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View Full Version : PI -vs- Los Fresnos could be dangerous to both

Big Tarp 74
07-31-2002, 05:41 PM
I am consern about this game. The reasons are based on the fact, that both teams seem to be dedicating their season to Coach V. I hope, and pray that both teams understand that they are in different classes, tearing each other up, is not what Coach V would have wanted. If they go at it like I have been hearing in both Los Fresnos and Port Isabel, they will most likley have a difficult time in district. This is to be a good game, but with this game having these kinds of emotions, it could get out of hand quickly. In the comments, I have heard around town, "were going to do what ever it takes regardles to win", this game is only a pre-season game. Make a good game out of it, but do not bring all the emotions of Coach V into this. This is something he would be against. He loved both teams, not to see them tear each other a part for him. Many fans on both sides are very worried about this. As Fans to the players, play the game, but do not let emotions of Coach V, drive this game. He would love to see both teams advance into the playoff. If you dont think this thru, it will be very sad, as well as very costly.

07-31-2002, 05:43 PM
I agree. Now that I think about it, Port Isabel and Los Fresnos shouldn't be playing each other anymore. Even though the rivalry has been going on for almost 60 years, it should stop....just like the P.I. - Mission Sharyland rivalry was stopped.

Big Tarp 74
07-31-2002, 05:46 PM
I have been hearing friends worried about these two teams taking this game to far. But this time, with Coach V, memory being caught in the middle of this one. No knows what is going to happen. An from all that I am hearing, its enough to make you hair standup!

Originally posted by TarponFanInNorthTexas:
I agree. Now that I think about it, Port Isabel and Los Fresnos shouldn't be playing each other anymore. Even though the rivalry has been going on for almost 60 years, it should stop....just like the P.I. - Mission Sharyland rivalry was stopped.

[This message has been edited by Big Tarp 74 (edited July 31, 2002).]

07-31-2002, 09:10 PM
Well, it's going to end up happening anyway. We'll just see what happens. Maybe Coach Monty won't schedule Los Fresnos next season.....maybe Sinton will play us in their place???

08-01-2002, 03:07 PM
I think that both teams will use Coach V's death to fuel a more emotional game, I don't however think it will add to the pre/post game shennanigans. Those will happen anyway...If we have players acting discourteous during the game towards other players, it will be handled accordingly. Coach V would have wanted this game, he would have encouraged an emotional, explosive game...he wouldnt have wanted it to get out of hand.

08-01-2002, 03:09 PM
does anyone know of a 4A site similar to this one? this site is extremely effective in informing fans about 3A football, i havent been able to find a 4A counterpart...

Old Green
08-01-2002, 03:35 PM
Wunderkindepiphany. Closest thing I have able to find with a lot of 4A talk Texas Prep Xtra football forum-central forum for Texas Football Fans. http://texasprepxtra.rivals.com/forum.asp

Big Tarp 74
08-02-2002, 11:52 AM
TarponFanInNorthTexas, I hope he starts picking good teams to play, but watches the enrollment size. Playing to large of schools does not make you a better ball club. This in fact can get you good player hurt, because they are having to go both ways. Also for you info. This player from Alice, is bigger that 6'-0 and 180. According to my son, he is about 6-4 or 6-5, and about 240. At first he thought he was going to be a linemen. This guy is a running back/linebacker with 4.7 speed. He is not fat, but kinda of huskey. I heard that the Los Fresnos coach was worried about his size. We should know the fact Monday morning at 7:00 am. Will keep you informed. The other info, was I meet some players from Pleasanton. They tell me that florisville, lost everbody. Also that they have seen this back from Alice. He is big a very very hard to stop. He is a hard noise runner, and he will punishe anyone that trying to stop him. These boys also stated the PI needs to be careful that they dont get their small quarterback in his path. He does not stop for anyone.

08-02-2002, 01:21 PM
Big Tarp,

I checked with the coaches in P.I. AGAIN..... and they told me the transfer from Alice has been there since last school year and IS in fact about 6'0" and MAYBE 180...NOT 6'4" or 6'5" and is by no means over 200 lbs. I have no clue where you get that info. They also said that they never heard of any other transfers (i.e. the San Benito kid you keep raving about)

Your info/sources look pretty pitiful. P.I. is going to be good but I doubt verrrrrry seriously if they get any transfers that will help alot. They will be o.k. with what they have. They have a good staff and they do well with what they have. Cheer em' on but don't make stuff up.

