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View Full Version : My Final Farewell to Football

11-30-2009, 02:51 PM
Walking away from something that has been such a huge part of my life for the past ten years of my life isn't something that has been easy to do. It's not something that I want to do, either. Last season, I injured my lower back and sat out the entire year, unable to play. I came back in January after the season was over and began training harder than I ever had. I went through Spring camp, Winter and Summer conditioning, and Two a Days only to re-injure my lower back one week before the season began...little did I know that it was going to be the end of my career. After resting for a few weeks, I returned to practice, only to hardly be able to get out of bed the next morning. An MRI revealed that I have a spinal disorder and it has been the reason for my back pain for the past two seasons. There is nothing that can be done to repair it, as surgery is the last viable option. The first is to simply stop playing football. So after our bowl game, I'm turning in my pads for the last time and clearing out my locker. It's really sad. It was tough to lose to Texas on my last game at Kyle Field. It's been a pretty hard semester on me and has changed me a lot, as this isn't something that I've wanted to do. I've came back to practice, I'm toughing through it, and I'm squeezing every last second I can out of this game because I know after this I'm finished. There have been mornings where I'll wake up and not want to move, but my love for this game has kept me going. It's amazing what football can motivate you to do. I'll be leaving Texas A&M with never playing a down of football in a game, and that's not something I ever envisioned doing, but I have to play with the cards that I've been dealt and accept it. I'm telling everyone this not because I want you to feel bad for me or pity me, if that were the case I would have came out and told you all a long time ago what happened. I'm telling you this because I love this game, and this community has been very supportive of me throughout my career, and for that I'm appreciative. I didn't want to just end my career and everyone wonder why I'm walking away when I still have two seasons left to play...I'm thankful for every opportunity that I have received, the friends that I have made, and what I learned about myself in the process. Everything happens for a reason and I'm a firm believer in that. So thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout, I can't tell you how much it has meant to me. And please don't feel sorry for me, I've had the opportunity of a lifetime...it's been great.



11-30-2009, 03:03 PM
Don't give up so soon. There is a world of opportunity for young folks who are interested in officiating.

11-30-2009, 03:06 PM
To even be accepted as a walk-on for a D1 program is an accomplishment in itself. Congrats on that. Enjoy the ride from here on out - there's something to be said for watching a game in the stands, too!

11-30-2009, 03:06 PM
Gig 'em Aggie!

11-30-2009, 03:13 PM
proud of ya man! You did something millions of people wish they could do!!

11-30-2009, 03:19 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap:

11-30-2009, 03:34 PM
Never say never. The game never leaves you. And you still have other opportunities to contribute because of the thiings you did and the things you have learned. Be proud of what you did and to coin the old JEDI phrase, "pass on what you have learned".

11-30-2009, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Walking away from something that has been such a huge part of my life for the past ten years of my life isn't something that has been easy to do. It's not something that I want to do, either. Last season, I injured my lower back and sat out the entire year, unable to play. I came back in January after the season was over and began training harder than I ever had. I went through Spring camp, Winter and Summer conditioning, and Two a Days only to re-injure my lower back one week before the season began...little did I know that it was going to be the end of my career. After resting for a few weeks, I returned to practice, only to hardly be able to get out of bed the next morning. An MRI revealed that I have a spinal disorder and it has been the reason for my back pain for the past two seasons. There is nothing that can be done to repair it, as surgery is the last viable option. The first is to simply stop playing football. So after our bowl game, I'm turning in my pads for the last time and clearing out my locker. It's really sad. It was tough to lose to Texas on my last game at Kyle Field. It's been a pretty hard semester on me and has changed me a lot, as this isn't something that I've wanted to do. I've came back to practice, I'm toughing through it, and I'm squeezing every last second I can out of this game because I know after this I'm finished. There have been mornings where I'll wake up and not want to move, but my love for this game has kept me going. It's amazing what football can motivate you to do. I'll be leaving Texas A&M with never playing a down of football in a game, and that's not something I ever envisioned doing, but I have to play with the cards that I've been dealt and accept it. I'm telling everyone this not because I want you to feel bad for me or pity me, if that were the case I would have came out and told you all a long time ago what happened. I'm telling you this because I love this game, and this community has been very supportive of me throughout my career, and for that I'm appreciative. I didn't want to just end my career and everyone wonder why I'm walking away when I still have two seasons left to play...I'm thankful for every opportunity that I have received, the friends that I have made, and what I learned about myself in the process. Everything happens for a reason and I'm a firm believer in that. So thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout, I can't tell you how much it has meant to me. And please don't feel sorry for me, I've had the opportunity of a lifetime...it's been great.



