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Phil C
04-04-2010, 09:46 PM

:) :clap:

Phil C
04-05-2010, 08:42 AM
I like to watch the Tour de France.

Ranger Mom
04-05-2010, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Phil C
I like to watch the Tour de France.


After all these year and I never knew that about you!!:p ;)

Phil C
04-05-2010, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom

After all these year and I never knew that about you!!:p ;)

Besides the great race which is most exciting in itself you get to see the French Countryside and get exposed to interesting culture and history as well as beautiful scenery.

I like the morning version which is live with the British comentators. What I do is record it and watch that version at night. Most interesting indeed.

04-05-2010, 11:45 AM
haha... I didn't know they still did that after Lance Armstrong retired. I guess it's kind of like the PGA, if Tiger (or Lance) isn't playing it doesn't get much (if any) coverage.

04-05-2010, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by BHBrave08
haha... I didn't know they still did that after Lance Armstrong retired. I guess it's kind of like the PGA, if Tiger (or Lance) isn't playing it doesn't get much (if any) coverage.

havent you heard? Lance is back. all that matters is that stinkin cocky Contador doesn't win again. i cant stand that guy.

04-05-2010, 12:01 PM
hmmm... Well i didn't know that. I guess that shows my knowledge of the Tour.

LE Dad
04-05-2010, 12:39 PM
I like to watch highlights of the wrecks.:clap: :clap:


Green Bling
04-05-2010, 05:07 PM
I agree that it's an amazing event!!

AP Panther Fan
04-05-2010, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom

After all these year and I never knew that about you!!:p ;)

LOL...this thread name should come with some sort of warning.;)

04-05-2010, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Phil C

:) :clap:

the best thing I like about the tour D F is that football is about to get started shortly there after:D

Phil C
04-05-2010, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by zebrablue2
the best thing I like about the tour D F is that football is about to get started shortly there after:D

Indeed yes zebra. The Tour de France helps us get through that long month of July and then on to football. Most nice indeed!

LE Dad
04-05-2010, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by zebrablue2
the best thing I like about the tour D F is that football is about to get started shortly there after:D :clap: :clap:


04-05-2010, 08:57 PM
That thing is still around? Who is this Armstrong fellow?

04-05-2010, 09:02 PM
Phil when id Dawn at Socorro showing again on TV?

04-05-2010, 09:13 PM
Isn't that a National Lampoon's movie?

04-05-2010, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
Indeed yes zebra. The Tour de France helps us get through that long month of July and then on to football. Most nice indeed!

also reminds me to get on my bike and get the ole legs in sha, sha, shap, well , get the cobb webs out..

Phil C
05-08-2010, 08:41 PM
Then it will be Tour de France time!

Phil C
06-02-2010, 10:21 AM
It will be the 2010 Tour de France time. Get ready for excitement, cultural and beautiful scenery along with some history. The great thing about the TDF is that it helps us get through July on to August for football. This is a big help as high school baseball playoffs conclude and the NBA finals end.

06-02-2010, 10:24 AM
I can't wait!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQz-CZvkY8k)

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:D :D :D

06-02-2010, 11:07 AM
"Swiss cycling star Fabian Cancellara is known as a rider with a big engine, but did he use a real one?" asks Randy Starkman of the Toronto Star. Apparently so, he says, at least according to "former Italian cyclist turned commentator Davide Cassani, who showed a motorized bike like the one allegedly used by Cancellara," who won two stages of the Tour de France, back in 1991 and 1992.

Confused? Me too. So let's just watch this video on how someone might conceivably put a motor in a racing bike.

Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nd13ARuvVE&feature=player_embedded)

Phil C
06-03-2010, 04:49 PM
To present some great information and sparkle interest in this year's tour I have the honor to share the following. This year since it is an even numbered year the tour will go clockwise around France. There will be 20 stages which does not include the prologue on July 3 which is a 5 mile time trial in the Netherlands. Then the first stage goes to Belguim and then state 3 to France. After that I think all the stages will be in France this year.
The flat stages which are usually dominated by sprinters will be Stages 2 - 6, and 11, 13 & 18.
The medium mountain stages will be Stage 7, 8 & 10 but I don't expect any of the main contenders to make a big move here.
The hilly stage will be Stage 12 which I expect will be dominated by the sprinters even though the break aways may try hard on this one. .
The mountain stages which always determines the overall winner will be Stages 9, 14-17. I expect the deciding stages will be 16 and 17.
Stage 19 is the 51 mile individual time trail.
Stage 20 is the last stage and this one is just a formality as the overall winner has been determined and the riders ride into Paris. It is a flat stage and basically the sprinters have a chance at the end to win one last stage.

You never know but it will probably be very interesting between Alberto Contador and Lance Armstrong. Alberto is the latest and has youth on his side which is a big advantage but he is on a different team. Lance is probably still going strong and seems to have recovered from his recent crash plus he has a much better team than Alberto now. So it could get interesting and who knows who else will make a run. That is what makes the Tour so great. Vive Le Tour!

06-03-2010, 04:53 PM
Vive le Tour de Farce....:D

Phil C
06-26-2010, 06:18 PM
It will be starting soon and hopefully this thread will have its' own sticky for updates soon! Excitement indeed!

06-26-2010, 06:30 PM
Phil, do you think the allegations of doping that cameo ut earlier this year will put a bit of a damper on the Tour?

Phil C
06-26-2010, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by TheDOCTORdre
Phil, do you think the allegations of doping that cameo ut earlier this year will put a bit of a damper on the Tour?

Not at all! Great ready for another great Tour.

06-26-2010, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by TheDOCTORdre
Phil, do you think the allegations of doping that cameo ut earlier this year will put a bit of a damper on the Tour?

Cycling is so rampant with dope, that its not even useful to pay attention to the doping aspect. I just assume they are all on it.

Phil C
06-30-2010, 04:17 PM
Lance Armstrong has announced that this year will be his last Tour de France ride. It is not surprising because he is almost 40 years old and this time next year he will almost be 41. Let's have one last great ride Lance.

Phil C
07-02-2010, 03:06 PM
Exciting times indeed as the 2010 Tour de France starts tomorow. It will be a 5 mile individual time trial which is the shortest race this year. This is what is called a preliminary stage and Sunday starts the 20 stages. Exciting times indeed!

Don't forget to watch it on the VERSUS channel.

Phil C
07-02-2010, 06:32 PM
I guess the mods decided to merge the TDF posts which is good but the title is a little misleading. Hopefully they can change it to 2010 Tour de France updates.

07-03-2010, 08:31 PM
Cancellera wins prologue as expected. LA in 4th overall.

Phil C
07-03-2010, 10:15 PM
A good start for Lance indeed. Look for a great sprinters' race tomorrow!

Phil C
07-04-2010, 11:44 PM
Sorry I'm slow on updates. Monday's race on Stage 2 should be interesting as it will be on cobblestones. This is rare and could also be risky. Lance has had much success on this type of race and could do well. We will see. I highly recommend that this one be watched.

Phil C
07-05-2010, 10:11 AM
In a surprise Alessandre Petacchi won Stage 1. This was unusual race with several crashes with about 2 of them in the final 3 km. This either involved or affected the main contenders and he was able to hold on and win it. Since the crashes occurred in the last 3 km they all get the same time. Risky business indeed. I'm not sure who was involved but Lance seemed to have come out ok.
Now to Stage 2.

Phil C
07-05-2010, 10:46 AM
Stage 2 is over. This was another wierd stage with crashes and a surprise winner in France's Sylvain Chavavel who now has the yellow jersey. He broke away at the 17 km mark and held on to win it easily. I don't think Lance was involved in any crashes.
Chavanel will probably hold on to the yellow jersey for a while but he is not considered an overall contender.

