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View Full Version : Don't forget the Acadamy Awards are tomorrow (Sunday) night.

PhiI C
03-06-2010, 07:59 PM
Below is one person's opinion on who will win. Whoever wins best director will probably get the oscar for best picture. That is the way it usually is. There are ten nominations for best picture but you can eliminate the five that don't have an oscar nomination for best director.
Unfortunately Avatar will not win the oscar because the Academy doesn't like to reward those type of movies no matter how deserving.


PhiI C
03-08-2010, 12:18 AM
No real surprises. I knew Avatar wouldn't win and I had it figured out the way it was going early that The Hurt Locker would win it. As expected Sandra Bullock won best actress and Jeff Bridges won best actor. When they announced that the director for The Hurt Locker won I figured it would get best picture which it did.

They were smart this year to award the best director right before the best picture because 70% of the time that winner indicates who will win the best picture award. They used to give best director award before the best actor and actress but they were smart to wait even though I saw a pattern before.

Phil C
03-08-2010, 10:10 AM
Boy they blew it last night in the tributes. No excuse for leaving anyone off. It would have only taken a few more seconds to have added these two and it would have made all the differences in the world. They said the song had a limited time but that man could have played a few more musical notes in the song so that is not an excuse and if time was a factor there are other unnessary parts that could have been eliminated and shortened such as the dancing and the way they introduced actresses and actors and best pictures. Those didn't stop them from going overtime anyway. The Academy needs to look at TCM and see how they pay tribute to lost stars in December.
This is a discredit to the Academy and the Oscars.


Phil C
03-08-2010, 10:12 AM
Speaking of wasting time they have all those awards that most people don't care about. They should at the start of the show have the winners of Best Supporting Actress and Actors, Best Actress and Actor, Best Director, and Best Picture. They could have that in the first hour. Of course most like me would switch to something else right afterward and not watch the rest of it if they did.