As far as playing bigger size schools...it WILL IN FACT make you a better team. Yes, it could be harmful if some of your better players get hurt...but just because you are a bigger school doesn't make it any more or less dangerous as far as injuries. They could happen against the lowliest of 2A or 3A's. The better the competition you play, the better your team will be. Don't mistake the school size with player size and ability. Los Fresnos is good but they aren't any bigger, faster, or more talented than alot of the 3A schools P.I. would face in the playoffs.

08-02-2002, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by RunNGun:
Big Tarp,

I checked with the coaches in P.I. AGAIN..... and they told me the transfer from Alice has been there since last school year and IS in fact about 6'0" and MAYBE 180...NOT 6'4" or 6'5" and is by no means over 200 lbs. I have no clue where you get that info. They also said that they never heard of any other transfers (i.e. the San Benito kid you keep raving about)

Your info/sources look pretty pitiful. P.I. is going to be good but I doubt verrrrrry seriously if they get any transfers that will help alot. They will be o.k. with what they have. They have a good staff and they do well with what they have. Cheer em' on but don't make stuff up.

As far as playing bigger size schools...it WILL IN FACT make you a better team. Yes, it could be harmful if some of your better players get hurt...but just because you are a bigger school doesn't make it any more or less dangerous as far as injuries. They could happen against the lowliest of 2A or 3A's. The better the competition you play, the better your team will be. Don't mistake the school size with player size and ability. Los Fresnos is good but they aren't any bigger, faster, or more talented than alot of the 3A schools P.I. would face in the playoffs.

I think I know who BigTarp is now.......i'll ask about these "transfers" in person when I see you at the bazaar.

Big Tarp 74
08-02-2002, 03:39 PM
I know for sure that Carlos Trejo is transfering. That is a fact. We thought he was from San Benito, our mistake, but he is out of Los Fresnos. As for the Alice player, the kids from our own team, are the ones, stating his size. I have not see him myself. As for how good PI is, will not be decided until the season is over. I do beleive, that they can even be considered a serious contender, as you have stated they are not. I am in full agreement with that statement. It will take about 7 years with hard work to rebuild a program that has suffered the way this program has suffered, because of poor coaching. It take time to build a good program. With the current coaches, they need time. The loss of coach v, the replacement of the offense coordinator, and defense coordinator, will cause this team to struggle, this goes without question. The other problems are making kids fit into a new offense setup. They will be very luck if they finish in third place. This may sound harsh, but this year holds may issues. One of which is how the kids will take to the new defensive coach. Will it be good or bad. I have not stated they are better than Los Fresnos, or any other team. I also beleive Rio Hondo, La Feria, Raymondville, Lyford and Progresso, all have teams that could beat them. I am not trying to over state the boy size from Alice, if you know it, then state it. I had stated before he was 6-0 and 180, but students from PI, and player from PI team say he is bigger so for now even I do not know what to beleive. As for him being here last year, you right, however he came in after the season was over, making him a transfer as far as this year is conserned. As for this player, I have not see him, or know him, only but what our players are telling us. I do not know who you are, but I do know this team. As for you stating no other transfers have occured because the coaches have told you they do not know of any, well then, they do not start workout until monday, and even the coaches wont know until then, and I will be there. I will be the first to let you know after monday if they have any others new players or if it was missleading information, as for some of the sources, it must have check out, becasue the player from alice is there. As to weather he makes a difference, i doubt it. What PI needs they do not have, and I do not for see them getting a quarterback. With out a good quarterback, PI is in trouble. An I know for a fact that Joey, does not want to be a quarterback. He only wants to play as a running back. And I can wait to see how the coaches plan to make this work. The other quarterback is even smaller than Joey, what a laugh. What a problem!