Tomorrow is Stage 3 and that is the cobblestone race which is dangerous in itself but even more so if it rains and it is wet. Let's hope the dry weather continues. Lance is very experienced over this course but it is dangerous. I don't know why the TDF had this course unless they just want more crashes as Levi suggested. I prefer good racing not crashes which I know happens but it could be held to a minimum.

Don't miss Stage 3 tomorrow if you can help it and remember they are shown in prime time at night on VERSUS.

The race left The Netherlands today and is now in Belguim. Tomorrow they enter into France where it will stay for the remiander of the Tour. It will continue in a clockwise direction in France. Veve le Tour!

Phil C
07-06-2010, 03:50 PM
Stage 3 was a diaster for Lance in what was considered one of his strongest points and that is the cobblestone part. He crashed and the team seemded to fall about from reports I have heard. This is not encouraging. Some of the overall contenders really helped themselves. Cadell Evens is in 3rd place at 39 seconds behind the other two leaders who are not considered overall contenters. Andy Schleck is in 6th place at 1:09 seconds behind the leader which really has helped him and Alberto Contador the favorite is at 1:40 seconds behind the leaders at 9th place. Lance is in 18th place at 2:30 seconds behind the leader so he has lost serious time to the other contenders. Plus I don't know how serious his injury his but even if he can race he is in serious trouble but he has been before but he was much younger then. I am not encouraged at all and even though I may change my mind I need encouragement from what the experts say tomorrow and see if they feel Lance has a chance. If so I will stick it out a little more. For the first time I am thinking of abandoning the Tour. :(

07-06-2010, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
I will stick it out a little more. For the first time I am thinking of abandoning the Tour. :(

Say it ain't so, Phil C. :confused: :(

07-06-2010, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
Stage 3 was a diaster for Lance in what was considered one of his strongest points and that is the cobblestone part. He crashed and the team seemded to fall about from reports I have heard. This is not encouraging. Some of the overall contenders really helped themselves. Cadell Evens is in 3rd place at 39 seconds behind the other two leaders who are not considered overall contenters. Andy Schleck is in 6th place at 1:09 seconds behind the leader which really has helped him and Alberto Contador the favorite is at 1:40 seconds behind the leaders at 9th place. Lance is in 18th place at 2:30 seconds behind the leader so he has lost serious time to the other contenders. Plus I don't know how serious his injury his but even if he can race he is in serious trouble but he has been before but he was much younger then. I am not encouraged at all and even though I may change my mind I need encouragement from what the experts say tomorrow and see if they feel Lance has a chance. If so I will stick it out a little more. For the first time I am thinking of abandoning the Tour. :(

Lance will make up the time in the mountains.

07-06-2010, 06:22 PM
The truth is that Lance is old and his team is old. They just dont have the legs to compete with the young guns.
He knows it and he has been hinting at this the last couple of days. Saying stuff like he wishes he was home in Austin with his girlfriend and kids instead of having to ride the brutal tour.

07-07-2010, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by turbostud
The truth is that Lance is old and his team is old. They just dont have the legs to compete with the young guns.
He knows it and he has been hinting at this the last couple of days. Saying stuff like he wishes he was home in Austin with his girlfriend and kids instead of having to ride the brutal tour.

He had the legs to be 5 sec. ahead of Contador and had like a minute on Schleck (sp?) before he had a flat tire. What does having a flat tire have to do with being old? Lance didn't look old in the time trail or the first stages and his team was leading in the team catagory. When riding in the rain, dust and up mountains I pretty sure all the riders wish they were somewhere else. If he didn't want to there he wouldn't be. Obviously, he's not the same guy he once was but he's still better than 99% of the riders and that means he still has a chance if he gets a few breaks along the way (just like the "young guns" did yesterday when Lance had a flat). Still though it is going to be tuff to get back that time on Contador & Schleck in the mountains.

