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View Full Version : Edna Suprise??

09-11-2002, 03:31 PM
I bet a lot of people were suprised when they read thier saturday morning paper that Edna had beaten Yoakum. (And pretty bad) I think that them cowboys will suprise a lot of teams on the football field with thier good size and great speed. Edna was a better team last year than given credit with a win over Luling in district, close loses to Yoakum, Cureo, Gonzales. Edna switched offences mid season last year and the last game against Gonzales racked up 300+ yards rushing and almost came from behind to win. With an off season to work on it they are clicking. Edna's new head coach is hungry to win and build back up the program. Plus Edna's soph senstion is sitting out the season due to disipline problems. Watch out Texas here comes the Cowboys.

09-11-2002, 03:47 PM
Yup, Edna played a great game that night. Hopefully, they can keep healthy and will do well in their district. Yoakum was so flat, I left in the third quarter. That QB, Brown, I think, was an awesome player. I guess this has to be the year for Edna? In my program, I read ya'll have some 22 or so Seniors? Boy, 2002 will wipe ya'll out? Good luck Edna and o'cowboy. Go Dawgs!

09-11-2002, 03:51 PM
Man back off a bit, 1 or 2 games does not a team make. Sure ya'll are doing okay but take a pill. I'd be willing to bet that yall still wont make the playoffs. Will find a way to go south as Edna usually does. But maybe the addition of all those transfers from Bay City and Industrial. Maybe there is some recruiting going on there. They will get beat by a 2A school in a couple of weeks and probably by an up and coming Cuero team who has their card year in and year out.

09-11-2002, 04:00 PM
Edna has a tough non district schedule no doubt and will be the better for it. And district is looking tough. If we were in our old district we would win hands down.
Originally posted by maroonpunt:
Man back off a bit, 1 or 2 games does not a team make. Sure ya'll are doing okay but take a pill. I'd be willing to bet that yall still wont make the playoffs. Will find a way to go south as Edna usually does. But maybe the addition of all those transfers from Bay City and Industrial. Maybe there is some recruiting going on there. They will get beat by a 2A school in a couple of weeks and probably by an up and coming Cuero team who has their card year in and year out.

09-12-2002, 09:01 AM
Hey, didn't mean to come over so strong, but when you haven't been to the playoff's in 10 years, and you see so light at the end of the tunnel it time to get excited..........

09-12-2002, 09:31 AM
Good for Edna. It is good for football when a team that has not been high in the polls breaks through. I hope Edna has a fantastic season and goes deep in Region IV. Of course if La Grange should ever meet them (and that's a big IF) I'd have to go with the Leps. Don't get caught looking too far ahead the season is young. Good luck Edna Cowboys!!