As for playing bigger schools, that are 3 to 4 times you enrollments is very risky! If you have a good team, you expose them more to injure, due to players having to go both ways. I have know some very good coaches as well as a few college scouts, they have all said, why play teams with such an advantage, if you risk you own season. There is nothing wrong with playing good ball clubs outside you area, in the same class or even smaller 4A teams, but facing 4A schools very near the size of 5A schools, places your team, if much smaller in enrollment, at a huge risk. Your player will tire faster, causing them to make mistakes, that could get them injured. I gather you thing Los Fresnso is small or lacking size, but they are much bigger than PI, have 2 to 3 times the players, with better talent. PI as much as I care for them, is in a mismatch, and it time to find someone else to play. This game does not benfeit either PI or Los Fresnos, and it does not make these two teams better. And I think you will be hard pressed to have people take you side on that one. Even from a coaches point of view.

Originally posted by RunNGun:
Big Tarp,

I checked with the coaches in P.I. AGAIN..... and they told me the transfer from Alice has been there since last school year and IS in fact about 6'0" and MAYBE 180...NOT 6'4" or 6'5" and is by no means over 200 lbs. I have no clue where you get that info. They also said that they never heard of any other transfers (i.e. the San Benito kid you keep raving about)

Your info/sources look pretty pitiful. P.I. is going to be good but I doubt verrrrrry seriously if they get any transfers that will help alot. They will be o.k. with what they have. They have a good staff and they do well with what they have. Cheer em' on but don't make stuff up.

As far as playing bigger size schools...it WILL IN FACT make you a better team. Yes, it could be harmful if some of your better players get hurt...but just because you are a bigger school doesn't make it any more or less dangerous as far as injuries. They could happen against the lowliest of 2A or 3A's. The better the competition you play, the better your team will be. Don't mistake the school size with player size and ability. Los Fresnos is good but they aren't any bigger, faster, or more talented than alot of the 3A schools P.I. would face in the playoffs.

[This message has been edited by Big Tarp 74 (edited August 02, 2002).]

Big Tarp 74
08-02-2002, 04:05 PM
I am placing a call into the Port Isabel High School. I am going to talk direct with the head coach. I am going to get his name, his grade, his size, his height. I will place this call on 8-2-2002 at 4:00pm.

08-02-2002, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Big Tarp 74:
I am placing a call into the Port Isabel High School. I am going to talk direct with the head coach. I am going to get his name, his grade, his size, his height. I will place this call on 8-2-2002 at 4:00pm.

It is 5:10pm now, what's the word?

Big Tarp 74
08-02-2002, 05:27 PM
Called reached Mrs Cantu, could not get a hold of the head coach. She did say however, the kid in question is in school. He came in after the football season and is considered a transfer for this year. She said he tall, but did not know his height. She thinks he is near 200. As for carlos trejo, he has family in port isabel. He is tall but thin. She did not know his enrollment status as of yet. As for the players, they will be reporting on monday morning at 7:00am. I am going to talk to guaberto. He was the one telling me about the defense coordinator comming in, as well as the Alice ball player, one person says one thing about him, and another says some different. That why I have asked to speak to the head coach. I have also asked my son to call his friends, and find out where he lives, and go talk to him. As for carlos, duke has friends, and family that know carlos, and he is the one telling us about him.

Originally posted by TarponFanInNorthTexas:
It is 5:10pm now, what's the word?

08-02-2002, 08:25 PM
I don't understand what you're saying Big Tarp 74, about it taking the Tarpons 7 years or so to rebuild the program? It was their first year under Stumbaugh and they did fine. I would think it would be better than last year since they do have a year under their belts. I agree that maybe in the quarterback dept. it is in a little bit of trouble right NOW, but I am sure someone will step up and play QB and play well having a good offensive line should help him by giving him a little more time to throw the ball and to learn the position. Jacob was a QB starter as a Senior last year, and he did fine didn't do great but did fine - I just believe someone will step it up and play good enough to at least get the ball moving - we do have several good running backs from last year and a few more from JV that I saw play against Yoekum and a good line to be OK but to come in thrid place, I just don't buy it. As I doubt it if they can loose to La Feria they don't have much, they have a good reciever a Jr., a good LB/fullback but like PI they have no good prospects coming in for QB , remember I have the inside scoop with my son at this school. But will have to wait and see, but I for one think it will be better than last year.