Phil C
07-08-2010, 02:42 PM
I am back! It took a while to get over the disappointment with Lance but it goes to show how fortunate he was to be able to win 7 tours and get on the podium last year. It will be strange if a flat costs him the tour and if he loses by less than the lead the other contenders have on him this tour may be remembered as The Flat. But with all the crashes and possible bad days and flats one realizes how one has to have luck to be able to win several tours like Lance has.
I don't think there are any overall changes among the contenders as they are waiting for the mountains to make their movies and basically right now it is the sprinters and breakaways who rule.


Phil C
07-11-2010, 10:54 PM
Bad news today as Lance had three crashes and is now about 11 minutes behind the main contenders which he has admitted is impossible to overcome. Still he plans to finish the race and try to win a stage. It is a shame but he was capable but all those good years of fortunate luck seems to have caught up with him this year.
Basically the top three contenders are Cadel Evans, Frank Schleck and Alberto Contador who looked like he was in a struggle but still did good. Contador will still be the favorite but as of right now anything can happen. And luck is important.

Tomorrow is rest day.

Phil C
07-12-2010, 08:30 AM
The experts seem to mostly agree on the top three now in Evans, Schleck and Contador. As mentioned Contador is probably the best rider but the other two have better teammates. Schleck and Contador are outstanding moutain riders and both are good in time trials. I think it will come down to those two and as I have written Contador is probably the better biker but Schleck still has a better supporting team even though his brother got injured and had to leave the tour. Evans is very good in the mountains but for him to win he would need a good lead to be able to win because the last stage is a long time trial and he is not good in those.

Interesting tour indeed and let's hope Lance can salvage some stage wins. Veve le Tour!

Phil C
07-14-2010, 08:21 AM
Today is Stage 10 and is a medium mountain stage. It will probably be a day for the breakaways. Look for a Frenchman to try to win it as it is a French holiday (Bastille Day). I don't think any of the contenders will make a serious effort today. We will see.

Phil C
07-14-2010, 08:13 PM
Some good news for Lance's team Radio Shack as they had a surprising member of their team win the stage today in a close race won by inches (maybe 1/4 of a wheel). As expectedct the main contenders stayed in the peloton and kept things status quo while the breakaways had their day. Sergio Paulinkho won the stage for the American sponsored team. We needed some good news for a change and Sergio got it for us. Well done Sergio.

Phil C
07-14-2010, 08:15 PM
The 2010 Tour de France is over half way finished and some of you aren't watching and showing interest! Time is short! :mad:

07-14-2010, 08:16 PM
Lance had his time and more than made his point. Time to sit back and smell the roses for a bit.

Phil C
07-14-2010, 08:17 PM
I pressed the wrong button. This was supposed to be in the TDF thread. My apologies. But start watching!

AP Panther Fan
07-15-2010, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Phil C
The 2010 Tour de France is over half way finished and some of you aren't watching and showing interest! Time is short! :mad:

LOL...who needs to watch it when we have you? Keep up the good work.

You might try doing this next time "Dawn at Socorro" airs .... we won't need to watch it either.

;) :D

Ranger Mom
07-15-2010, 09:02 AM
LOL!! Until I read this thread, I didn't even know the TDF was even going on!!

Sorry Phil!!

Phil C
07-15-2010, 02:23 PM
A tough stage today as the sprinters had their day and Mark Cavendish won it. No change in overall standings as expected. Some controversy at the end as Mark's teammate Mike Renshaw head butted Julian Dean who was leading the pack near the end of the race and it helped Mark win. I don't know if more action will follow but they did disqualify Renshaw from the rest of the tour as well they should. Actions like that could cause a crash and more injuries.

We been very fortunate in that there have been no drug scandals
but now we have this. :( :mad:

Phil C
07-15-2010, 10:26 PM
The thing is that even though the other rider was in the lead Crenshaw has such a great kick he probably would have won without his teammate giving a head butt. :( :mad:

07-15-2010, 11:44 PM
Just so you know Phil, when I miss a stage of the Tour, I look to this thread to find out what happened. Thanks for your updates. ;)

orange machine
07-15-2010, 11:48 PM
How in the world is watching a bunch of dudes in tights ride a bike really fast fun to watch?

