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View Full Version : Marlin screwed in all state selections

12-18-2003, 10:02 AM
Once again the Marlin Bulldogs got screwd on the all-state selections. I guess the Marlin coaching staff has done a hell of a job making it to to the finals without even one 1st or 2nd team all state player. If Red Richardson isn't one of the best players in 3A I am a very poor judge of talent. John Sadler one of the best linebackers in the state. I guess maybe if you have several good players and one doesn't just stick out then they get screwed. Anyway, good luck Sat. Bulldogs. Dogs take state

12-18-2003, 10:43 AM

12-18-2003, 10:51 AM
Please take a look at those All-State Selections once again:

On 1st team, please find 1 (JUST 1) Gainesville player.

Then, find 4 Burnet players.

Didn't Gainesville beat up on Burnet in the State Championship game?????

Don't worry about Marlin and All-State....the only thing that truly matters is:


12-18-2003, 11:30 AM
Didn't Gainesville beat up on Burnet in the State Championship game?????What does that have to do with anything?

12-18-2003, 12:05 PM

Didn't Gainesville beat up on Burnet in the State Championship game?????What does that have to do with anything?THe point is that the state champions only have one first teamer and the second place team has 4.... there is something wrong there

12-18-2003, 12:14 PM
All of y'all need to remember that the voting for AP all-state is bogus. It's done BEFORE the post season and only considers regular season stats. Just wait, your players will get their pub when the more legitimate TSWA (sportswriters) all-state team comes out soon.
I agree with you it sucks. Just remember it's ALL political. For example, the best LB in 3A, Trey Bennett for Newton (LSU committment), got honorable mention. That's b/c Newton doesn't get a lot of pub in the season. Any Marlin, Gainseville, etc. player will get pumped up soon. You might have to hunt for the results, but they'll get their just due.

12-18-2003, 12:15 PM
Okay, so Burnet had 4 players on the all state team. Who was better this year at QB than McGee? Better at WR than Shipley? Both of those can be supported by stats. OL with Rollman is in my opinion a popularity contest, and LB Ty Kuhn has pretty good stats. If Marlin has a better player in those 4 positions and can support your opinion with some stats then okay. Same for Gainesville.
This is just an opinion on the selections. Anytime you have selections it is a subjective popularity contest.

12-18-2003, 12:15 PM
There is a big difference that Gainsville only had one all-state selection. Thats bc they only have a few athelets, sure they beat Burnet. If you ask me, Burnet has more talent than just about any team 1a through 5a. The four people that were named all state for Burnet had the stats and deserve what they got Stephen McGee through 33 tds without a int. Jordan Shipley broke every recieving record there is and still had 1400 yrds recieving Eddie Rollmann Grades in the upper 90s and didnt allow a sack all year, while Ty Kuhn had 222 tackles in one year and the first team D didnt even get to play the whole game 90% of the games. SO stop trying to say those boys didnt desure what they got. They had the better stats and that is why they were picked. There was also many other Boys that could have also been apart of the first team all-state. Such as Ben Rountree, Cody Warner, Joe Saldivar, and Chris Levins.

12-18-2003, 12:19 PM
just because a team makes it to a state championship that doesnt mean they have all state players. you can have a team full of very good players and win a championship...that doesnt mean they are all-state caliber players

12-18-2003, 12:20 PM
Apparently Trey Bennett from Newton is not the best LB in 3a bc his stats could not match any of the linebackers that were picked 1st team. Sure he commited to LSU but that means nothing he may go but until he makes something of himself there he is still just scout team to them.

12-18-2003, 12:23 PM
Give Burnet 22 All-State 1st team selections as far as I care and give me.....


Who got THE RING?????

12-18-2003, 01:42 PM
Who cares? It just goes to show that some teams are actually 'teams'... not individuals...

For a team to get this far without any all-staters is an awesome thing...

I'd take a team full of kids who want to win and play together well and can win a championship over a team who just has all-staters...

Get with the program...

After practice does your team break-out to 'All-State' or 'Win State'?

If it's the first, they're in the wrong business...

<small>[ December 18, 2003, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: Gobbla2001 ]</small>

12-18-2003, 01:54 PM
stats dont mean everything. you could blitz a LB every play and get him a lot of tackles and build up his stats but that doesnt mean he is the best player. If a DB doesnt have a lot of int but his recievers are always covered and dont catch passes isnt that a great player, even if he doesnt have all of the stats. you dont have to have stats to be a good player

12-18-2003, 01:55 PM
stats dont mean everything. you could blitz a LB every play and get him a lot of tackles and build up his stats but that doesnt mean he is the best player. If a DB doesnt have a lot of int but his recievers are always covered and dont catch passes isnt that a great player, even if he doesnt have all of the stats. you dont have to have stats to be a good player

12-18-2003, 02:21 PM


Didn't Gainesville beat up on Burnet in the State Championship game?????What does that have to do with anything?THe point is that the state champions only have one first teamer and the second place team has 4.... there is something wrong thereNo there is nothing wrong there. The voting is done during regular season, not post season. Who cares if Gainesville beat Burnet and won State, the voting was done way before that game even took place! Therefore Gainesville winning State has no relevance to the way the voting came out whatsoever. Burnet has 4 very talented and awesome players that were picked that had awesome stats and deserve to be recognized for 1st team All State. The Burnet guys had the better stats, and that's why they were picked over others.