[This message has been edited by footballgal (edited August 02, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by footballgal (edited August 02, 2002).]

08-02-2002, 08:48 PM
BigTarp and footballgal, were any of the kids or their parents involved in the bridge collapse? All we heard up here was that people were lost, but really didn't get any of the "personal" stories. And, BTW, there are ALWAYS one or two kids on every football team that want to be a qb. I have no doubt someone will step up.

08-02-2002, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by sinton66:
BigTarp and footballgal, were any of the kids or their parents involved in the bridge collapse? All we heard up here was that people were lost, but really didn't get any of the "personal" stories. And, BTW, there are ALWAYS one or two kids on every football team that want to be a qb. I have no doubt someone will step up.

I knew one of the people that died, and also know one of the survivors.

Big Tarp 74
08-05-2002, 10:11 AM
Footballgal, all I was trying to say, is that this team is young. The staff is new, the defense will be a question mark. I also have a son on the team. Joey is our nephew!. He does not realy want to play quarterback. He wants to be a running back, like he was last year. The teams is good, but I beleive, we will have our ups and downs. The team may have a hard time be consistent. The new defensive coordinator is from smithville. He runs a defense somewhat like coach v. What will be a question mark, is how he runs the defense. None of these kids have ever played under him. He knows nothing about our district. He will need to review game films. But most of all he will be in a learning mode this year. The same problem with the new offensive coordinator. The other issue, will be these kids give the new defensive coordinator a chance, or they going to place coach v, in his path. It will be hard at first for these kids, but I do think they have a good shot at wining all their games in district. If the kids just take each game, one at a time, and give this staff a chance to win over the kids, then we will have a good season. The other problem, I worrie about, is the fans. They need to remember, this is young ball club, and to give these coaches a chance to prove themselves. So games my not go the way they want. The fans will need to give these coaches a break, and let them try to build a program. Programs take time. A coach can have a good season, but then is the program is week, fall back the next season. I will just sit back, watch the season, then review the entire season, before passing an judgement. This is better than judging them after each game. I just hope we do not have parents of ball player, also trying to influnce the coaches. Just let them decide how thing need to be run. As for last year, I thing the coach had a tough start, be finished fine. Let hope they have a good season, and be there to back them all the way. As for the quarterback problems. I have know idea, how that will turn our. I am sure the coaches will place who they thinks needs to be there. When I took my son in this morning, he was looking foward to today. I do not think he sleep very well cause he was so excited. Cant wait to hear what they have to say!

Originally posted by footballgal:
I don't understand what you're saying Big Tarp 74, about it taking the Tarpons 7 years or so to rebuild the program? It was their first year under Stumbaugh and they did fine. I would think it would be better than last year since they do have a year under their belts. I agree that maybe in the quarterback dept. it is in a little bit of trouble right NOW, but I am sure someone will step up and play QB and play well having a good offensive line should help him by giving him a little more time to throw the ball and to learn the position. Jacob was a QB starter as a Senior last year, and he did fine didn't do great but did fine - I just believe someone will step it up and play good enough to at least get the ball moving - we do have several good running backs from last year and a few more from JV that I saw play against Yoekum and a good line to be OK but to come in thrid place, I just don't buy it. As I doubt it if they can loose to La Feria they don't have much, they have a good reciever a Jr., a good LB/fullback but like PI they have no good prospects coming in for QB , remember I have the inside scoop with my son at this school. But will have to wait and see, but I for one think it will be better than last year.

[This message has been edited by footballgal (edited August 02, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by footballgal (edited August 02, 2002).]

Big Tarp 74
08-05-2002, 11:17 AM
I did not hear of any. Most families were affected, because of work related issues. I know the Martinez boy was killed, but he was not part of the team. He may have had some family related to him, that was on the team. The biggest problem was work. Many families, struggled. Some even moved away. Do not know if any player were lost because of moves. As for the Qurarterback issue, they are going to have to make some adjustments, but as to who will be playing at quarterback, I do not know. To update everyone, the ball player from Alice, according to two senior ball players is around 6-0 180. Joey stated he has about 4.75 speed. I hope Joey will reconsider quarterbacking.