07-15-2010, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by orange machine
How in the world is watching a bunch of dudes in tights ride a bike really fast fun to watch?

There is good commentary and a lot of countryside to look at. And plus it's a competition. It's more tactical than most people would even consider. Riders have to choose when to leave the peloton and the draft to try to gain time and at what point in the entire Tour they want to do it. It's a race of strategy.

orange machine
07-15-2010, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
There is good commentary and a lot of countryside to look at. And plus it's a competition. It's more tactical than most people would even consider. Riders have to choose when to leave the peloton and the draft to try to gain time and at what point in the entire Tour they want to do it. It's a race of strategy.
It's kinda like soccer boring!!

orange machine
07-16-2010, 12:00 AM
I guess it's better than watching golf now that is boring. The announcer is all whispering and the approach looks great.

Phil C
07-16-2010, 07:00 PM
A strange stage today indeed as the climbers took the stage in what was supposed to be a sprinters race. Juaquin Sanches won the stage followed by Contador. Just behind was the group with Frank Schleck.

Frank is still ahead by 31 seconds.

I still expect tomorrow to be a sprinters' race but we will see. Then we have Stages 14 to 17 being the high mountain stages and 18 should be another sprinters race followed by the long individual time trials on Stage 19.

Right now the two contenders are Alberto Contador and Frank Schleck. Contador is the better rider but Schleck still has the better team even without his brother who was injured and had to withdraw. Can Schleck hold off Contador? We will see. Both will probably make a move in the moutain stages. In my opinion to win Schleck has to have a big stage in the moutains and have a 1:50 second advantage over Contador in the time trial based on results in the past. Contador would like to get the lead but if he can be a minute or less behind Schleck in the time trial he will most likely be satisfied with the status quo. Be sure to watch Sunday when the brutal mountain stages start.

07-16-2010, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
A strange stage today indeed as the climbers took the stage in what was supposed to be a sprinters race. Juaquin Sanches won the stage followed by Contador. Just behind was the group with Frank Schleck.

Frank is still ahead by 31 seconds.

I still expect tomorrow to be a sprinters' race but we will see. Then we have Stages 14 to 17 being the high mountain stages and 18 should be another sprinters race followed by the long individual time trials on Stage 19.

Right now the two contenders are Alberto Contador and Frank Schleck. Contador is the better rider but Schleck still has the better team even without his brother who was injured and had to withdraw. Can Schleck hold off Contador? We will see. Both will probably make a move in the moutain stages. In my opinion to win Schleck has to have a big stage in the moutains and have a 1:50 second advantage over Contador in the time trial based on results in the past. Contador would like to get the lead but if he can be a minute or less behind Schleck in the time trial he will most likely be satisfied with the status quo. Be sure to watch Sunday when the brutal mountain stages start.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Phil C
07-17-2010, 12:21 PM
Alexandre Vinokourov wins Stage 13. The breakaway worked this time again. Sprinters only have maybe one or two shots left. This is one tour that the breakaways had their time.

The real overall race starts tomorrow as we enter the mountains for several days. Excitement indeed.

More great news. Alberto Contador gave an interview in English and he did a good job. Still some more learning to do but still very encourageing. Keep working on that too Alberto. Well Done!

Phil C
07-17-2010, 09:11 PM
The next four stages are the final high mountain stages which will probably no doubt determine the winner. Tomorrow is Stage 14 so be sure to watch it. Monday is Stage 15, Tuesday Stage 16, Wednesday is rest day and Thursday is Stage 17. Frank Schleck must make a move and gain more time on Contador if he wants to win. I don't know when he will make an effort but it will probably be sometime in these stages. Excitement indeed as we are apporaching the final week of the Tour.