Great mature, serious, farewell to football post, Gary.

I think you have to look at this time in your life as only one chapter in a big book that will bear the title "The Life of Gary Randall", and the football chapter, while being one of the most enjoyable for you so far, is certainly not the last chapter.

You are a hard-working and talented young man who has walked on ground for a couple of years that many high school players never get to touch, and I know you are grateful for that time.

The abrupt end to anything which someone has loved and worked hard to achieve is a supreme test of character. I can tell from your post that you have met that test and handled it well, Gary.

I believe that the Good Lord gives us all talents and tools to use, but I do also believe that He gave some more than others, not because He loves some more, but of those He blessed, He also expects more---that is why I think when we waste these extraordinary talents and do not use them to the full that our lives cannot be happy until we do use these gifts to the full, and for the best purposes. I think you are one of those who has recieved some of these gifts, namely great athleticism, and more than this, from some of your posts, great intelligence and conviction. Your on-field athletic contributions may be at an end, but your other opportunities to achieve and contribute have just begun and, IMO, are largely untapped.

I pray that you continue to fare well in any endeavor of your choosing, realizing your full potential, and living every day you are given to the full.

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."

-----Mother Teresa

11-30-2009, 03:54 PM
I have another one like that.....

"Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, and today is a gift.
That is why they call it the present."

Mugwai the old turtle from Kung ** Panda.

11-30-2009, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic

I believe that the Good Lord gives us all talents and tools to use, but I do also believe that He gave some more than others, not because He loves some more, but of those He blessed, He also expects more---that is why I think when we waste these extraordinary talents and do not use them to the full that our lives cannot be happy until we do use these gifts to the full, and for the best purposes.

I think God gives some people more of one thing because he didn't give them a lot of something else. With that mug, I don't know what God gave you Gary. :p j/k

It's just the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another one. Those chapters rarely end on your terms. Maybe you're destined to be an ACLU lawyer so we can cuss you on Downlow - but we'll also be proud of you.

11-30-2009, 05:22 PM

You can still be a part of the game in a number of ways either by coaching or officiating. I'd encourage you to look into one of these avenues.

11-30-2009, 05:36 PM
Tough one man, you are staying in school though right?

11-30-2009, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328

You can still be a part of the game in a number of ways either by coaching or officiating. I'd encourage you to look into one of these avenues. +1 Coach Gary Randall has a nice ring to it.

At any rate, good luck in life wherever the road takes you. You will no doubt do well.

11-30-2009, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Walking away from something that has been such a huge part of my life for the past ten years of my life isn't something that has been easy to do. It's not something that I want to do, either. Last season, I injured my lower back and sat out the entire year, unable to play. I came back in January after the season was over and began training harder than I ever had. I went through Spring camp, Winter and Summer conditioning, and Two a Days only to re-injure my lower back one week before the season began...little did I know that it was going to be the end of my career. After resting for a few weeks, I returned to practice, only to hardly be able to get out of bed the next morning. An MRI revealed that I have a spinal disorder and it has been the reason for my back pain for the past two seasons. There is nothing that can be done to repair it, as surgery is the last viable option. The first is to simply stop playing football. So after our bowl game, I'm turning in my pads for the last time and clearing out my locker. It's really sad. It was tough to lose to Texas on my last game at Kyle Field. It's been a pretty hard semester on me and has changed me a lot, as this isn't something that I've wanted to do. I've came back to practice, I'm toughing through it, and I'm squeezing every last second I can out of this game because I know after this I'm finished. There have been mornings where I'll wake up and not want to move, but my love for this game has kept me going. It's amazing what football can motivate you to do. I'll be leaving Texas A&M with never playing a down of football in a game, and that's not something I ever envisioned doing, but I have to play with the cards that I've been dealt and accept it. I'm telling everyone this not because I want you to feel bad for me or pity me, if that were the case I would have came out and told you all a long time ago what happened. I'm telling you this because I love this game, and this community has been very supportive of me throughout my career, and for that I'm appreciative. I didn't want to just end my career and everyone wonder why I'm walking away when I still have two seasons left to play...I'm thankful for every opportunity that I have received, the friends that I have made, and what I learned about myself in the process. Everything happens for a reason and I'm a firm believer in that. So thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout, I can't tell you how much it has meant to me. And please don't feel sorry for me, I've had the opportunity of a lifetime...it's been great.