Originally posted by sinton66:
BigTarp and footballgal, were any of the kids or their parents involved in the bridge collapse? All we heard up here was that people were lost, but really didn't get any of the "personal" stories. And, BTW, there are ALWAYS one or two kids on every football team that want to be a qb. I have no doubt someone will step up.

Big Tarp 74
08-05-2002, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Big Tarp 74:
Footballgal, all I was trying to say, is that this team is young. The staff is new, the defense will be a question mark. I also have a son on the team. Joey is our nephew!. He does not realy want to play quarterback. He wants to be a running back, like he was last year. The teams is good, but I beleive, we will have our ups and downs. The team may have a hard time be consistent. The new defensive coordinator is from smithville. He runs a defense somewhat like coach v. What will be a question mark, is how he runs the defense. None of these kids have ever played under him. He knows nothing about our district. He will need to review game films. But most of all he will be in a learning mode this year. The same problem with the new offensive coordinator. The other issue, will be these kids give the new defensive coordinator a chance, or they going to place coach v, in his path. It will be hard at first for these kids, but I do think they have a good shot at wining all their games in district. If the kids just take each game, one at a time, and give this staff a chance to win over the kids, then we will have a good season. The other problem, I worrie about, is the fans. They need to remember, this is young ball club, and to give these coaches a chance to prove themselves. So games my not go the way they want. The fans will need to give these coaches a break, and let them try to build a program. Programs take time. A coach can have a good season, but then if the program is week, fall back the next season. I will just sit back, watch the season, then review the entire season, before passing any judgement. This is better than judging them after each game. I just hope we do not have parents of ball players, also trying to influnce the coaches. Just let them decide how thing need to be run. As for last year, I thing the coaches had a tough start, but finished fine. Lets hope they have a good season, and be there to back them all the way. As for the quarterback problems. I have no idea, how that will turn our. I am sure the coaches will place who they thinks needs to be there. When I took my son in this morning, he was looking foward to today. I do not think he sleep very well cause he was so excited. Cant wait to hear what they have to say!

Kool Tarpon 21
08-16-2002, 01:35 AM
I don't even know why Los Fresnos is dedicating their season for Coach V. The Tarpons are the only ones that should be able to dedicate the season to him. We are indeed going to try to beat Los Fresnos. I just can't believe they are dedicating their season to Coach V. when they weren't coached by him. Yeah he coached for Los Fresnos 2 years but that was a long time ago, None of those football players were coached by him. I was luckily coached by him two years and I was pretty close to him. He taught me everything I know about football, and I'm serious. When I moved to P.I., I didn't know a thing about football. He was the one that made me play. Now, I really like playing ball. I just don't agree that Los Fresnos are dedicating their season to him. They can if they want to. Our dedication is going to be superior to theirs anyways.

08-16-2002, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Kool Tarpon 21:
I don't even know why Los Fresnos is dedicating their season for Coach V. The Tarpons are the only ones that should be able to dedicate the season to him. We are indeed going to try to beat Los Fresnos. I just can't believe they are dedicating their season to Coach V. when they weren't coached by him. Yeah he coached for Los Fresnos 2 years but that was a long time ago, None of those football players were coached by him. I was luckily coached by him two years and I was pretty close to him. He taught me everything I know about football, and I'm serious. When I moved to P.I., I didn't know a thing about football. He was the one that made me play. Now, I really like playing ball. I just don't agree that Los Fresnos are dedicating their season to him. They can if they want to. Our dedication is going to be superior to theirs anyways.

By any chance are you the state's 400 champ,the one they call Missile?

[This message has been edited by footballgal (edited August 16, 2002).]

Kool Tarpon 21
08-18-2002, 11:01 AM
Yeah it's me, Missile. Why are you asking?

08-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Kool Tarpon 21:
Yeah it's me, Missile. Why are you asking?

No,reason I figure it was your you from your posts, so I guess I was right. Best wishes to you and the rest of the Tarpons this year we'll be there cheering, every game! You changed your number huh?