Phil C
07-18-2010, 04:34 PM
It is actually Andy Schleck that is in the lead rather than his brother Frank who has unfortunately been injured and not in the Tour. This stage 14 today was won by the breakaway Christophre Riblon much to the delight of the French. Alberto Contador tried a breakaway to get seconds on Andy Schleck who would have none of it and kept up with him with the same time so there is no change in the overall leader.
American Levi Leipheimer probably lost to much time for podium contention but they still have a shot at the overall team win. We will see.

Be sure to watch tomorrow for another great mountain stage.

Phil C
07-19-2010, 08:18 AM
I enjoy watching the Tour de France on tv.

Phil C
07-19-2010, 11:35 AM
Thomas Voekler wins stage 15 today. No doubt the French are happy.

In the overall standings Alberto Contador took first place with Andy Schleck only 8 seconds behind. Bad luck for Andy as he lost 39 seconds to Alberto due to mechanical problems with his bike but there are still 2 tough mountain stages to go but Andy must make a move sometime.

A battle for third place is going on between Samuel Sanches who is 2 minutes behind and Denis Menshov who is 2min13seconds behind.

Get ready for more interest tomorrow and may the best rider win. Let's hope it isn't decided by a crash or mechanical or other outside factors.

Phil C
07-19-2010, 06:39 PM
Man tomorrow may be better than I thought. It is the next mountain stage and Schleck is very upset with Alberto. It seems that Alberto attacked when Schleck had his mechanical problem. Alberto claims he didn't know about the problem but others don't believe him including Schleck. Look for Schlect to go all out tomorrow on on the last moutain climb on Thursday. Tomorrow is a tough race. The experts think Schleck needs to be at least 1min30sec ahead of Alberto going into the time trial in order to win but you never know. Sometimes when the Tour is on the line riders ride the ride of their life in the time trial. We will see. But be sure to watch tomorrow. There may be fireworks indeed.

What Alberto did was legal but in cycling when an opponent has trouble such as a crash or mechanical trouble you stop and wait till he recovers then continue. Lance has done that severl times and opponents have done the same thing for him. Unfortunately the thing about Alberto is there was controversy about him going on the attack last year instead of being a team player and now this. One can give one benefit of the doubt but when something happens again one wonders. It does make for an interesting Tour. When Alberto was on the stage half of the people cheered and the other half booed. This may be a first for the Tour.

Phil C
07-20-2010, 10:22 AM
Today Lance is making a bid to win the stage! Exciting indeed and it would great to get one. It won't make any difference to the overall contenders but this would be a great last hurah for this great biker! I will update later.


Phil C
07-20-2010, 10:44 AM
Great effort by Lance but older age has its' toll. Still he was with the front group of riders and came in sixth place. France's Frerick Fredrigo won the stage and Alberto is still 8 seconds ahead of Andy Schleck.

Tomorrow is rest day and Thursday is the final mountain stage. Schleck must make his move then so this is the one stage it would probably be worth staying home from work to watch. It will probably decide the winner. If Alberto wins the Tour by less than 40 seconds there will be much bitterness because of what he did and he has apologized for what he did but he hasn't tried to give the seconds back. If he wins by two minutes or more then there won't be much controversy as to who is the best rider. If not then he may be the most unpopular winner the Tour has ever had. We will see. Try to watch it Thursday if you can.

Well done Lance! A great effort indeed.

Phil C
07-20-2010, 11:30 AM
Some of the experts thought Schleck would make his final move today while others thought he would wait until Thursday after a day of rest. It looks like the latter were right but if he is going to win the Tour he must make it on Thursday. Exciting times indeed.

07-20-2010, 12:06 PM
I hope Alberto has two flat tires and Schleck leaves his hind end in the dust.

Great effort by Lance.

Phil C
07-21-2010, 09:03 AM
Today is rest day before the final mountain stage and it is brutal. Andy Schleck must make his move or his chances will be lost and in fact they are slim now. The sporting thing for Alberto to do would be when he gets to the finish line wait 34 seconds to make up for that attack but I think I am the only in the world that has thought of that.

