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04-15-2010, 11:11 AM
I'm old and overweight---no other gentle way to say it. I'm trying to count carbs and adjust my diet, plus trying to start a walking regimen.

Several of my friends are diabetic. I am not--yet, and I don't want to go there, but the diabetic folks are the best at manipulating their blood sugar theu diet and medication because it is a life or death thing with some of them.

I have studied about the effects of low bood sugar (hypoglycemic) or high blood sugar (hyperglycemic) and the effects of foods on blood sugar levels in the glycemic food index. From what I can tell, the simple carbs are the worst for you as they spike blood sugar levels fastest, and turn into fat quicker. The complex carb foods appear to be the most desirable to select in your diet as they don't spike blood sugar levels as quickly and do not as readily turn into fat.

This is a DIY program for now. Hope I have some great success, and I, of course, will consult my doctor periodically to make sure I am not getting into trouble as I go.

Any of you had any success counting carbs?

04-15-2010, 11:22 AM
My wife teaches diabetes education and that's the biggest part is learning proper portions and to count carbs. My advice would be to get a book that lists just about every food you can think of and then limit your carbs based on what your daily allowed reccamended are, that should work. I was amazed by how many carbs I consume in one meal, enough for a whole day in reality. Good luck!

04-15-2010, 11:35 AM
ive had great success with the "south beach diet"

it sounds faddish, but if you follow it as described, it has lasting effects.

i've also heard from several friends that the "paleo diet" works wonders.

04-15-2010, 11:56 AM
I've managed to lose about 20 pounds since Christmas by counting calories. When you find out how many calories are in so many foods at restaurants, you start to realize how poorly you've done without realizing it. I now try to keep my caloric intake around 1800-2000 calories, and the weight has literally just fallen off without increasing exercise at all.

04-15-2010, 11:58 AM
I have... about 7 years ago I weighed almost 270... 268 to be exact... and at 5'7" that is not good... looked like either Barney Rubble or Drew Carey...

I now weigh 198... still would like to drop another 18 pounds but I feel great

04-15-2010, 12:05 PM
Carbs are not the enemy, timing, frequeny and quanity are. A couple of rules can make it all work out. It really comes down to changing habits and incremental progress. This is what I have done (and probably need to do again)

Since it takes 3 weeks to build a habit do 1 or 2 of these things at a time and build on them as soon as you do them as a habit and not have to think about it, meaning do 1 thing for 3 weeks before you add the next.

Walk 20 minutes a day- Start at 20 minutes work up to 40 minutes by adding 10% per week. This is called progressive adaptation and when you get to 40 it will not be percieved as any more difficult that the 20 minutes you bgean with. Once your at 40minutes, measure the distance and then try to cover 10% more distance each week until you are at a pace that is giving you a good sweat each day. This model allows for you to progess over time without a perceived level of additional difficulty.

Hydrate- Using the same progressive adaptation model, start with 1/2 gallon of water per day. Add 10% at the end of each week. When you get to a gallon per day it will be suh a habit that you would have to try and not drink a gallon a day.

Try walking and water for the first three weeks to build these habits without changing your diet. When you are hydrated and walking every day move to the next step.

Frequency- Eat exactly what you are eating now except cut each meal in two and eat the secong half of the meal 1 1/2 hours after the first. This will give you the same calories at the end of the day but will reduce the chance that you will store any as fat. Do this for 3 weeks. You will have lost fat if you do nothing more. You can take it further.

Food combining- Their is no bad food just bad combinations of food. Protien+Fat is Ok Protien+Carbs are OK, Carbs+Fat are bad becuase many carbs cause your body to produce insulin and insulin shuttles the fat in your blood stream to your cells without conversion. Reduce the so called high clycemic carbs by eliminatiing refined flours or anything white. Eat whole grain carbs in the abscence of fat. ie. Bread and Butter=Bad. You will be a new man if you make this your lifestyle. But you can goi further.

Keep track- Use a website like fitday.com to track your calorie intake. It will tell you how many calories you consume and what they are made up from. I like a 45-35-20 ratio with low glicymic carbs (whole grains, seet potato etc) accounting for 45% of my calories. and the reminder from Protien and Fat accordingly. You don't need to add fat to your diet if you like red meat as the percentages will take care of themselves. I am not a big veggie fan but eat Brocoli every day to kepp things moving along. 13 caqlories per pound of desired weight you will lose weight, 15 alories per pound and you will gain weight. If you want to gain muscle you must feed it and should use 15 and lift regularly.