12-18-2003, 03:45 PM


Didn't Gainesville beat up on Burnet in the State Championship game?????What does that have to do with anything?THe point is that the state champions only have one first teamer and the second place team has 4.... there is something wrong therenothing wrong - its based on regular season for one thing ........

12-18-2003, 04:36 PM
I just love it when someone says So and So is the best whatever in the state, when they went to 10 or 12 games this year and saw the same team play in every game, and they think that by watching one kid play they can determine that the other 206 starters at the same position in the state could not possibly produce just three kids that are better. When one of you guys or gals wants to sit and watch the game films from all 1030+ games that were played in the regular season this year in 3A and then tell me who is the best, maybe I will value your opinion. Until then, don't try to impress me with your stats on the one kid you watched play a few games this year. Stats do not the best player make.

12-18-2003, 04:56 PM
I just love it when someone says So and So is the best whatever in the state, when they went to 10 or 12 games this year and saw the same team play in every game, and they think that by watching one kid play they can determine that the other 206 starters at the same position in the state could not possibly produce just three kids that are better. When one of you guys or gals wants to sit and watch the game films from all 1030+ games that were played in the regular season this year in 3A and then tell me who is the best, maybe I will value your opinion. Until then, don't try to impress me with your stats on the one kid you watched play a few games this year. Stats do not the best player make.Whoa I'm sensing a little hostility here! eek! Hold your horses cowboy! No one said that stats alone make the best player. I didn't see anyone trying to "impress" anyone else with their stats on a particular player(s) so I don't understand why you seem so upset. The last time I checked, people were allowed to give their opinion on this board about different subjects. This subject is no different than any of the others posted on here on a daily basis. So saying that you will not value anyone's opinion...well we could all say the same to you on another subject that comes up later down the road. Can't we all just get along? LOL :D

12-18-2003, 05:02 PM
I don't see how my post was pointed at you, and I also don't see how my post seems "hostile". I was just making observations about the comments made by the person who started this thread. He claims to think that a certain player is one of the best in 3A or he is a poor judge of talent, but I doubt that he has seen more than a few of the other 413 starting linebackers in 3A play a single down. Maybe you should read my entire post and then read it again, before you put words in my mouth.

12-18-2003, 05:13 PM
Uhh, isn't that what PPHS is doing when he responded to your post? :)

The last time I checked, people were allowed to give their opinion on this board about different subjects.

12-18-2003, 05:17 PM
I don't see how my post was pointed at you, and I also don't see how my post seems "hostile". I was just making observations about the comments made by the person who started this thread. He claims to think that a certain player is one of the best in 3A or he is a poor judge of talent, but I doubt that he has seen more than a few of the other 413 starting linebackers in 3A play a single down. Maybe you should read my entire post and then read it again, before you put words in my mouth.Ok lets get this straightened out now because I feel that there is a little confusion going on here.....#1 I never said that I thought that your post was pointed at me in any way, I just simply responded to it, I was speaking in general, #2 your post did come across as being upset, whether you meant it that way or not, I know that reading words on a computer screen you can't always tell someones' attitude or meaning behind the words, but I was simply saying that's the way you came across, #3 saying that you will not value someone's opinion just because they feel a particular way about a player/team...that's a little harsh...that could be where your post seemed hostile to me, I apologize if I took it the wrong way, again it's words on a computer screen and you can't always tell the attitude of the person writing them, #4 I did not put any words in your mouth so why don't you read my entire post again as well and you will see that I meant nothing negative in what I was saying. I was simply meaning that what goes around comes around. So again.....Can't we all just get along? :D LOL

12-18-2003, 07:50 PM
Who cares? It just goes to show that some teams are actually 'teams'... not individuals...

For a team to get this far without any all-staters is an awesome thing...

I'd take a team full of kids who want to win and play together well and can win a championship over a team who just has all-staters...

Get with the program...

After practice does your team break-out to 'All-State' or 'Win State'?

If it's the first, they're in the wrong business...I can agree to this. But, I can't help but feel that this was Directed towards Burnet? Am I wrong? I am not trying to start anything nor am I pointing fingers. But, if it was, then I just wanted to point out on of the many other Burnet Bashers.

12-18-2003, 11:03 PM
If you ask me, Burnet has more talent than just about any team 1a through 5a. Boy was I ever impressed with Northshore. Unbelievable amount of talent on the field.

oak flat
12-19-2003, 11:14 AM
AP all-state selection teams are and have always been a joke. Teams around big towns/cities and small towns that have home town newspapers benefit from the voting. Example, Orangefield is supported by the Orange Leader and the Beaumont Enterprise, so Farias makes the 1st team. Sure he is a very good reciever but not one of the two best in the state. With all the talent Marlin, Newton, Gainesville, Jasper have they dont get represented at all. There's no way Trey Bennett from Newton, The big O-lineman from Jasper, or all those skill kids from Marlin shouldn't have been represented on the 1st or second team.

12-19-2003, 02:55 PM
I say

Huffmann- altair rice cons.
Buck Burnette- 6'3 330 from the awesome town of wimberley

12-19-2003, 02:56 PM
I say

Huffmann- altair rice cons.
Buck Burnette- 6'3 330 from the awesome town of wimberleyoops i posted on the wrong thread