Phil C
07-22-2010, 09:29 AM
If you aren't watching now is the time to tune in even though it will be repeated tonight. They are now approaching the final mountain climb which should decide the tour winner. Andy Schleck is still 8 seconds behind Alberto Contador and needs to make his move now if he wants to win. Personally I think he has waited too late. We will see. Excitement indeed!

Phil C
07-22-2010, 08:12 PM
A fantastic race and finish by the top two contenders who came in side by side at the finish with Schlech edging out Contador. Fantastic. This most likely cinches it for Alberto who still maintains the 8 second edge but both riders have shown class and have made up and are friends again and congratulated each other for a fantastic race.
Tomorrow should be a sprinters' race but someone may breakaway to get a stage win. We will see.

Phil C
07-22-2010, 09:13 PM
Lance and his team may not get a jersey but it looks like they are going to win the overall team competition. No jerseys just favorable publicity. The top five finishers of each team are added up and the team with the best time wins. Well done Lance and RadioShack.

07-22-2010, 09:29 PM
The riders ran into a flock of sheep today on the high Pyrenees mountain Col du Tourmalet.


Phil C
07-23-2010, 02:39 PM
Today was the sprinters' day as expected and to no one's surprise it was won by Mark Cavendish.

Tomorrow will be the final decision day since it is a long time trial with Alberto Contador the favorite to win this stage.

By tradition Sunday is the day they all ride together into Paris where the sprinters' have the last race to glory to win a stage but who knows. Some traditions have been broken this year and maybe so this year. I don't think this one will be broken but you never know.

Phil C
07-23-2010, 03:10 PM
Another interesting note about tomorrow is that it will very likely be Alberto Contador's last chance to win a stage (assuming that he will hold off Schleck which is very likely). That is because the sprinters by tradition get the last chance when they ride to Paris.
He has not won a stage this year yet. In the past 96 Tours the yellow jersey winner has won at least one stage in the Tour de France every year except for six years. Remember the Yellow Jersey is awarded for the the best overall time so it is possible to win it without a stage win. The six winners who failed to win a stage in the year they won it are:

1. Firmen Lambot 1922
2. Roger Walkowiak 1956
3. Gastone Necini 1960
4. Lucin Aimar 1966
5. Greg LaMond 1990
6. Oscar Pereiro 1006

All of the above did win stages in other years except for Walkowiak.

Will Alberto Contador join the list tomorrow? We will see.

Phil C
07-24-2010, 09:56 AM
This stage today (19) will most likely decide the race. It looks like Alberto will hold Andy off but there will be continued controversy by the press if Alberto wins by less than 40 seconds. We will see.

Phil C
07-24-2010, 10:02 AM
They are now about finished. It looks like Alberto has more left but it will be close for Alberto to win by the 40 seconds. A shame if it is decided by the mechanical failure.

Phil C
07-24-2010, 10:04 AM
I think Alberto is really trying to make up those 40 seconds with 4km to go. We will see if he succeeds.

Phil C
07-24-2010, 10:22 AM
The race is over. Alberto wins by about 22 seconds but it isn't official yet on the time gap. Andy Schleck did a great ride today but the difference was the mechanical failure that Alberto took advantage of. In a way it is too bad it was won that way though. We will always wonder if Alberto had waited by tradition what would have happened. Tomorrow the ride to Paris together with the sprinters getting their final chance tomorrow and most likely Crenshaw will win another one but you never know for sure.

This has been a great race though even though it is too bad about the mechanical failure ultimately deciding it after over 2000 miles of racing.

Phil C
07-24-2010, 11:55 AM
The great thing about this tour is that there has been no major drug scandal this year so far. This is great. I'm hoping that it is because the bikers have remained clean since they know testing is getting better and they know they will probably get caught so they race clean. Of course maybe they are still cheating and are more able to get away with it but I hope that is not the case.

Phil C
07-24-2010, 11:56 AM
By the way Alberto Contador is now the seventh Tour de France winner to not win a single stage but I think he will gladly take it.