Im proud of you brother and love you.

Ranger Mom
11-30-2009, 06:33 PM
I'm proud of you Gary!! I was telling my husband about you and he too was very impressed.....even if you are a democrat!!!:D :D

I believe you will have a great future, no matter what avenue it takes you down...you just have that kind of grit and determination and I glad to have known you.

11-30-2009, 06:47 PM
You have intrigued me with the thoughful posts and insightful ponderings you express. Many times, we are on different sides of issues, but you always make your side sound believable and well thought out. You have a skill that most of today's young people are lacking in, you can address a subject with both the presence of your personal convictions and the rare gift of seeing that others may have a different outlook and still not be wrong.

I know that this decision to leave the Aggie football program is one of the hardest things you have ever had to face and I applaud your candor and respect for the opportunities you have been given. Remember, these opportunities were the result of a great work ethic before, dedication to your goals, and God given abilities that gave you the tools to be in that position. These same traits are what WILL make you successful in life.

I have had the honor, and I mean honor, of meeting you personally at a Navasota game earlier this year and know from that short encounter that you will be successful in whatever you choose to do. I would love to see you take up officiating or coaching. I think the very things you said in your post are the very messages that our youth today need to hear. And, as a human being, you would be a great example to all students, athletes or not.

May God bless you in this time of transistion and I hope that we get to meet again and visit.

11-30-2009, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by TexMike
Don't give up so soon. There is a world of opportunity for young folks who are interested in officiating. Until the UIL ruins that.

11-30-2009, 07:20 PM
Congratulations on the success you've had throughout your football career. Its sad that its being cut short, but keep your head up. Many people would love the opportunity to play college football in the Big 12, and you were one of the few that got to experience that dream. Congratulations on a great football career.

11-30-2009, 07:31 PM
i thought i loved football as a player.....

just wait until you have a little gary playing.....

you'll wonder how it could be any better.....

life has great things, and hurts, ahead.....if you're blessed as i'm sure your folks are, you'll enjoy the ride.....

11-30-2009, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by rockdale80
Im proud of you brother and love you. +1 :D

11-30-2009, 09:23 PM
I know you are sad today but look forward to what life has ahead for you. When I look back at the worst times ( I thought) in my life I see that things always turned out good in the end. They will for you too. Good luck and like you said "things happen for a reason". We just don't know yet what they are. God has a plan and it is perfect.;)

11-30-2009, 09:26 PM

I wish you the best of the best that life has to offer. Take care.:inlove:

LH Panther Mom
11-30-2009, 09:41 PM
Gary - you had a goal to make the team, and while you might not have seen game time, I know your love for the game never diminished. The pride you have shown in your team and teammates has been unwavering. I'm proud for all you've accomplished so far. :)

11-30-2009, 11:04 PM
Gary I have watched you play from your sophomore year on and you always brought your best to the game. Very few players, at any level can honestly say that.

As you know this has been a tough year here at home as well but you can do so much more than play football and do it at a even higher level.

I'll leave you with a quote of what Jordan Shipley told my son after his injury. "You want to be remembered as much more than a football player. There are lots of those but what you do with your life is where you leave your legacy."

Good luck Gary and football never leaves some of us, we just change positions in the game.

thanks for the memories,


Old Dog
11-30-2009, 11:53 PM
Thanks for sharing man. I would have been wondering from now on otherwise.

