shook up that they completely rotated wrong and no one was covering home plate....

pancho villa
05-11-2010, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by baseballcoach13
they were out of position and I assume no one knew whose call it was. You think that the home ump was thinking three man crew mechanics and the field guy was thinking two man crew? Thats what it seemed like to me...how about the next inning after all the yelling was over and the crew was so shook up that they completely rotated wrong and no one was covering home plate....

You need a tissue?

05-11-2010, 01:20 PM
The home plate ump did not ask for help until Bellville's coach came walking out of the dugout. The pitcher was on the mound and the umps were all at their positions ready for the next play. If coach doesnt come out, there would have been no further discussion. Im still way confused as to who over ruled the home plate umps call. If the field ump had seen foul, he would have called it foul right of way, he didnt. The other ump was at first base, he couldnt see it at all. So, which umpire actually saw the ball land foul????? If no ump actually saw the ball foul, then the home plate umps fair call should have stood.

05-11-2010, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by pancho villa
You need a tissue?

na, Mrs Pancho lent me her....nevermind..

05-11-2010, 01:39 PM
Agreed...call should have stood.....no umpire saw the ball foul....

05-11-2010, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by XMan
The home plate ump did not ask for help until Bellville's coach came walking out of the dugout. The pitcher was on the mound and the umps were all at their positions ready for the next play. If coach doesnt come out, there would have been no further discussion. Im still way confused as to who over ruled the home plate umps call. If the field ump had seen foul, he would have called it foul right of way, he didnt. The other ump was at first base, he couldnt see it at all. So, which umpire actually saw the ball land foul????? If no ump actually saw the ball foul, then the home plate umps fair call should have stood.

If this is exactly what happened, then I would have to say WC got a bad call. It is still water under the bridge.

05-11-2010, 01:49 PM
where were the runners pre-pitch before all of this went down?

05-11-2010, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
where were the runners pre-pitch before all of this went down?

they said in a earlier post that 3 runs scored. had to be a runner on 2ed, which is why the 3rd umpire should have been down the third base line, no exceptions.

05-11-2010, 02:06 PM
Bases were loaded.

05-11-2010, 02:34 PM
Bases loaded:
• 1st base umpire on line - pick offs at 1st and double play coverage.
• 3rd base umpire in deep “C” position - double play coverage and pick offs at 2nd and 3rd.

05-11-2010, 09:36 PM
Blah, Blah, Blah. If you weren't there then keep your mouth shut. I've heard on here about all the pitch counts, all the situations, all this and that. Both coaches involved in this game are top quality coaches. I am sick and tired of hearing all the little league coaches comment on here. Just as tired as I am of Pancho whatever his name is. Here is the solution to all your problems. Take your kids out of high school athletics and put them in some sort of SELECT LEAGUE year round. Lets see how that works out for you.

05-12-2010, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Kojak
Blah, Blah, Blah. If you weren't there then keep your mouth shut. I've heard on here about all the pitch counts, all the situations, all this and that. Both coaches involved in this game are top quality coaches. I am sick and tired of hearing all the little league coaches comment on here. Just as tired as I am of Pancho whatever his name is. Here is the solution to all your problems. Take your kids out of high school athletics and put them in some sort of SELECT LEAGUE year round. Lets see how that works out for you.

A little testy aren't we!:D

05-12-2010, 08:49 AM
Kojak, it's GpanchoAvillaY, and he does need to quit posting about baseball since he never has a good thing to say. He's not funny and should keep his thoughts in posts that pertain to him like girl's lacross.

scrub c
05-12-2010, 11:12 AM
weak... very weak

05-12-2010, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by polevaultislife
Kojak, it's GpanchoAvillaY, and he does need to quit posting about baseball since he never has a good thing to say. He's not funny and should keep his thoughts in posts that pertain to him like girl's lacross.

True...he never does have a good thing to say. But he is funny. .

pancho villa
05-12-2010, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by polevaultislife
Kojak, it's GpanchoAvillaY, and he does need to quit posting about baseball since he never has a good thing to say. He's not funny and should keep his thoughts in posts that pertain to him like girl's lacross.

Get a job! You NA