Lastly, take a good multi-vitamin as modern foods have lost much of the vitameins and minerals that they were designed to contain.

I know this was long but you asked!

04-15-2010, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by gatordaze

I know this was long but you asked!

anyone watch "The Office"???

i know what Michael would be saying after this quote........ :D

04-15-2010, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
I'm old and overweight---no other gentle way to say it. I'm trying to count carbs and adjust my diet, plus trying to start a walking regimen.

Several of my friends are diabetic. I am not--yet, and I don't want to go there, but the diabetic folks are the best at manipulating their blood sugar theu diet and medication because it is a life or death thing with some of them.

I have studied about the effects of low bood sugar (hypoglycemic) or high blood sugar (hyperglycemic) and the effects of foods on blood sugar levels in the glycemic food index. From what I can tell, the simple carbs are the worst for you as they spike blood sugar levels fastest, and turn into fat quicker. The complex carb foods appear to be the most desirable to select in your diet as they don't spike blood sugar levels as quickly and do not as readily turn into fat.

This is a DIY program for now. Hope I have some great success, and I, of course, will consult my doctor periodically to make sure I am not getting into trouble as I go.

Any of you had any success counting carbs?

I'm not sure I'm old yet, only 65! I am 5'8' and a very slender build. When I was 30 I weighed around 140 lbs and was fit. A year ago I weighed 203.6 lbs at the Dr.'s office. I went back for my six month prescription renewal last week and my weight with clothes was 160.2 lbs. At 203 my blood pressure was in the low 160's over 85 and cholesterol was 202 while taking lipitor. I was also borderline diabetic.

I came up with my own diet also. The only meal that I am strict about is lunch because my wife takes care of me for the evening meal. I eat things that have no more than 3 grams of fat and no more than 300 calories. I don't pay much attention to anything else. I also walk about 20 minutes at least 4-5 times per week, at a good pace.

This may not work for all people, but my blood pressure is now around 125 over 70, my cholesterol is 140, I am no longer borderline diabetic and I feel much better. I have done this for over a year and don't plan to change.

I wish you luck. Almost any diet and exercise program will work only as long as you stick to it.

04-15-2010, 12:57 PM
The more muscle you possess the less you have to watch out for carbs.

04-15-2010, 02:52 PM
I started at 277lbs about 7 weeks ago and I weighted 250lbs this morning. I use a Iphone app called MyNetDiary and entered all my personal information like height (6'), weight (277lb) and age(48) and goal (220lbs by Sept. cruise) and the program does the rest. I enter what I eat at every meal and it counts the calories automatically. It advised that I needed to lose 1.5 lbs a week and in order to do that with my activity level I had to stay under 2900 calories per day and exercise on my elliptical just 30 mins. I targeted 2000 calories per day and 45 mins on the elliptical and I have lost almost 4lbs per week or 27 total. (elliptical about 4 days a week). I don't go hungry or workout very hard or this would never work for me. I want lifestyle change and not just wieght loss that can be regained again in the future. So far so good! Good luck to you.

04-15-2010, 03:05 PM
i thought this said counting crabs...:eek:

04-15-2010, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by TheDOCTORdre
i thought this said counting crabs...:eek:

You would.:D

04-15-2010, 08:25 PM
crabs are tasty.
But not Dre's type of crabs.:(

04-16-2010, 06:19 AM
Carb Counting is a good start but beware...low carb diets can be dangerous down the line. As a diabetic, I count but a minimum carb meal is about 40 grams (got to have them...it is the fuel of the body). The very best book I have found is "The Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter". It not only lists calories, fat & carbs for the everyday stuff, it covers specific fast food, chain rest. & ethnic food. You may be able to pick it up from a book store or order online from http://www.calorieking.com/store/ for $8.50. It was given to me by my Diabetic Coach a long time ago.

04-16-2010, 08:59 AM
Good inputs so far---thanks to all. Education is the key to success in anything.

04-16-2010, 09:03 AM
40 years old...and eat to live not the other way around...Sweets Table Salt are not in my vocabulary.......push mow my acre and stay active with my childrens athletic events. 5'10" 185lb and loving life. High of 205lb after crushing my lower leg, low of 145lb Sr. year high school.

Wishing everyone good luck with their ventures. Keep up the good work.