12-01-2009, 12:07 AM
I believe that things just happen. Not for good. Not for bad. Just happen. It is how you react that makes it good or bad and you are in control of your reactions.

Life is a journey. I am confident that you will find other ways to enjoy football and share your love of the game with younger players.

Gary, good luck in whatever you do. :clap:

12-01-2009, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Walking away from something that has been such a huge part of my life for the past ten years of my life isn't something that has been easy to do. It's not something that I want to do, either. Last season, I injured my lower back and sat out the entire year, unable to play. I came back in January after the season was over and began training harder than I ever had. I went through Spring camp, Winter and Summer conditioning, and Two a Days only to re-injure my lower back one week before the season began...little did I know that it was going to be the end of my career. After resting for a few weeks, I returned to practice, only to hardly be able to get out of bed the next morning. An MRI revealed that I have a spinal disorder and it has been the reason for my back pain for the past two seasons. There is nothing that can be done to repair it, as surgery is the last viable option. The first is to simply stop playing football. So after our bowl game, I'm turning in my pads for the last time and clearing out my locker. It's really sad. It was tough to lose to Texas on my last game at Kyle Field. It's been a pretty hard semester on me and has changed me a lot, as this isn't something that I've wanted to do. I've came back to practice, I'm toughing through it, and I'm squeezing every last second I can out of this game because I know after this I'm finished. There have been mornings where I'll wake up and not want to move, but my love for this game has kept me going. It's amazing what football can motivate you to do. I'll be leaving Texas A&M with never playing a down of football in a game, and that's not something I ever envisioned doing, but I have to play with the cards that I've been dealt and accept it. I'm telling everyone this not because I want you to feel bad for me or pity me, if that were the case I would have came out and told you all a long time ago what happened. I'm telling you this because I love this game, and this community has been very supportive of me throughout my career, and for that I'm appreciative. I didn't want to just end my career and everyone wonder why I'm walking away when I still have two seasons left to play...I'm thankful for every opportunity that I have received, the friends that I have made, and what I learned about myself in the process. Everything happens for a reason and I'm a firm believer in that. So thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout, I can't tell you how much it has meant to me. And please don't feel sorry for me, I've had the opportunity of a lifetime...it's been great.



Good post.
Just remember to save your best times for your future family. Don't ever think your best years are past you. Cuz they aren't.;)

Tx Challenge
12-01-2009, 02:01 AM
Gary, Good luck Bro. Hate things ended the way they did. U know, I enjoy your opinions. No matter if I agree or not, keep posting. You piss ppl off and make them THINK... Good for you!

12-01-2009, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
Good post.
Just remember to save your best times for your future family. Don't ever think your best years are past you. Cuz they aren't.;) :clap: Well said!...and I agree 100%.

12-01-2009, 01:57 PM
Hey Gary you know your dad's mustache is ridiculous right?

I saw you get called out for Senior day last week I didn't even know it was your last year.

12-01-2009, 06:27 PM
Thanks to everyone. Your kind words really do mean a lot. I will always appreciate them and will never forget how supportive and kind you all have been.

Nick, it's been his trademark ever since I've been alive. And I still have two years left, but I'm having to retire. Best of luck in your career. I'm really proud of you for sticking it out and following your dream and wish you nothing but success.

PhiI C
12-02-2009, 02:12 PM
Gary I am sorry you have to give up football but one door closes and another opens. I know you will enjoy your life as a fan. I know we are on opposite sides but you are an opponent that I really respect and have really enjoyed your posts and know you will continue. My late brother in law went to UT and was doing well but a couple of knee injuries ended his college career but he gave it a shot just like you did and we are very proud of you. Best wishes to you for your future because you are a young man and have a lifetime ahead of you. Please keep the posts coming.
And for you I say "Gig 'em!"

12-02-2009, 02:31 PM
I am very proud of you and all that you have accomplished!! You have a bright future ahead of you and I know that you will be a success in whatever you strive to do.
God Bless!!

12-02-2009, 06:55 PM
I'm proud of you Gary!