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View Full Version : Possible change in NFL overtime?

03-02-2010, 06:15 PM
"Under the change being considered for postseason games, a field goal on a team’s first possession wouldn’t equate to victory.

If the team that got the ball first scored a field goal, the other team could kick a tying field goal on its next possession, and the game would then revert to the current sudden-death scoring rules. If the team that got the ball first didn’t score at all, immediate sudden-death would also ensue. Any touchdown in overtime, even on the first possession, would end the game."

Yahoo! article ... (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AjEmw6pnHuZpQfYRAsSVPLc5nYcB?slug=ms-trippintuesday030210&prov=yhoo&type=lgns)

03-02-2010, 06:24 PM
Here's my suggestion for overtime, I would like to see what people think of my idea.

If the team with the ball first scores any points on their opening possesion, then when their opponents get a chance to get the ball back to tie(wn the game with a TD if the team with the ball first scored only a FG) but they would have to do it in time restraints that wold be decided by the number of plays and/or time of possesion that it took for the team with the ball first to score. For example if team A scores a TD in 7 plays and it took them 4 minutes 39 seconds to score then when team B recieved the ensuing kickoff, they would in turn have either 7 plays or 4:39 to score, which ever one expired first. If team B ties it up then sudden death OT rules would ensue on the following kickoff and the first team to score would win. If both teams were to fail to score on their opening possesion, then it would also revert to sudden death OT. And needless to say if Team A failed to score and Team B did score on their ensuing possesion, Team Bwould be victorious.

Any thoughts, suggestions?

03-02-2010, 08:41 PM
I love the way it is done in HS and College. I would give each team the ball at mid-field instead of the 25. Let the best team win it from there, but give each a chance..