07-25-2010, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Phil C
The great thing about this tour is that there has been no major drug scandal this year so far. This is great. I'm hoping that it is because the bikers have remained clean since they know testing is getting better and they know they will probably get caught so they race clean. Of course maybe they are still cheating and are more able to get away with it but I hope that is not the case.

How about Alexandre Vinokorouv coming back after a two year layoff after his drug scandal and having an impressive race? He had a stage victory and last time I looked, which was several stages ago, he was in the top ten.

07-25-2010, 07:07 PM
I am so :( to see this great race come to an end... but now>> are you ready for some FOOTBALL????:2thumbsup

Phil C
07-25-2010, 09:57 PM
Even on the simple ride to Paris had some interest at the beginning. Lance's team almost got disqualified because they changed their regular jerseys to black jerseys with the NO. 28 to get publicity for their campaign against Cancer and the 28 stood for the 28 million people in the world who are fighting cancer. The race referees made them change back to the red colors and after that they agains stopped them to put on their numbers. There are stict rules about changing jerseys and they really should have got permission first. Still no problem as they finished the race and got to take the stage for the overall team winner. All Radio Shack riders finished the race and they were 9min15sec ahead of the second place team. A great ending for Lance getting ot make the podium for the last time for his last TDF race.

Phil C
07-25-2010, 10:23 PM
The other Jersey Winners were as follows:

The overall winner (Yellow Jersey) was Alberto Contador of Spain who fished 39 seconds ahead of Andy Schleck of Luxembourg. This was the fifth closest TDF race ever. Denis Menchov finished in third place 2min01sec behind. He just couldn't keep up with the other two in the mountains.

The green Jersey for the sprinters were won by Alessandro Petacchi of Italy. However it is noted that Mark Cavendish of Great Birtain had big success in winning five stages including the one today.

The polka dot jersey (Moutain Climber) was won by Anthony Charteau of France.

The white jersey (best young rider under 25) was won by Andy Schleck. He was under 25 on January 1st so he was eligible this year but next year he won't be. I imagine he wants yellow next year.

Phil C
07-25-2010, 10:35 PM
Thus the chapter ends on the Tour de France of 2010. It was exciting indeed with a very close race and great riding. Bad luck and age caught up with Lance but still he came close to winning a stage and his team won the overall team championship. We were fortunate that there were no doping scandals this year and of the 198 riders that started the race we ended up with171 finishing which is much better than average. Unfortunately injuries, crashes and flats along with untimely health issues happen but we were indeed fortunate this year and let's hope it continues.

Next year we should be treated to another big treat from the top two finishers this year if luck continues. Alberto will be back and his team did very well for him - much better than expected. Andy and his brother Frank will be back and should be right with him. Andy will be 26 next year and should be even better while Alberto will be 28 but still in his prime and let's remember even though he was favored the experts did not think he was at 100% form this year.

So we should be in for a threat next year. But till then we now have football, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, etc. to look forward to.

The Tour de France is over this year and it has been exciting indeed and has helped us get through July and soon it will be August and football starts soon. See you next year. Until then -
Vive le Tour!

Phil C
09-29-2010, 10:14 PM
:( :confused: :mad:


09-29-2010, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
:( :confused: :mad:


Phil, Cycling is the dirtiest sport on earth. Even LA is supspect. I've come to the conlusion that ALL cyclists are dirty, but if they are all dirty than they are competing on the same level.

Phil C
09-30-2010, 07:30 AM
There may be some good news. Mr. Contador has said the he got the drugs by eating some bad meat.

LE Dad
09-30-2010, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Phil C
There may be some good news. Mr. Contador has said the he got the drugs by eating some bad meat. Bad meat!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Phil C
09-30-2010, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
Bad meat!:eek: :eek: :eek:


09-30-2010, 09:09 PM
How much livestock does Lance have on his place in Austin?

Who wants to give to AC's defense fund?

Where was LeMond? In the kitchen?

Meat??? Really??????

And why were they putting filet mignon into burritos anyway???