08-18-2002, 03:59 PM
Missle, I dont play football anymore. I stopped playing a while back, but I was coached by Coach V back in middle school as were the rest of the juniors and seniors on the LF Varsity Team. We went through the same defensive patterns, the same stations, we worked under him too... Coach V mattered to us all man, and while I cant speak for the LF team I would imagine that they would like to win a few in Coach V's name this year also. Coach V had influence everywhere in the Valley. Anyway, good luck this season man.

08-18-2002, 04:03 PM
PI/EE Scrimmage. Who won?

Kool Tarpon 21
08-18-2002, 06:31 PM
Yeah I did change my number. Also, you are right about him having an influence on other people all over the valley. I take back the things I said about us being the only ones to dedicate our season to him because everyone should be able to dedicate their season to him since he was a legend. And, the Port Isabel vs Edcouch Elsa game didn't go how we expected. I personally expected us to be better. I am glad that we messed up right now so we can fix our mistakes and be better the next time we play. I promise that the next time we play, it's going to be a different team out there.

08-19-2002, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Kool Tarpon 21:
And, the Port Isabel vs Edcouch Elsa game didn't go how we expected. I personally expected us to be better. I am glad that we messed up right now so we can fix our mistakes and be better the next time we play. I promise that the next time we play, it's going to be a different team out there.

Hey Missle, welcome to the site! How did the scrimmage against EE finally end up? Did y'all at least score? My buddy "stick" called me from the scrimmage and said that you looked like you didn't know what you were doing defensively, and that the defense looked NOTHING like Coach V's system.

Personally, i'm not surprised. There is only one person that knows Coach V's system and that's his son Gabe. I know that it will take some time to get used to it.

And also, you're absolutely right. Learn from your mistakes against EE, improve on those mistakes and do well against Mercedes (you ARE scrimmaging them next, right?)

I wasn't able to make it down for the bizarre bazaar, but i'll be there for the Port Isabel @ Los Fresnos game.

Big Tarp 74
08-19-2002, 11:43 AM
PI/EE Scrimmage. Who won?[/QUOTE]

EE- won the scrimmage 3 to 1. The tarpons played a good game. Gave EE a darn hard time. EE- had trouble running. They did most of there damage through the air. EE- worked hard at trying to get our young linebackers to over commit. They made this happen by using pass plays designed to go to their running backs. Their big fullback would go up the middle and the tailback would circle out of the backfield for a swing pass. Seem to catch us napping!

Kool Tarpon 21
08-20-2002, 12:18 AM
"Stick" said that I looked like I didn't know what I was doing? I made some mistakes, but I knew what I was doing. I am not that dumb. I was fortunately coached by Coach V. enough to know what to do. Yeah, I do need more coaching, but it's not like I don't know what I'm doing. I was trying pretty hard out there and I was making most of my tackles. I love playing defense. It is a little bit different from what Coach V. used to teach but is not that different. I think we are going to do alright. Edcouch Elsa did beat us, but everyone makes mistakes, and we are going to correct them. We are scrimmaging Mercedes next and I think we are gonna do just fine after we correct those mistakes.

Big Tarp 74
08-20-2002, 09:21 AM
Kool Tarpon 21, you did fine. Do not let him get to you. I was at the game, and saw both schools make mistakes. I think PI did fine. EE is a senior ball club, and you made them look bad. That is why at time EE temper started to come out. When a young ball club can cause a senior ball club to get out of sorts, you have to be doing something right. I have stated before that both our offense and defense will be different, but I have had people tell me that not so, but against EE the coaches proved me right. Our defense is different. Our offense look different too. I keep hearing EE player stating we look different from last year. Our sets are different. Two different coaches can coach the same defense, but there is always something different. Coach V, had his own style, and he was good at it. This coach has his own style. I noticed that we were using a strong side saftey and a week side saftey. This seem to cause EE problems. The defensive coach seem to be running a strong zone set. It seem that EE ran into trouble with this set. As big as they were, they had to start throwing to the back. They did this to cause problems for our young linebackers. At times this caught us cat napping. EE offensive coordinator, was trying to pull our linebackers in so he could throw over the middle to his big fullback, sometimes he was successful. Just keep on working on reducing the errors, and you all will be fine.